Well here by early July the Tomatoes are done. All the fruit has ripened, and if any is left on the plants is small and won't ever reach a normal size. Don't forget my Tom's hit dirt in early March. By the time I plant them they're in 1 gal pots, I set them at the bottom, snip off the leaves so just the crown is there and fill the pot to the crown. As the plant grows above the rim of the pot I snip more leaves and add more dirt. By the time they hit the garden they have some flowers and are 12-15"s tall above the pot. I flood ditches to water as we don't get enough rain here, at dirt day I once again cut all the leaves except the crown and bury the roots and stem so just 3"s or so sticks out of the dirt. I lay them at a 45° angle so all the stem is in the ditch. All that buried stem is now turning to roots, and they grow like crazy. I need my peppers and Tom's setting fruit ASAP, or the heat puts the brakes on.
By mid to l late August the peppers are pretty spent. I can keep them running for a fall harvest, but then the bugs go nuts and the soil gets depleted. So I just plant more

And then freeze them. I do have 12-15 plants still going in pots and a raised bed. I'm getting a "dribble" of pods, but we have enough fresh that I'm still freezing. Here it's almost October and they're starting to flower again.
You just have to figure out what works best for you, in your environment.