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3rd Annual Secret Satan!

For the letter thing, are you meant to fill your name or the recipient's name in the blank? I'm guessing it's meant to be the recipient since it's a secret and all but...
Its a To and From thing. You reveal yourself as the Sender to your SS recipient.

You can sign it as your THP name. As the photo will be posted, you dont need to show your whole name, address, first born child, SS#, etc...

I dont have a color printer. My page will be printed B/W, might add some color highlights if I can. The thing is that sauces are exchanged. Surprises on the way, good, saucy fun!

Edit..cross posted
We've done this 3 times now so I forgot that traditional SS is usually anonymous, lol. On the 1st one I decided you can't really do that with mailing so this idea was born. This one is more fun if you ask me.
I did use a computer program to randomize the matchup. And I was impressed with how it turned out as well. This will be a good one!
Satan Claus
Ode To A Secret Satan Hellidays
Twas the weeks before Christmas and all 'round the US,
Not a creature was traveling, no thanks to the virus.
The names were exchanged, the wishes revealed,
Secret Satan's prepared, mouths are about to get peeled.
The chileheads are nestled all snug in their cribs,
with splashes of wing sauce smeared on their bibs.
When out on the porch there arose quite a racket,
them porch pirates took off after seeking the packet.
The package was labeled as plain as could be,
"for chileheads only, take care when you pee".
The package that arrived would guarantee sweats,
Thanks to DHL, FedEx or Pony Express.
Regardless the service, the results were the same,
the package promised flames only sugar could tame.
With trembling hands and tingling taste buds,
He dug into the gifts, sure none were duds.
Dashing to the kitchen and grabbing a spoon,
no time for chips, he needed it soon!
Off with the shrink band, off with the cap,
off with the reducer, who needs that crap?
The beautiful sauce was poured on the spoon,
a sniff and a taste, he's over the moon.
As the heat and the flavor explode in his mouth,
the chilehead knew there'd be trouble down south.
Red-faced and happy, with ringing ears,
sweating and panting, and just a few tears,
the chilehead is thankful for friends far and near...
...and frozen TP he'll need for his rear.
His work now accomplished with the chilehead's tear,
Secret Satan is retired, until the next year.
Take care, stay safe, spread a little love with that hot sauce!