2010 Grow Thread Begins

Bravo! Awesome looking pod pictures Patrick. I'm so ashamed I didn't do the early sweat work this year for a variety of peppers like you. I miss checking the plants each day. Maybe I get some pictures up of the wintered super hots. They are producing a lot of pods in this heat wave were having in NE.

Again, great job man.
Thanks for the kind words all, they are appreciated.

RJ if you ever get a craving for anything I'm growing just say the word. Be happy to mail 'em or meet you halfway again. I would like to see your overwintered plants, feel free to post pics right here.

Speaking of pics I have one I have to post today. It's 7 Pods that were grown from seeds I got from AJ. These guys are huge! The plant is having a bit of trouble with the heat, lot of dropped flowers, but it's coming back with a vengeance. Here are three of the pods I've picked already along with a ping pong ball for size reference. Each one weighs over 10 grams.


Now these are what you call monster 7 Pods. Yeah.
Those 7 pods look huge..

Congratulations on an interesting thread, rainy day in England so
spent the afternoon reading the whole thread and enjoying the pepper porn
photo's as well.
Been a while.

Here's a pic of a few pods I snagged this morning. Nothing special, I just like all the color.


And my new favorite pod, the 7 Pod Barrackpore. The pods are wicked cool, hot enough to melt your face off and the plant is a good producer. What more could a fella want?

Finally got enough pods to fill a few trays in the dehydrator so time to get to work cutting and saving seeds.


Couple of pod closeups.

First is the only pod I got off of a yellow Bhut Jolokia plant. It's been sitting there staring at me for a couple of weeks and this morning it decided to turn yellow. Happened overnight.


Anyone know why a plant would produce just one pepper? It never grew any other buds or flowers.

Couple of the larger Chocolate Bhut Jolokia's.


And last a Trinidad Scorpion Morouga blend.

Nice selection of pepper's there Patrick. I have been picking some of my hot peppers, and I
don't know what's wrong with me. I've been to lazy to clean and deseed them, to put in the
dehydater. I still have them in a plastic bags wrinkling up. Just picked a bag of red bhut's today.
I was going to take seeds out and put in dehydater, but of course I didn't.
Thanks guys.

roper2008 man don't let them wrinkle up and spoil. Toss them in the dehydrator as is, you can muck with the seeds later or heck just grind everything up. You worked too hard to not save them. Put the game controller down dude! ;) Those things will rob you of every ounce of energy you'll ever have.
Yeah SS I am now a follower of the "Chaos Pod" technique. (I'm trying to control my analism) It makes for a more relaxed photo taking period too. :crazy:
Some great looking harvests there. Looks like things are really producing now. I've had some plants that just didn't want to get going like your Yellow Bhut. In my front yard I've got a Biker Billy Jalapeno in a 7 gallon container with one giant pod. It gets hit with the sprinkler and is in a shadow, I bet the roots will tell more of the story. Sometimes there's no explanation for runts or poor producers. I could rattle off a list of pepper freaks. Last year I grew two Guam bonnies that hit 6+ feet and had only 6 peppers between them. Hottest things ever, but not worth the trouble. Anyway, with all that variety your dried pods should make one tasty powder.
Those 7pots looks just like something i got in my greenhouse! They are huge as well... mine was labled bhut jolokia from a trade last year.. but dont look like bhuts at all. But huge! i havented tasted one yet and prolly wont ;)
orrevs you have to taste one, got to know what it is right? Good luck!

Things are winding down here I'm afraid. Stinks too as the plants are starting there second blooming. Getting a bunch of little pods that will never get the chance to become big pods. Yep, depressing.

Here's a pic of what will probably be my last decent sized harvest:


Sorry SS, that anal thing kicked back in. :)

Now onto the juicy stuff!

These are Chocolate Bhut Jolokia's.


It isn't going to get any easier,

The Douglah's.....


And the "wettest" of them all, the 7 Pod Primo.


Man I love this pepper growing thing we do.