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2010 Grow Thread Begins

patrick said:
Thanks guys.

I have better success with cuttings when I use the water that runs through my reverse osmosis filter. I need to do some studying on this. Anyone else use filtered water?

No, but I totally would if I had a RO setup. Nice work.
Great to see you up and running Pat!

Here is a recent pic of a Bhut Jolokia seedling that I germinated from the seeds you sent me..."seeds from a giant Bhut Jolokia pod"

Got two more of those babies under lights.

Of all the seeds that I planted most germed within two weeks. I too have Hippy's Scorpions, planted 4 seeds and so far nada after three weeks. How long did it take for your Scorps to germ?
Hey Petey! Good to hear from you! Glad the seeds are doing their thing for you. I've got a couple of those "Big Bhut's" going myself!! I've got a few of your Naga Morich seeds planted too. I'll have to check and see if any of them have come up. As far as the Hippy's Scorpions I know one of them came up in six days. I'll check out the rest and let you know.

Hi Boutros, PFreak, Millman, Vincent, Nova, Paul, Ballz, Brad....this is like a reunion. Plant some seeds, post some pics and boom, there are all your pepper growing buds. Good to be starting again isn't it?
patrick said:
Hi Boutros, PFreak, Millman....this is like a reunion. Plant some seeds, post some pics and boom, there are all you pepper growing buds. Good to be starting again isn't it?

It really is great to be doing it again. However, I am still pulling pods off of plants that I brought into the garage to ripen over winter and I gotta say, I think I will be growing year round next time.
millworkman said:
It really is great to be doing it again. However, I am still pulling pods off of plants that I brought into the garage to ripen over winter and I gotta say, I think I will be growing year round next time.

Now that's the way to do it, pulling pods all year long. I'm jealous millworkman.
Thanks Pcola.

Petey, two out of three of Hippy's Scorpions, 7 Jonah's and yellow 7's have germinated so far, all in under 10 days.
Hey Pat how long do you usually keep the seedling under the flouros till outside?
when you fert 10% do you still keep them under th elights?
Nate, our last frost date is the middle of May so I've got a long time to keep them inside under the lights. Last year I had a mini greenhouse set up indoors and I'll probably do the same thing again this year.
I know millman I know, give me a minute..or two.

Nate we can get about four months of good temps/daylight in a normal year. Occasionally we can add the last couple of weeks of September. It's usually too cold though for things to grow but it's possible to get the last couple of pods to ripen. That's why I have to start the super hots in January.
So I can't tell time?

Here's the profile shot of the seeds that have germinated. Look close enough you can see the eight-legged guards keeping an eye on things.



And the gratuitous close up. Dig that purple stem.

Nice looking start.
It looks like your floro lights have plastic covers on them. If so, I'd probably take them off, its likely much brighter without them
Very clean environment Patrick, i imagine that it comes from keeping your furry friends! Looks great and those seedlings are nice and green, you wont need much luck this season!
patrick said:
Thanks guys.

I have better success with cuttings when I use the water that runs through my reverse osmosis filter. I need to do some studying on this. Anyone else use filtered water?

I use a 2 stage Carbon filter for my seedlings and cuttings as well. I used to buy RO water for it, but 2 years ago just up and made the filter investment for my house. It's awesome.

I think standard tap water just has to much Chlorine, Calcium, and other junk in it to healthy for roots. I always had trouble with tap water when used on weaker plants and seedlings.
origamiRN said:
Awesome...I bet you'll be producing like AJ and Chris this year!

Man wouldn't that be something! You know I'd be extremely happy with
25% of what AJ harvested last year. Didn't he end up with 800lbs of peppers? My chin drops every time I hear that.
Quick update. Got some good and some not so good going on.

The not so good is this; looks like I have a bit of dampening off going on. You can see the where the stem meets the ground that it just withered and died.


I've moved a small fan up to the same level as the plants. Dampening off is just a fungus and if you can keep the air moving it shouldn't be a problem.

And the good.

I have several of these with more coming every day. Don't you just love seeing true leaves? I know I do.
