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2018 Southern Hemisphere Grow Down-Under

Hi All
It's getting to that stage where we need to plan the next growdown.
I can supply the Aji Cito seeds, but will need to get them posted pretty quick so get voting
I also have no issue if we go with something else, but will need to order in good time as it takes ages to get to NZ
If you vote 'Something Else' post a suggested variety
Poll closes Friday 27th April
General Rules
  • Seeds to be started on or after start date
  • Germinate and grow as many as you want
  • All grow styles and techniques welcome
  • Only one plant can count towards your entry
  • Nominate your growdown plant at first weigh in
  • Weigh each harvest, and post picture of pods on scales here
  • Heaviest total weight of pods in one year from start will be the winner
  • Honour system - If you cheat the Aphid Gods will know
34 pods
total 148 grams
          90 pods


Thats a fair old pile of chilli's there Karoo. The weather has finally warmed up a bit and all my plants have picked up their game a bit. 
i have my first pod changing color and plenty of new flowers now after a few warm days.


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  • 20181208_111352_resized.jpg
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Everyone’s plants are looking great.

I think mine needs a repot as leaves are yellowing a bit and I’m not sure on reason.

Pods are starting to turn now so that’s good.

Had the wettest November here for many years and all the chillies in the garden are not enjoying it at all.

Prospect for a sunny three months and hopefully some good growth and harvests.


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Alright, a little sunny weather and you folks
will see some serious serial podding going on   :eek:
In our grow zone during the summer, every
flower sets a pod. It's amazing to watch them
just load up.  The down side is it takes them
a coon's age to ripen up    :banghead:
Take it to the next level, team!     :cheers:
Hey NZ guys, what do you recommend as supports for these chillis? I grow in growing boxes 40 x 60cm using hydroponics, the soil is at most 20 cm deep so can't support much, and the greenhouse has a concrete floor. This and this might work, but I was hoping to do something like a stake in each corner resting on the ground, with horizontal supports, but I can't find anything like that.
My existing chillis just use a bamboo post in the growing box, attached to the greenhouse ceiling, but it only works ok. My chillis all grow to be about 2.5m tall, probably because of the lack of wind, good sun, and good hydroponic mix.
timnz said:
Hey NZ guys, what do you recommend as supports for these chillis? I grow in growing boxes 40 x 60cm using hydroponics, the soil is at most 20 cm deep so can't support much, and the greenhouse has a concrete floor. This and this might work, but I was hoping to do something like a stake in each corner resting on the ground, with horizontal supports, but I can't find anything like that.
My existing chillis just use a bamboo post in the growing box, attached to the greenhouse ceiling, but it only works ok. My chillis all grow to be about 2.5m tall, probably because of the lack of wind, good sun, and good hydroponic mix.
I had the same thoughts as you and couldnt find something i wanted, thats why i went the dodgy home made Bamboo and cable tie support. im a sparky there isnt a job you cant get done if you have electrical tape and cable tie's.
The last week or so has seen a huge explosion of growth for my plants. They spent a couple of days under shade when it hit 38c but other than that its been full sun and good temperatures;

Since I took this photo I've also supported it better. I have Bamboo set up much the same as High Country Crow. It's worked well for me before.
Aji Cito growing well, but still a lot of very small pods with a few bigger ones coming through.
I guess I'll have to wait for cooler weather in April and May to get bigger pods.
31 pods
51 grams
total  141 pods
total   199 grams
IMG_9968 (2).JPG



Smooth sailing ahead, Jacques!
The larger Citos look almost like Aji Amarillo. Nice.
PaulG said:
Smooth sailing ahead, Jacques!
The larger Citos look almost like Aji Amarillo. Nice.
Not that big.
They only look big in contrast to the half gram micro pods caused by a heat wave.

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