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2010 smackdown

There are some competitive arguing mofo's on this site aren't there? It's peppers people, supposed to be a fun thing.

Now, I would like to join the melee too.
How about longest pod? You have to show your pod placed against a measuring device. We can do metric or US customary units, either works for me. How about the longest tail. How about the heaviest?

I like the idea of the ugliest too. The most deformed?

What does the chairman have to do? Settle arguments? Declare winner/ rules?
patrick said:
How about longest pod? You have to show your pod placed against a measuring device. We can do metric or US customary units, either works for me. How about the longest tail. How about the heaviest?

I like the idea of the ugliest too. The most deformed?

one thing I have learned over the years is that Friends, Testerone, and Contests don't mix very well...someone is always going to win/lose and get their feelings hurt...

I am going to be out of town from tomorrow until next Monday (18-24 Jan), so I will get the seeds in the mail to those that have requested them as soon as I return...

I'm still considering categories for the comparison and have had some good ones suggested too...and I am really thinking it should have two different polls...one for the growers and one for the viewers...if each person selects the 5 prettiest per category and votes on them in order, we can still make this a pretty benign thing...I don't want anyone getting their feelings hurt because Jack shot Johns Pod...

when I get back, a new thread will be started specifically for this comparison...
I'd be interested in participating, too. I'm going to have a very colorful balcony garden this year :). Instead of growing the peppers I can just as easily get @ the supermarket like I did last year, I'm going to try fatalii, choc hab, white hab, red savina, & now scorpion :). Does anyone have any seeds they can send? I won't ask for many - just like 25 or so. If not, that's fine. I'll check online. Thanks!
I'm not really into contests but this one may work well as a container project for summer and overwinter experiment. That's all my GH will be used for in the middle of next winter. I'll try to get an envelope off to you tomorrow, AJ, if you still have seeds. And if you want to try, I'll add some banana seeds. Of course, you will probably get 100 percent germination in three weeks!

Sound's good.Got 1 ? i got three scorpion growing now stared about a month ago can i use them?? our need to stared new seed's??Thanks guy's
Yeah you gotta start new seeds AFAIK. I will have to try and find some more scorpion seeds if some of my pods don't ripen post haste!
if you already have scorpion seeds started for this season, that is fine since this isn't abnout first ripe pod...just pod appearance...

Mike/Impy...PM me and I will send some seeds...

Mike...I don't want any banana seeds but thanks for the offer...it is simply too hot and dry here for them...

Impy...I can let you have 5 fresh seeds...I haven't looked for scorpion seeds on the web since I got my seeds from Trini a couple of years ago...I would say Peppermania, but seems like I heard something about her losing her seeds or something...I think someone said she got "robbed" but I sure don't want to start any rumors...

I don't know whether I will have internet access in Pensacola or not...mom has dial up I think so it may just take me some time...

Today about noon CST, I will be in Henderson, Louisiana eating fresh Crawfish at Crawfish Town...and I will take pictures to post in another thread...

If anyone ever goes from Houston to Mobile on interstate 10, here is the link to crawfish town...this is one of the best, if not THE best Cajun eatery I have ever found...

Thanks for clearing this up AJ. Means that the plants i have already going can be viewed in the same light as other gringos, awesome.

Having said that i must admit that my scorps are looking rather "normal" at the moment. No complaints though, i love it all!
Beth at Peppermania seems to have seeds because she just sent me some.

I'll take part in this fun. We should have a smallest and greenest catagory!

Too late - the package went out already. You don't have to grow them - just germinate them! Although I can not imagine it being too hot in TX - they are tropical plants. I included a SASE.

BTW, three more 7-pod seeds germinated overnight! Between them and the Scorpion, I should have enough super-hots. Thanks!

Toleman said:
Is it about time this thread got renamed?

Who's going to post the first pic?

Me! Just a rather ordinary looking green Scorpion pod :)
Wow...I'm gone for a few months and I miss another smackdown...:(

AJ, any chance I could cheekily ask you if you have any Scorpion seeds to spare? :)

I'm at the other end of the pond, which makes the SASE a bit of a problem, but I can reciprocate by sending some seeds your way, perhaps? I've not got a huge stock, but I do have a few white hab seeds that are pure stock if you'd like.

Only started my seeds out yesterday for 2010.