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2009 Season

New here. My last season was the worst ever ( not just for peppers). We had a lot of rain and very cool temperatures - a lot of 60's-in the northeast. In Bangor we had only 3 days in June that it did not rain. I was also very lax at documenting blossoms and plants. Enough excuses- last years pods ( look at previous years for more typical examples. http://www.pbase.com/chiles400/pods_09
John, those are some impressive pods and pics, thanks for sharing. Ya, we had poor weather here too and I am hoping that mother nature is more cooperative this year. BTW, I love your area and try to get up there at least once a year.
here in North Texas, we had the 5th (I think) wettest October on record but the plants recovered in time for me to get a good November/December harvest..

great pics by the way
hi john welcome to your side of the pond! Good to hear your still in the game missed your pics year as they are always something different from the norm
Welcome to another forum John.
In my area our weather started out terrible but our late summer was great, although it was still my second worst growing season with 2008 being the worst
Hi John
Like you know my few years was up/down also but manage to have some pods hope we have better year from now on,great images of your pods John my friend as usually glad you are on this forum.
Sorry to hear about your growing season but there is always next year with new and exciting seed. Your 7 Pot Trinidad Yellow pods is obviously not yellow and your Seven Pod Orange pods are bright yellow. Cmpman1974 and myself both believe the Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend and the 7 Pod Brain Strain to be the same strain. Nice pics with the global warming you could be tropical zone in another 10 years.
John, I also had a worst ever pepper year here in New Mexico. Our winter hung on 3 weeks longer than usual, had a cool spring, early monsoon season and then frost 2 weeks before normal and nasty low night time temps all season.
Had a great cucumber year though. :crazy:

What species is that Doomsday pepper?
Hi John. Good to hear from you:party: Looking forward to you sharing your insight on THP as well.:dance:
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Cmpman1974 and myself both believe the Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend and the 7 Pod Brain Strain to be the same strain.

so that's why both of mine looked very similar...cool...
Hello John and it's great to see you here!

2009 was a disappointing pepper season for me too. There wasn't enough heat/sun for much harvesting before I was hit by bacterial leaf spot. A few Thais, an Orange Manzano, Fatalii, Bhut and Laubuyo survived and provided plenty of heat though. I'm looking forward to next year with a lot of new varieties and improved gardening skills.

Your pictures are fantastic as always! There's some very interesting peppers there. The Rocoto-Brown and Variegated x Cambodian look really great.
John, an impressive collection !!!
I have one question about the Tepe-original which you show. They look very similar to one of the chiles which I brought back from Calabria, and which the locals called chinese pepper. If I may repeat my post:
1. locally called "chinese pepper". Pretty darm hot, hits you like a jackhammer. Turns from green to black (with sun) and next red. Size 1/2 inch to 1.5 inch. Particular about the pods is that they squeeze down in width towards the stem. Big producers. Don't put them too close to other chiles, or they'll mix, and fast.
I noticed that with the colder weather, the pods simply open up lengthwise. I assume that this is some kind of natural defence to protect the species. The pods open --> seeds dry faster --> ready for next generation.

Sorry for the bad weather guys. We had a great season with almost no rain at all. Every afternoon the peppers were begging for water.
Howdy John,

Nice to have you on board. Fantastic pictures as always.

Sorry to hear about you bad season, seems alot of Pepperheads had problems last season. Da.. the weather!!!

Welcome John, nice to see you here too. 2010 has to be a better growing year...at least I hope so. Minnesota had extremes, some growers were fine, some had lousy results. Crazy weather, huh?