2010 Grow Thread Begins

Getting close to the end of the season and I've started to close things up. I do have a few plants that are still looking good and producing pods.

A few only had a couple of flowers and were starting to look sad and unhappy so I cut them down. I guess they weren't ready to call it a season though.


Left to right it's Red Savina, Trini Scorp Morouga Blend and a Trini Congo. May end up keeping these.

Here are a couple that seem to be enjoying the cool evenings.

7 Pod Primo


It's still producing pods, can't ask for anything else. Even a few with some size for a change.


More to come......
One other plant that I'm going to attempt to keep going and growing through the winter, a Douglah. This is the same one that I grew from Josh's isolated seeds that struggled so hard in the beginning. It only has half a dozen pods on it right now but it's so healthy looking I have to keep it going. Thanks again Josh.


This is a Trini Scorp CARDI that has produced two peppers so far. Now it decides to take off. Better late than never I guess. I'll take it inside before the freeze and see if I can get the peppers to ripen. This is one of Chris's monsters.

One other plant that I'm going to attempt to keep going and growing through the winter, a Douglah. This is the same one that I grew from Josh's isolated seeds that struggled so hard in the beginning. It only has half a dozen pods on it right now but it's so healthy looking I have to keep it going. Thanks again Josh.

No problem. The plant looks really nice.
Fun stuff. Will you leave them outside til frost? my plants are just beginning to think about pods, so I am hoping we are going to have a mild fall and a slow start to winter as we have the past few years.
Hey Josh, glad to see you found this. I wanted you to know what a great plant your seeds produced. I'm very grateful man, thank you.

Celeste, I'll bring the ones I'm going to try and over winter in before it frosts. The rest of them will take the dirt nap. :(
One last hurrah I believe. Though with the temps in the mid to upper 80's the past couple of days who knows. Several plants are still full of green pods. I'm hoping and hoping the weather holds long enough for them to at least start to ripen. If they do then I can finish them off inside.

This is around 10 days worth of picking and you can see a few still have some green. I'm really bumming about the season coming to an end. I am going to start things a month earlier this time so I only have to wait about two more months so I'm fairly certain I'll make it.


Man I love this pepper thing we do. :)
Nice harvest P, but you can't fool ole man winter.

There's always next season, and the cycle goes on. The promise of spring flowers brightens those winter dreams. :)
TPGM our last frost date is around May 15th. Means six months of indoor growing.

Thanks SS. Yeah you're right although I'm hoping too keep Mr. Winter at bay for a little while longer. How's the weather around your parts?
TPGM our last frost date is around May 15th. Means six months of indoor growing.

Thanks SS. Yeah you're right although I'm hoping too keep Mr. Winter at bay for a little while longer. How's the weather around your parts?
It's dry, very, very dry.

 			  High/Low(°F) 	Precip. % 	
Oct 10 	Sunny 		   94°/50° 	0 %
Oct 11 	Sunny 		   94°/54° 	0 %
Oct 12 	Isolated T-Storms  91°/57° 	30 %
Oct 13 	Partly Cloudy 	   87°/54° 	10 %
Oct 14 	Partly Cloudy 	   82°/47° 	0 %
Oct 15 	Sunny 		   79°/45° 	0 %
Oct 16 	Sunny 		   83°/47° 	0 %
Oct 17 	Sunny 		   83°/49° 	0 %
Oct 18 	Sunny 		   82°/51° 	0 %
Oct 19 	Sunny 		   82°/53° 	0 %
TPGM yeah it seems we do. I've already got a few cuttings sitting in water myself.

SS I'm getting parched just reading that. Temps are pretty nice though.

NJA I think you're right, it's just hard to let 'em go sometimes.
If anyone knows the weather here in the Midwest then you know what I'm showing here is an extremely rare thing. It's the last week of October and I still have pods growing and ripening. I am shocked to say the least. Here's the proof:


Left side:


Right side:


I've got at least this many more still green sitting on the plants. Ain't life grand?
Thanks Franz. aram it's called a Guojillo. It does make a good paste, kind of sweet with mellow heat. It's a great addition to chili powder.