• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2016 - JoeFish Arkansas Grown

I have wanted a garden for awhile now. So Sept. 2013 I picked out a spot and started working on my spot.  All the rest is history.
My grow list... Since I was skeptical about starting seeds I ordered plants.  Hopefully I will start everything myself next year.
A Picture of my Garden spot.  It is about 21' x 27'

And my soil test....
Ready for an update!!!  Been busy working 60+ hours a week but here she is



All I have left to plant is my CCN order.  Something has been eating my Arkansas Traveler tomatoes.  I put a game camera up to try and catch the culprit but it never took a picture so I am beginning to think it is some kind of bug.
Planted my purple hull peas, green beans, cucumbers, and squash also the last few days. All is looking good!
Got a short rain today just after planting.
Besides the Bermuda grass trying to take over my planting beds I am happy with the work I have done.

DO NOT MAKE FUN OF MY ROWS BEING CROOKED PLEASE!  I think of them as an abstract piece of art.  LOL.  Make fun of them if you want.
Awesome that you have them out! Bummer about  a plant getting eaten.  Go out at night and see if you've got slugs.  They are all over my wood chips and come out at night.  I hate them.  Home made traps are easy - a small cup buried in the ground to the brim, then half filled with beer or grape juice.  They go in, but can't get out and drown.  I don't know that it's slugs for sure, but that's what I'd check first. Once those roots take hold you're going to have a great growing year, I think.
Looking good, the Bermuda is tough to deal with. I was going to ask if that's what it was. I spent years getting it out of the garden, and it still tries. Just got to keep after it!
Found out today I have Rabbits!!! Going to tighten up my privacy fence a little and get a trap. Anyone know if there is anything I can spray that isn't lethal?
I had a rough time with them last year. I lost 4-6 plants - stupid critters just chomped them off at the base and left the plant lying there.  So, I'd suggest spraying them with lead, but that's because I'm still angry.  Powdered hot pepper works, but you have to reapply it after every rain.
Got my fence tightened up hopefully I'm done with them wasskably wabbits.

Received my chileplants.com order in the mail wed and the plants look amazing! I'll get some pics up tomorrow.
Ok so... no pictures yet but I just got everything planted today and looking right!!  As soon as I get a break I will post some pictures for your viewing pleasure