2010 Grow Thread Begins

Woo-Hoo Patrick! I'm craving that first fresh super-hot and you've got them coming in nicely. Way to go man!

How many peppers did you over winter? Just ask because the nine that lived through the winter for me have been the slowest growing peppers ever in the history of peppers. Maybe it's bad dirt...dunno. I was thinking it was the cool spring we had but after looking at your photos guess not.

You got the green thumb.

Patrick, The Hippy scorpion, the 7 pot Barrackpore, and your yellow 7 look great! At the end of the season would love to trade for the Barrackpore seeds. I don't have a current list. I will get one together. I got some free seeds from you earlier this year. They are doing well. There is one called Espellete Basque I think, That has just passed 6 foot tall and not stopping. I sowed it late March and sprout April 1st. There is only 1 pod on it ATM. I just re potted from a squat #5 to a #10. Did this plant do this tall for you?

Thanks again for the seeds

Hey RJ, I tried to over winter four different plants but gave up after the damn aphids took over. I think I've got that issue figured out. I finally went the NBC route and that's doing the job.

Mike I'm glad to hear your plants are doing well. I'm afraid I forgot to save myself some of the Espellete Basque seeds so I can't give you any advice. I hope potting it up will cause it to produce more pods for you.

Here are a few pods I picked prior to going to Arizona to share with some friends.


We got back late last night and here's what I was able to pick this morning.


I really missed these plants.
Those look great patrick. Will you be consuming any of those? They might burn a hole through that table at some point.
good stuff!!
Those look great Patrick. Will you be consuming any of those? They might burn a hole through that table at some point.
good stuff!!
You guys keep hoping and I'll keep thinking about it. ;) I do have some sampling to do but why on earth would I want to video me attempting to drink a gallon of milk in 20 seconds? My son has a couple of buddies that are just aching to try some and have already agreed on letting me film it. I'll try and get one in tomorrow.

I will taste test the Hippy's Red 7 for ya SS. Might not speak to ya for a few days but I'll do it.

Josh, that Douglah took a beating with the hail and I didn't think it would make it. I'm happy to say today it has a few flowers and a couple of beginning pods. I couldn't be happier with it. One tough son of a gun.
Great P and thanks.

That's the ticket, capture other willing test subjects on video.
Just be sure and instruct them to report on their flavor experience QUICKLY after poppin' the pod. ;)
Josh, that Douglah took a beating with the hail and I didn't think it would make it. I'm happy to say today it has a few flowers and a couple of beginning pods. I couldn't be happier with it. One tough son of a gun.

Sorry to hear about the beating. Hopefully she puts out a few pods for you.
Picture time!! But first......

SS I haven't gotten to the taste test of the Hippy 7 Pod but will, soon.

Josh, I'm happy to say your Douglah has a couple of pods on it and is beginning to produce buds and flowers like a real pro. I'm thinking about trying to overwinter it.

I figured it was time to update the tall plants I took outside a few weeks ago. Sorry to say they got a bit sunburned and while we were on vacation my hired helped neglected to water them for 8 days. One of the hottest weeks of the year too. I found them all shriveled up and looking like death. A few hundred gallons of water and some ferts and they may make it yet.


There aren't a lot of new buds or flowers on them but each plant has a close to a couple of dozen peppers growing on them. I'm very happy with them considering what they went through.

First up is the Bhut Jolokia....


You can see a few pods but most of them are hidden or out of the picture. There are a couple of them hanging at a height of six feet plus and for some reason that just makes me happy.

Here is a Yellow 7 Pod, seeds from the hippy.


I'm guessing that this one has the most peppers on it and again, a few are at the six foot level. :)

This is my one and only Fatalii. Not sure why either.


It is doing pretty well considering.

More to come......
definitely looking good considering. very good! can't argue with those results! is that the bhut that's touching the roof? they were really pushing to get as tall as possible weren't they? good stuff.