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2009 class


Happy New Year to all of you!The days are getting longer its time to grow some chiles!Thanks to all who have contributed to our 2009 garden!This is just a start,I'll be sowing 3 more flats this weekend.
Bottom row left to right.7 Molhos,Trini Perfume,Tiger Teeth,Yellow Congo,Aribibi Gusano,Xai Xai,Sri Lancan,Bhut Jolokia,Choc Hab Large,Yellow Thai,Peach Lantern,Cheiro Pecsego Peach,Hab Surinam,Black Malaqualara,Black Scorpion Tongue,Scorp Morouga,Cili Goronong Yellow,Jamaica Red,Scotch Bonnet Costa Rican,Biquinho,Devils Tongue,Holy Mole,Red Paper Lantern,Hab a Punta Giallo,Yellow Mushroom,Grenada Seas,Piri Piri,St.Lucia Seas,Chapeau du Frade,Fidalgo,Brown Congo,7 Pod,Piment Vegetarien,Szentesi Czereszyne Paprika,Tobago Seas,Barbados,Paprika,Trini Perfume,Perfume,Manzano Red,Beni Highlands,Paprika,Fatalii,Rocoto Yellow,Red Dominica

Whats up in Palm Harbor this week.Flats seeded Jan.3.7 Pod Jonah,Choc.Hab.,Elephant,Large Red Thai,Yellow Thai#2,Caribbean Red Hab.,Jamaican Hot Chocolate,Big Sun S.B.,Guahillo,Vietnamese,Scotch Bonn.,Goats Weed,Lemon Drop,Bonda Ma Jacques,Faria,Kenya,Fish,Serrano Tampequeno,Hatch,Sport,Monkey Face Yellow,Peruvian Purple,Gold Bullet,Aji Dulce,Purira
Sweet man, you're going to be busy just watering all those. Keep us posted with progress, it'll be fun to see all those different varieties.
Pam said:
A corgi? Who's your supervisor there?

Beauregard is jelous of chile peppers and wants to go chase some squirrels!

Txclosetgrower said:
Keep us posted with progress, it'll be fun to see all those different varieties.

No prob Tex I'll be watching your also.I'm currently swapping out soil on all my 2'nd generation plants with a coir/soil mix and will be using this for this years crop also thanks to your info shareing.

About time I did an update on some Florida peppers!These are the best of the bunch.From left to right from the rear.Xai Xai (Mozambique),Scentesi Csereszyne Paprika,(same),Black Namaqualand,Chapeau de Frade,Trinidad Perfume,Red Dominica,Sri Lancan,Fatalii,Piri Piri,Devils Tongue

To much sun in photo,they are really perfectly green,I'll try again later
Hey PRF,Hope things are good with you!Here is my year 2 Faria.Yes it was overwintered outside and is starting to pick up some steam.I just transfered soil over the weekend.It has a lot of buds already and the new soil should send it to the moon!
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
have they been in the sun most of their life being in Florida?

Yes,no lites here...yet,looking at your plants can make one think twice about that strategy!We have several fronts come thru this winter with multiple frost nites.They were inside at these times.Most of my Jalapenos were outside under shelter and did fine and now have many pods on.
Wow Tony, very impressive list and pictures. You have way more energy than me, I like to golf occasionally. :lol:
boutros said:
Plants and weather look killer. Where did you obtain Bonda Ma Jacques? As a seed or plant in the area?

Bonda Ma Jacques was a victim of damping off unfortunately,also Monkey Face and Douglah and Douglah Yellow.I lost 3 flats durring a severe cold front.