2009 Pods On Thread

Ah-ha! I found your secret PRF. You got your peppers a pool! Here my poor babies are with only a sprinkler to run through. That Fatalii sure is looking mighty tasty.

Funny pic boutros. I've never had a plant sacrifice it's entire growth to produce one pepper. It must really love you. Congrats!:P
patrick said:
Ah-ha! I found your secret PRF. You got your peppers a pool! Here my poor babies are with only a sprinkler to run through.

That is my resevoir that I mix all my nutrients in before I drip feed my plants.:P I've really thought about getting a sprinkler and running it for an hour in the morning before the sun comes up this summer. This is Tony's thread but I just wanted to add another pod on shot, hope he doesn't mind.:)
PRF,this is a pods on thread for the forum in general.Because on my location I just get a head start!Get everybody fired up for a great hot year.All pods on are welcome here!Due to some great pepper trading friends here and on other forums i'm just shareing the wealth with some pictures and some seeds down the road.
I have a small pond,but i'm thinking the fish wouldn't reaspond to the nutes to well.I have done this in the past,and it bit me in the *ss.We have root knot neematoads in our sandy coastal soil,and I think I spread them this way>I'm pretty sure this is a great technique for saving water and nutes in other regions tho!
Please,Post your pods here by all means!
Bigt,Just let me know when u want some!I'm hoping to have some of your Gold Bullets on this thread soon,Didn't have much luck with the Whites.I'm pretty sure they need to be started in natural sun here.Some plants prefer that.
scoville said:
Thanks AJ,I've noticed you are an avid onion grower.Can you get 10/15 sets?My father in law swears by them.He's in Corpus and drives to the farm every year and fills his trunk!
Anxiously awaiting Texas pods on pics!

just read this post Tony...I haven't tried to get the 10/15s. what I am growing this year are Texas Reds that I ordered from Burpee....but they came from south Texas...

I might as well join the pods on thread...hope you don't mind...

7 Pot (PRF - thanks Cappy)




Bih Jolokia (THSC - Thanks Hippy)


Congo Trinidad (2007 seeds, thanks Trini)


Golden Cayenne


Hungarian Death


Mariachi Hybrid (PF - thanks Paul)


Mesilla Cayenne


Naga Big Bang (Potawie - thanks Derek)


NuMex Sandia (with some aphid problems on new growth)


Purple Serrano (pf - thanks Jackie)


Ristra Cayenne


Super Cayenne II Hybrid (my favorite cayenne for heat, size, and production)


Super Chili


Wild Waco Tepin (was the only plants that survived the North Texas Winter - 19.5F low temp)


Yellow 7 Pot


Yellow Hungarian


obligatory pics of tomatos and tomatillos

tomatos (and me with my hot pepper T-Shirt)


tomatillos (over 3 feet tall already)

Josh said:
Great stuff AJ. Those mesillas have a neat shape. How big are those tomatillos expected to get?

thanks Josh...if you are talking about the fruit of the tomatillos, the regular ones will get about the same diameter as a silver dollar and the gigante ones will get about as big as a tennis ball...I think...if you are talking about the plants, I have no idea...this is the first year I have grown them but I really like green salsa....
Right on as usual AJ concerning the size. I grow a huge one called Latina Plaza Gigantic Tomatillo. It's nice, but long-season and the fruits crack too fast - unusual for a tomatillo.

AlabamaJack said:
thanks Josh...if you are talking about the fruit of the tomatillos, the regular ones will get about the same diameter as a silver dollar and the gigante ones will get about as big as a tennis ball...I think...if you are talking about the plants, I have no idea...this is the first year I have grown them but I really like green salsa....

Yea I was talking about the size of the plant but no worries.
Looking good everyone. I got lots of pods starting now but not many new pics to share.
Well here's one of my 3rd year Guadaloupe hab with its typical pale green pod. Not much of a pod but I just like the pic:)

AlabamaJack said:
this is the first year I have grown them but I really like green salsa....

That's a big 10-4 AJ. I went to the Mexican market last Saturday and made up some verde. I like it at least as much as salsa. I intend to grow some next year.

My recipe is tomatillos, brown sugar, red wine vinegar, garlic, salt, several jalapenos, a little water, and sweet onions.

What's yours?

Bob_B said:
That's a big 10-4 AJ. I went to the Mexican market last Saturday and made up some verde. I like it at least as much as salsa. I intend to grow some next year.

My recipe is tomatillos, brown sugar, red wine vinegar, garlic, salt, several jalapenos, a little water, and sweet onions.

What's yours?


pretty close,

tomatillos, agave nectar, apple cider vinegar, garlic, salt, several serranos, and sweet onions (and to add heat, I usually use some of my 7 pot concentrate)
Speaking of pods... and scorpions...

Here's the latest picture of what was supposed to be a Caribbean Red, but obviously is not. Do you think it may be a mislabeled scorpion of some kind? It's not bumpy like the Marouga above.


This is the whole plant in a 3gal container. The pods hide themselves well from the sun.


BUT, this is one of the two "sister" plants and it doesn't have a tail on it's only pod so far. The other sister hasn't set fruit yet - I kept it too rootbound until a few days ago. They are all chinese. This pod is about 1.5" at the moment.


I'll take some more pods pics in a bit. I'm afraid I've eaten a lot of the early ones already though. :D

Snapped some more pics before I lost the patchy morning light.

I found a pic of the overwintered Greek before I stripped all the pods for pasta night. Hard to see them all because of the dense foliage and color. I'd already eaten some of the larger pods before this.


Here's an overwintered jalapeno (code name S4). I'm about to strip it of all it's pods too and see if I can get the thing to grow more vertical again. The overwinters tend to produce many small pods for me.


This is a jalapeno bred from one of my best plants last year (code name J8).


And here's some lemon drop pods. Kind of hard to see them since the foliage shades them so well.


This little beaut is a superchili. I sold one that was even nicer. I've picked maybe 8 ripe pods so far. Hot when eaten raw but mellow out when used with meat or cheese.
That purple thing is a plastic snake to discourage the birds.


This came from the seed in some dried deArbols but it looks more like a Japone from the database info. Could be the bag was a mix of similar peppers. I sold my other 2, and they did look more like a cayenne than this.
Any way to tell for sure if this is a frutescens? Flowers maybe?


Speaking of cayenne... I only kept one of those too. Picked one pepper so far and I just potted it up from 1 gal to 3 - all the rest of these (excep or. hab) are 3 gal.


And finally an orange hab still in 1 gal soon to be potted up to 3. Newly minted ladybugs are hanging out here so I moved it next to a plant where I noticed a couple of aphids. Chow down little guys!

