• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

3CTX's 2015 7 Pot Onslaught

Howdy and welcome folks!!! I decided to keep this glog going for 2015 instead of starting a new one. This year i will be growing mostly 7 pot varieties, going to try and focus on the 7 pot varieties and 7 pot crosses anyway. I have starts for a few others though. The start for 2015 begins on page 35.
Grow list:
7 pot primo (pepperlover)
7 pot jonah (pepperlover)
Defcon 7 (buckeye)
MA daisycutter (buckeye)
7 pot original (pepperlover)
7 Pot Barrackpore (pepperlover)
Sb7j (meathead)
7 pot gigantic sr orange (refining fire)
7 pot wes (refining fire)
Sherwoods Carbonero, carbon bhut 7 pot x orange hab (pepper t sherwood)
Bonda ma Jacques x yellow 7 pot (meathead)
Non 7 pots:
MOA scotch bonnet (meathead)
Smokin Eds carolina reaper (Ed Currie)
Safi Red (buckeye)
Black Hungarian (meathead)
Bishops Crown (pepperlover)
explosive Ember (buckeye)
I think thats it for now. I'm not planning on doing a hydro grow this season but its still to early to tell (probably end up doing one dwc).
i will also be experimenting with topping this year just to see what all the hype is about. Thats all i got for now, thanks again for stopping by any and all comments are welcomed and appreciated. Good luck to everyone this year.
I'm falling behind here, I just got mine into the peat pellets after soaking. You gonna keep this years stuff in the same glog or are you planning on starting a new one?

I didn't bother doing a soak this round just straight in the dirt. I figure it might take a little longer to sprout but no big deal. I think im gonna keep the same glog just update the name and first page to differentiate where 2014 ends and 2015 begins.
Well at least today I did a first run pick and choose of what I want to grow. OMG, way too many! Again!

I know what you mean Scott. Chris (meathead) sent me a goodie bag today, I got one coming from pepper t sherwood, and jim duffy. I know I will end up with more than I can grow. I figure I'll do the same and give a few away. I really want to stick to 7 pots but I've got a few others I want to grow too!!! Ahhhhh!!! What to do what to do. Maybe I'll sneak around the complex at night planting pepper seedlings.
I got Yeller, brown, white and Jonah. 

I appreciate the offer but I am going to decline I think I've got enough for this year my friend.

Got a few more popped this morning, safi red, reaper, defcon 7, and MA Daisy cutter
Got a little more greenery to show. The only two being stubborn are the ma daisy cutters ( only 2 have popped so far) and the troy primo 7pots but those where from a dried pod so they might not be viable. Almost everything from the first round is up though. Gonna start another flat this weekend.

These explosive embers are going to be cool!!
Good work Daniel!
Less than 3 weeks and I can plant...

Thanks Scott! Hoping for a successful season!
Looking good 3c, when did you sow these? Purple foliage on those embers are saweet, very cool looking plants.

They went in on the 24th I think. Most sprouted pretty quick. Im gonna put the leggy ones in small solo cups this weekend.