breeding A couple of C.chinense hybrids

very nice peppers and beautiful photoghaphy---I sincerly wish you success with your attempt to get a quicker pepper

Good luck to you
Have you tasted these yet mate?
Not yet. Just waiting for the lowest 4 pods getting ripe (I want to make a photo of them). Hope I'll perform a taste test in 7-10 days. :halo:

I cant tell if im more impressed with the camera or your peppers.
very nice peppers and beautiful photoghaphy---I sincerly wish you success with your attempt to get a quicker pepper

Good luck to you
Beautiful images & pods. :confused:
Amasing crosses, you have made.
They look really cool.
Beautiful grow log you have here. Thanks for posting. I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future.
Thank you all, guys!
The first pod of the Pimenta Biquinho X Pink Habanero hybrid has begun changing its colour.

On the eve of a taste test:

Yesterday was a taste test day. There were 7 fruits of the Rocotillo X Pimenta Biquinho hybrid. Some fruits were red i.e. fully ripe & some fruits were orange.

All of them were crunchy & juicy. The red pods had quite strong chinense aroma. It was something like apricot flavour too. The heat level was very low (0,5-1 of 10).

The orange pods had less chinense flavour than the red ones.
Another one taste test.

I took first 4 pods of Pimenta Biquinho X Pink Habanero hybrid, the fruits were ripe or half ripe.

These hybrid pods are little hotter than Rocotillo X Pimenta Biquinho ones. Moderate chinense aroma. Crunchy, quite juicy but not so juicy like Rocotillo X Pimenta Biquinho. IMHO, it tastes similar to his "father", i.e. Pink Habanero.
In general, a decent hybrid for those who like сhinense fruits with low heat level.

Great work----you are fantastic!!!!

They look eatable and I am betting you saved the seeds too.

Congrdaulations on a job well done and if you want to share any of the seeds I would be most willing to try and grow them.
