POTAWIE said:Looking great Scoville. What kind of tree is that in the back of the last pic(post #166)? It looks so tropical
scoville said:9 straight days of rain here,after one of our worst droughts in recent memory.I'm hoping they don't drown!
scoville said:Hmm,sorry potawie,I'm not sure if I got the pic your talking about correct.How do I find Post #166?I've done a search with no luck.I collect a lot of tropicals,have for years.I have a lot of orchids.My favorite tropicals are for food.I'm growing Bananas,Pineapple,Papaya,Key Limes,Kafir Limes,Tomatoes,Lots of Herbs,I have some Guava planted,not up.Lots of tropical flowers.I've seen you on Flickr,I'll send you my link from there.
P.S.My favorite is Pimenta Dioca(sp?)Jamaican Allspice.I add the leaves to my Jerk Paste,and use trimmings and leaves in the smoker/grill for jerking chicken
Thanks Josh,9 straight days of rain here,after one of our worst droughts in recent memory.I'm hoping they don't drown!
scoville said:Petey,I love the look of those Antillas!Mine are still in 1 Gals. but starting to flower.They certainly have a heavily ribbed look which to me is a sign of great flava!
5Star,certainly a sign of good things to come!
cmpman1974 said:Jamaican Allspice tree Scoville?lol. Off topic, but does the Kefir Lime tree prefer full sun or shade? Any growing advice you can provide?
SumOfMyBits said:Peppercrazy - that Tabasco(?) is fantastic!
POTAWIE said:That's an interesting looking orange hab, it looks real bumpy