2010 Grow Thread Begins

Looking good man, your not that far behind me... When did you start yours? I started early January (like around the 7th)
Thanks all.

PRF no worries on the response, we all get to learn from your posts. I'm still planting Brain Strain seeds! I absolutely love that pepper. I'd like to have a row of 8-10 of them this year. Best, scariest, hottest, wickedest looking pepper I've ever seen. Thanks for the effort.

Sorellina, I agree. I'm extremely happy with the way they're starting this year. Just can't get enough of those profile shots.

Petey your Naga's are doing great. All of the seeds germinated and they're starting to look like pepper plants.

Richard, good to see you again. You ready for all of my questions?;) I started a majority of mine on the 9th of January and have been planting seeds every few days ever since.
Time for an update.

So far so good for the most part. I've lost a couple of plants, fungus I think as a couple of leaves were touching the soil.

I've been using a 10-15-10 liquid fertilizer at the every time you water strength and I think I need to cut back a bit on the nitrogen, getting some big leaves on a few of them.

I'm continuing to plant new seeds every few days and the last batch was Chocolate B.J. from the Hippy. Had my first one pop up today after 10 days in the soil.

Enough talking--on to the pics!

First up are the 7 Pods. No particular order this time and I didn't get all of them. 16 total 7's growing at this time.


See what I mean by a few larger leaves?

A few of the Bhut Jolokias.


For some reason I really get a kick out of growing these. Probably due to them being the current record holder.

Scorpions! The yellow CARDI plants continue to lead the pack.


Naga Morich. These have been the most inconsistent for germination times. First one up was 12 days and the last one up was 33.


More to come.....
This is my best Chocolate B.J. Seeds came from Yann who I believe got them from the Hippy. I have struggled with these.


These are my best two 7 Pod "Brain Strains". I'm not having a lot of luck with these, I think I may have picked the peppers earlier than I should have and the seeds aren't mature.


I decided to let them both grow and hope for the best. I have a 15 gallon pot that is just screaming for these.

Overhead view of things.


And a side view.


That's it for now, see you next time!
Superb! Yes, those Yellow Scorpion CARDI are very robust plants that love to grow and grow and grow!

My largest plant so far is a Bhut Jolokia that I started from the seeds you sent me ("Seeds from Giant Bhut Jolokia Pod").
I'll post a pic for ya a little later....

Oh, are you putting eartworm castings on top of your soil?
patrick said:
This is my best Chocolate B.J. Seeds came from Yann who I believe got them from the Hippy. I have struggled with these.


Hey Patrick,

You didnt get those choco bhuts from me dude. The only seeds i sent you two weeks ago were the ts morouga red, yellow bhut(asiagarden) and my seven pot strain. Unless there is another Yann on the forum they were not mine.

Pete, yep that be worm castings on the tops. I also put a couple of tablespoons of it in the cup when I pot up.

Dang Vincent that baby is looking good! I had/have three different packs of 7 Pod B.S. seeds that I saved. I must have given you the good ones.;)

Oops, sorry about that Yann. I hope the person who sent them to me will chime in or I remember real quick. I did plant several of each that you sent me.

You're a funny guy S.S.:P
hey Patrick,

Its funny it seems everybody is growing peppers from those red cups. Even i have them somewhere and have used them before. They do serve their purpose though. Need to buy some stocks
Anyways dude you plants look great. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing the awesome peppers you'll be growing this year. woot! woot!
You got it Matt.:)

Hatter I've been using those cups to grow peppers in for many years now. I used to think all they were good for was drinking beer out of them.

Damn Petey! When did you start that monster? What are you feeding it. I hope it lives up to the name I gave it.
Update time!

I got tired of having to tie and untie every light each time I had to move it so I got off my lazy butt and fixed a more "permanent" solution. Now I just need to unhook a chain link, raise or lower the light, and hook the link onto the screw head.

Here's a couple of picks of the plants. My seedlings in the white cups are struggling to grow for some reason. I think I may need to boost the nutes a bit.




I'm pretty happy with things so far as this is the best start of my six year growing career. I owe it to the folks around here too. I've picked up a lot of pepper growing knowledge in the past couple of years I've been on this site and I thank all of you.:)
Looking good! It's my best start yet too. How often do you have to water those cups? Next year my top priority is an efficient watering system that will last at least 3 days on it's own.
Looking jolly efficient there, Patrick!

Hopefully you guys in the NH will have a bumper grow season and I wish you well -

Looking forward to regular updates, heavy with pics! :-)
Thanks Paul and Zander.

Zander I water these about every five days or so. I water them pretty good when I do it. The trick is to do is slowly and let the substrate absorb it. If you do it fast most of the water will run through the 'strate and out the drainage holes and end up in the overflow cup and eventually evaporate.
awesome Patrick. Those things are green and healthy. Man they're going to love being outdoors when the time comes. Seems that you and me are right on par with each other. Are you planning on potting up your larger ones out of the red cups? I have a bunch that size as well and I'm thinking by next week I'll have them in 1 gallon containers.

It's going to be great starting the outdoor season off with large healthy plants.