• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2018 Southern Hemisphere Grow Down-Under

Hi All
It's getting to that stage where we need to plan the next growdown.
I can supply the Aji Cito seeds, but will need to get them posted pretty quick so get voting
I also have no issue if we go with something else, but will need to order in good time as it takes ages to get to NZ
If you vote 'Something Else' post a suggested variety
Poll closes Friday 27th April
General Rules
  • Seeds to be started on or after start date
  • Germinate and grow as many as you want
  • All grow styles and techniques welcome
  • Only one plant can count towards your entry
  • Nominate your growdown plant at first weigh in
  • Weigh each harvest, and post picture of pods on scales here
  • Heaviest total weight of pods in one year from start will be the winner
  • Honour system - If you cheat the Aphid Gods will know
First weight in

19 Pods


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No pods yet, but many flowers and I expect them to start to develop before long.
I build a bamboo support system for them, featuring duct tape. I can add more cross supports easily if I need to. I might do the same for my jalapenos: some of them have 3 inch wide trunks, are 2.5 meters tall (they hit the greenhouse roof and I have to trim them), and only have a single bamboo stake for support.


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Second haul - Merry Christmas to All

21 Pods


Good couple of pods left on plant, but not a single flower in sight. Will have to see if things improve

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Last weigh in for 2018 . I'm going away for 3 weeks and just hope everything will be fine when I return.
The average pod size and weight is much better than a month ago and the pods on the plant are also looking promising.
14 pods
40 grams
Total  155 pods
          239 grams
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Compared to my first ever Aji Amarillo and some Sugar Rush Peach Round
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I thought i had better post a couple of photos of the plant i finally decided on. i do have another nice plant that i plant in the ground which will probably come back too haunt me for not choosing that one.
Its still growing well at the moment with a lot of new shoots and extension of the original branches. flowers on the new shoots now also so I'm excited too see how many set.


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My first ripening Cito pod. The trouble is that I am pretty sure that the dark spot near the top is from a fruit fly (Queensland fruit fly are in plague proportions on the Australian East coast right now, most likely because the Gov. removed all controls for them a couple of years ago). Some of my plants are being hammered by them, I need to set up exclusion netting to try to save what I can.
Sorry for the crap picture.

This plant is growing well though, this is it in the middle of the chilli jungle. It must have 50 pods on it plus heaps of flowers at the moment.

Well, I wish this was my first pods entered. One is green and the other is almost ripe.
2 pods, 8 grams.
But they are unusable due to the fact they have been stung by fruit fly, so I wont include it as an entry.
These FF are going to be a problem for me, i need to find a way to get rid of them.