2009 Pods On Thread

Looking great Scoville. What kind of tree is that in the back of the last pic(post #166)? It looks so tropical

Hmm,sorry potawie,I'm not sure if I got the pic your talking about correct.How do I find Post #166?I've done a search with no luck.I collect a lot of tropicals,have for years.I have a lot of orchids.My favorite tropicals are for food.I'm growing Bananas,Pineapple,Papaya,Key Limes,Kafir Limes,Tomatoes,Lots of Herbs,I have some Guava planted,not up.Lots of tropical flowers.I've seen you on Flickr,I'll send you my link from there.
P.S.My favorite is Pimenta Dioca(sp?)Jamaican Allspice.I add the leaves to my Jerk Paste,and use trimmings and leaves in the smoker/grill for jerking chicken

Thanks Josh,9 straight days of rain here,after one of our worst droughts in recent memory.I'm hoping they don't drown!
Wicked looking pods guys! And ripening is to die for. No sun in sight and my plants are turning into beanstalks. :rolleyes:

scoville said:
9 straight days of rain here,after one of our worst droughts in recent memory.I'm hoping they don't drown!

I feel your pain. Been rianing here for, ummm, 6? days with no end in sight. There's another cell headed this way from Jacksonville's direction as I type and it doesn't look like "showers". At least it's not going to cause the river to rise. Again.
Antilles Caribbean starting to go major pods-on.

Here is a baby:

Don't get jealous.... But looks like I've got my first pod of 2009 on! It's on my store bought Hab, who knows what kind. Look hard, it's right there in the crotch of the first split...


And from the looks of the canopy, there will be plenty more where that came from.

Very nice. I have been pinching buds on the smaller plants and allowing the bigger plants to flower. I was disappointed that my first Rocoto flower dropped, but what can you do. I have several other flowers opening and a bee was in one of them so hopefully that one sticks. Anyway, glad to see your plants are doing well.
Jamaican Allspice tree Scoville? :) lol. Off topic, but does the Kefir Lime tree prefer full sun or shade? Any growing advice you can provide?


scoville said:
Hmm,sorry potawie,I'm not sure if I got the pic your talking about correct.How do I find Post #166?I've done a search with no luck.I collect a lot of tropicals,have for years.I have a lot of orchids.My favorite tropicals are for food.I'm growing Bananas,Pineapple,Papaya,Key Limes,Kafir Limes,Tomatoes,Lots of Herbs,I have some Guava planted,not up.Lots of tropical flowers.I've seen you on Flickr,I'll send you my link from there.
P.S.My favorite is Pimenta Dioca(sp?)Jamaican Allspice.I add the leaves to my Jerk Paste,and use trimmings and leaves in the smoker/grill for jerking chicken

Thanks Josh,9 straight days of rain here,after one of our worst droughts in recent memory.I'm hoping they don't drown!
Petey,I love the look of those Antillas!Mine are still in 1 Gals. but starting to flower.They certainly have a heavily ribbed look which to me is a sign of great flava!
5Star,certainly a sign of good things to come!
scoville said:
Petey,I love the look of those Antillas!Mine are still in 1 Gals. but starting to flower.They certainly have a heavily ribbed look which to me is a sign of great flava!
5Star,certainly a sign of good things to come!

Yes, these peppers have an awesome pod shape/look. From what I understand the flavor is "all there" as well. I have two of these plants going full guns right now with flowers and small pods.

Here is another small Antillais pod...

cmpman1974 said:
Jamaican Allspice tree Scoville? :) lol. Off topic, but does the Kefir Lime tree prefer full sun or shade? Any growing advice you can provide?


Of course Chris you've ruint the suprise but i'm prepping 1 for you now...I'll have to come up with something interesting for packaging now!My Kafir is in full sun @ midday,Has fruit on...
Scoville, do you use the limes on that Kaffir or just the leaves? I know the foliage is good eats in Thai food, and I've heard the fruit is not very juice, but I'm guessing the zest is pretty aromatic!
5Star,so far I've only used the leaves,in curries,stir fries and such.I'm looking forward to zesting one tho.I'm really not sure how to tell when they are ripe,I'll have to research a bit more.They are pretty wild looking,kinda like pepper ridges 7 pod!I've heard they are not hardly edible and i'm not sure on the juice.
SumOfMyBits said:
Peppercrazy - that Tabasco(?) is fantastic!

I don't really know what it is, it's not Tabasco though. It's just called "bird" pepper by my family, seeds were from Trinidad originally about 12-13 years ago, this is the 2nd generation plant. Very productive, and hot!
That's an interesting looking orange hab, it looks real bumpy

I agree POTAWIE. Doesn't look like the orange habs I have seen either. I tried growing from pods bought at the local grocery store as an experiment. They grew... but I don't really know what I have now. The larger pods are ~2"+ Should be interesting to see if they end up :mouthonfire: like their parents, or :rolleyes:. I know the Serranos worked! They're gone.