2009 pepper season on the cheap

AlabamaJack said:
bet it was an armadillo

Oh yeah, we got them. But those holes are big enough for a dog to crawl into! I guess whatever it was didn't find what it wanted. Smelled like egg, but no egg.
My last year planting in my garden (2007 - also the year I switched to containers for good) I threw some bonemeal in when I replanted seedlings. Squirrels got the bonemeal - killed the plants.
Carol...I got it...I bet it was one of these... ;) :lol:
AlabamaJack said:
Carol...I got it...I bet it was one of these... ;) :lol:

Oh crap. Should I tell the cat to attack that, or does it eat kitties??

re: possums
Zorro does defend against them, but I don't want him to get bit. We had a possum climb up on the outdoor table and try to make off with the Presto fryer full of canola oil one night. Had to smack him with a broom.
OMG Carol, I loved the possum story..reminds me when I was on the acreage, heard chicken squawking, here something had it from under the steps...I'm poking at it with a broom....duh!!!! Out comes a skunk....boy was I lucky he gave up and left.

Sorry not pepper related but the moment struck me.
I can just see you girls with brooms out there chasing the creatures...reminded me of a scene in beverly hillbillys where grannie was after Ellies critters with a broom....roflmao...sorry but I had to...
soil update:

Only been a couple of days since they went in the ground and already the bell looks considerably darker. Hopefully not TOO much N in there. I'll wait a week and take some "after" pictures for a progress report.

Here's what the Superchile test subject looks like now. I transplanted him into goat/leaf/soil mix similar to what the gardenbed should be like. It's been in there a couple of weeks.



In other news, I spent a few bucks on a new tote for the small seedlings. Now I can move them around easier and water them from top and bottom at the same time. I put a small hole with a screw for a drainplug in the plastic so I can give them a good soaking then drain the excess back into the watering can.


Made a foiled box cover to fit over the tote like a hood.


Installed my AC LED and a CFL in there with zip ties. Plugs into an inverter that comes straight off the batteries.


Inside the box is about 3" of clearance to the top of the tote. Total height is 10.5" and it fits on a shelf over the bed.


AlabamaJack said:
have you grown the super chili before?...if not, be prepared for lots and lots of pods...

check this thread out Carol...

No, this is the first time growing most of the varieties I chose for this year. The Superchile, deArbol and cayenne are planted in the quest for the perfect crushed red pepper for pizza etc.

I saw that project page! It seemed like too much work and I couldn't talk BF into doing it for me. :lol: I was starting to do something like that with my cardboard boxes, and it was good to move them indoors and outdoors, but it was inconvienient to water them that way. Now I can do everything I need 35 plants at a time. I have a second one that I'll build as soon as these next seeds germinate.
Carol, hats off to ya! I've been following this thread for a few days & you've given me some great ideas!!! I will definitely be using the plastic cups & tote. You have a great mind!
Hey, I use that tote, too! Holds 35 cups very nicely.

I brought home a bunch of mouse cages from work this year that were going to be tossed. They hold 6 cups nicely, 7 if I crowd them, so I'll be using them, too.
what are the dimensions of that tote? i thought mine was that size but mine will only hold about 20. Maybe my cups are bigger too, i dunno.
Pam said:
35 nine ounce cups in mine

Same here. It's 23x16.25x6".

The only problem will be when they get big enough that the leaves overlap each other a lot and get tangled. But that takes a looooong time. I already took the biggest 6 out and put in the 12v LED box, which has more clearance to the lights. Also, I filled in the empty spaces with dirt-filled cups (no seeds yet) so they don't jostle around when I move them.

As a side benefit, this box stays at 80F with the lights on. :cool:
Got a few germinations in the cotton pad trays and transferred to cups. I'll have more babies to take care of soon. :)

We've had two days of overcast and rain. Outdoor annuums are stretching and budding. Indoor plants only made it outside for maybe 4 hours Saturday, otherwise they've been in the (timely) new lighting arrangenments. Took them out into the sunshine this morning and they're doing fine.

Here's the largest of 4 Caribbean Reds at 30 days from seed (1/18). A little leggy on the bottom. I guess this qualifies as my only Superhot?

And a sixpack of lemon drops at 6 weeks from seed (1/2) except the blue cup, which was 12/17.

Man, i loove your ideas Carol!

Here's my Burkina Hab, T.S. and 7pot seeds soaking in chamomile tonight, and the "CinnaGrow" seedling starter full of dirt and getting warmed up on top of my grow lights. Right at about 85-90F up there, so all ready to go. :)

QuadShotz said:
Here's my Burkina Hab, T.S. and 7pot seeds soaking in chamomile tonight, and the "CinnaGrow" seedling starter full of dirt and getting warmed up on top of my grow lights. Right at about 85-90F up there, so all ready to go. :)

Mmmmm... cinnamon.
Just be careful not to dump them on the ground like I did. :rolleyes: