• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2016 - JoeFish Arkansas Grown

I have wanted a garden for awhile now. So Sept. 2013 I picked out a spot and started working on my spot.  All the rest is history.
My grow list... Since I was skeptical about starting seeds I ordered plants.  Hopefully I will start everything myself next year.
A Picture of my Garden spot.  It is about 21' x 27'

And my soil test....
This season I have around 30 tomato plants, last year I had 70. Being of Italian decent, red sauce is mandatory to have on hand. We also make salsa with them.
So what's the theory of topping? Most of my plants had a Christmas tree shape without doing anything. That branching occurred naturally. I did top a few this season only because they were getting way too tall.
I cut small holes in them and used them to dribble nutes at the base of the plants.
Edit: No reason why you can't get plants like that, you actually have a better climate than I do for it. And that was my first try at supers, although I have been raising tomatoes for 30+ years and used the same techniques  I guess the only thing I can say is learn to read the plants. I like to water when the first in the group shows signs of needing water. I only use nutes in half doses, and wait to see how the plant react before moving forward. My favorites at this time are Seaweed Extract and Hasta Gro. Both are Medina products made locally. The Hasta Gro is 6-12-6, both are organic liquids. I also want to point out too much care IMHO hurts the plants, I address their needs, and don't anticipate them. Well not too much ;)
Devv said:
I cut small holes in them and used them to dribble nutes at the base of the plants.
Edit: No reason why you can't get plants like that, you actually have a better climate than I do for it. And that was my first try at supers, although I have been raising tomatoes for 30+ years and used the same techniques  I guess the only thing I can say is learn to read the plants. I like to water when the first in the group shows signs of needing water. I only use nutes in half doses, and wait to see how the plant react before moving forward. My favorites at this time are Seaweed Extract and Hasta Gro. Both are Medina products made locally. The Hasta Gro is 6-12-6, both are organic liquids. I also want to point out too much care IMHO hurts the plants, I address their needs, and don't anticipate them. Well not too much ;)
I'm hoping for it Devv!

I need to try and remember that they would most likely grow without me. Thanks Devv
Well I have been working hard on my garden the past 2 days.  I hauled in about 200 lbs of cow manure from down the street and hauled in about 50 5 gallon buckets of wood chips from a 5 year old pile around the corner.
This was some hard work and I hope it pays off...
I will post some pictures a little later I have a busy afternoon with my Family.





He's a good one to get inspiration from.  Those old wood chips should be gold.  Your plants look like they are really coming along too.  You weren't going to do seeds at first this year, were you?  Now look at you!
Pulpiteer said:
He's a good one to get inspiration from.  Those old wood chips should be gold.  Your plants look like they are really coming along too.  You weren't going to do seeds at first this year, were you?  Now look at you!
I know! What's up with this forum it's sure learnt me so thangs.
Since my first annual seed start went so well I made some adjustment to my CCN order and this is what I will be getting in the mail April 28.

I think you will reap the benefits of the wood chips "next" season, and beyond, if you keep reapplying them.  This will be my first year using them, as well. 
These were piled up for a number of years I hope I don't has any nitrogen problems this year. I am not planning on tilling them in so they won't give mt any...