Nice little rainbow from yesterday
dragon49 said:I'm trying to figure out how many inches my first fish was. Can somebody who is good at determining a fish's size from a picture, go back on page to: and scroll down to the 5th post and figure it out.
The exercise should be as simple as figuring out how tall the person (Me!) is, then figuring out what percentage of the person that the fish takes up heightwise. Maybe there are some other tricks involved. My best guess is that I am around 4 feet tall in the pic, which would make the pickerel nearly 2 feet long.
MaggedOut said:Fishing during a Flood! Been raining non stop for 2 days. Was dying to get out of the house. Conditions were sketchy as .... that morning. Almost called it, to not launch the Kayak. I said .... it, let's do this. Man I had a blast with them blue cats. Left the camera in the truck. Paddled back to my truck, had a guy snap a few pics for me before I released this mess of fish!
Big girl of the trip
Can see where my yak was when I hit Land. Was crazy watching my honey hole dissappear before my eyes. Had a blast that morning, was an easy call shutting it down!
Thanks for sharing. I hope you don't mind my continued inquisitiveness—I'm just getting back into fishing after a long layoff and am very curious as to what folks are doing.MaggedOut said:Dragon49, I kept the 3 smallest ones. Released the big girls
MaggedOut said:Like the smaller ones, taste much better.
I caught a ton of Bluefish (in my neck of the woods, we call the young small ones "snappers") this summer and early fall. I kept and ate all of them, but didn't like the big ones that I caught at the end of the snapper season. I generally don't like the distinctive funky oily Bluefish taste, but the younger 7-9 inch snappers didn't have a chance to develop the funkiness. The four 11 inch Blues that I caught tasted like normal Bluefish.
dragon49 said:I promise to add more pictures to the thread, but that won’t happen until at least April, probably later. For now, I have a question:
Can I fit a 7 foot fishing pole in a standard full size car, without it sticking out a window? I’m asking because I found a pole that I want to buy for lake fishing. It is 7 feet long, but only one piece—it doesn’t unscrew into two pieces, like some longer rods.
I can’t specify a car model. It will be whatever I end up renting. I’m asking, because I don’t like highway driving with an open window.
dragon49 said:Did you really release all of the catfish? You didn't keep any to eat?
Twin Buttes ReservoirTNKS said:Where is that water in Texas,that dam looks familiar ?
What kind of fish is that?FreeportBum said: