• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2016 - JoeFish Arkansas Grown

I have wanted a garden for awhile now. So Sept. 2013 I picked out a spot and started working on my spot.  All the rest is history.
My grow list... Since I was skeptical about starting seeds I ordered plants.  Hopefully I will start everything myself next year.
A Picture of my Garden spot.  It is about 21' x 27'

And my soil test....
Stinking iPad turns my pics!!  I hate that thing.
ArkansasJack said:
The temps after tonight look real good joe last 2 nights I keep my peppers in the green house and they look good bring them in tonight tho gonna get down to the low 40s
 Yeah Jack I know it, thinking real hard about starting to harden off next couple days.
Well...Whats been going on around here lately? 
I have not been on very much since I spent the majority of the week at LaBonheur Childrens Hospital with my oldest child.  She had what the doctors thought was appendicitis.  Turns out it wasn't, it was a onmental infarction.  Very rare and not that serious.  A lot of pain in the lower belly and there is really nothing they can do.  They didn't discover it until they where in surgery about to take the appendix and noticed that it was fine.  Anyways kee her in your prayers please!
Just said a prayer for you guys. Glad it wasn't that serious, that had to be a tough week for you though.  Here's to a quick recovery!
Penny said:
Good, glad to hear she's better. ;) ....nothing more scary then having to take your child to the hospital.
Couldn't agree more. A 5 year old princess does not like 15 different people pushing on her sore belly, I can tell you that.
She's back to 10/10 for sure! They said it would take a little longer but she is hard headed... Don't know where she gets that from.

So let me spill the beans on a stupid mistake I made a couple days ago. I wanted my plants to green up a little and being a compete dummy I mixed myself a foliar spay made up of water and miracle gro quick start fertiliZer and spayed all my plants with it. It crinkled all of them up and they are starting to bounce back. I'll post pics soon. I almost made my first year Without incident but I just had to go and overthink things, as usual. At least I didn't mess them up.
My foliar applications on young plants are 25% strength, I go to full strength when they get some height, and full is 50% of what one is supposed to use when watering.
Glad they made it ;)
Devv said:
My foliar applications on young plants are 25% strength, I go to full strength when they get some height, and full is 50% of what one is supposed to use when watering.
Glad they made it ;)
Yea I'm seeing new growth on the ones I was worries about. Things are looking good.

I need to take some pics they are looking good and I've been working hard on the garden also. Wood chips and more wood chips... Pictures tomorrow.
Growing is a learning process.  I remember the year I discovered what "dampening off" was the hard way.  I lost all my plants and had to buy them from the nursery.  I'm glad to hear yours are bouncing back!