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2010 Grow Thread Begins

patrick said:
Time for an update. Had a couple of losses, some gains and have started to pot up a few into 20oz cups.

Here's a list of current seedlings:

Bhut Jolokia
Saved from last year…..1
Chocolate B.J………….....2

Dorset Naga

Naga Morich
Hippy Seed Co……………4
Peter Pepper…………….2

Trinidad Scorpion
Hippy Seed Co………….2
Chris Yellow CARDI……………3

Josh …………….3

7 Pods
Hippy Yellow………………3
PRF Brain Strain……….2


Where are ya hiding the other 5??? :P

If you've still got annuums to plant 50 is history. :)

What are your plans for these super hot pods?
Nice feet, geez millman. Don't make me take my socks off dude and we'll be just fine.

I wonder what I did with those other five? Must of lost something between cutting and pasting. I'll figure it out for ya SS. Found 'em! Add one Congo Trinidad and four regular 7 pods from Hippy. Much better.

They may have come from you Nova. Write your name on your seeds next time will ya?
Time for a little update.

Here's a pic of some of my recently potted up 7 Pods.


From L to R: 2 Brown, 2 Yellow, 3 Primo, 2 Jonah,2 Barrackpore. Right front is a regular 7 Pod from last year's seeds. These are between 35 and 45 days since seed was planted.

This is one of the 7 Pod Primo strain peppers. These are doing the best of any peppers I'm currently growing.


One of the 7 Pod Jonah's. I love the thick stems!


Seems the flash is washing out the green color a bit.

More to come....
On to a few Scorpions.

These three are Trinidad Scorpion CARDI. Seeds compliments of Chris/cmpman1974.


The best looking one.


Another stem shot. I'm fascinated with the stems right now. I think it's because of how leggy everything was last year. This is the same plant as above.

Looking great patrick! The primos that you sent me are rivaling the best in my set as well. So thanks agian! Keep the updates coming.

nice patrick! i was thinking of using the pro mox but decided it would be to costly. so i found a local nursery that sell top notch organic soil(peat based with perilite, cow manure, and worm castings already mixed in.) the lady said its what they use for all there own gardening. and let me tell ya, her plants look great. also next year im going to have to snag me some of those trinidad scorps, and 7 pot! looking good man!
hey Patrick. looking great and nice to see things are taking off! As far as progression goes, seems like we're pretty much on par for the season so far. Also nice stem action.
patrick said:
Here's a list of current seedlings:

7 Pods
Hippy Yellow………………3
PRF Brain Strain……….2

Your plants starts look good and healthy, but did not mention your two PRF Brain Strain seedlings. I hope you still have them going strong. You'll love that Pro-Mix in no time patrick.
Thanks guys. Cody send me a PM I have some 7 Pod seeds I can send ya.

Cappy for some reason my BS 7's are struggling. They germinated just fine but never grew after that. I've started a few more and these seem to be doing better. I won't be a happy camper if I don't have some Brain Strain's to show off and make me miserable--and a couple of neighbors across the street.

You're right about the Pro Mix too. Light and fluffy. I've just recently realized that you don't need dirt to grow peppers. I grew up in Iowa where everything is grown in the dirt and that's a hard habit to break. Guess I'll feed the top soil I have left over from last year to the lawn.
Patrick as you know rare and exotic peppers are the hardest to germinate and keep healthy, brain strain being no exception. I always start many more than I would ever need just to keep the few strongest plants. I have some Brown 7 Pod plants that are growing so slowly and are just taking forever. Hope the second batch brain strain grows more vigorously for you. When I switched over to a soiless mix like Pro-Mix was the biggest improvement in my growing skills, you can treat that mix like hydroponic and grow some really big plants. I just bought a Atami B'Cuzz Hydromix HP bale and some Flora Nova Grow plant food for my transplants. Also got some ph down and a ph test kit. Good luck again this year.
Ciao Patrick-

Everything looks great. I just love the look of the Chinenses at this stage when they're almost flat to the soil line and spread those big heart-shaped leaves out.