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outdoors a fishing thread

Well It was a busy last weekend, took off after work on Friday for some Sammy action to help wind down the day. Went 10/13 had some pretty good fun

Then the next day I was off bush whacking with a good buddy looking for some early Steelhead action. We fished for hours & all we saw was a big old carp, didn't even find a half dead salmon where we were. Beauty stretch of river though, made the trek worth while


Then on Sunday I was off with another buddy for some backwoods lake action, we were hunting Brook Trout. We faired pretty good (I'll update fish pics when I receive them) as Brookies are my favorite of all fish I just love hooking into them. There are monsters in this small lake although they wouldn't play this day we did manage some good pan size ones.

We did hit one other lake not too far of a portage & this lake is stocked with Splake, we'd end up with a big zero in the Splake category but a beautiful day for sure. Best thing is not a sole around.

I haven't seen the Brookie pics that my buddy took but will update ASAP as this is their time of year, going into spawn mode they put out some of the most beautiful colours
Well I received one pic of the Brookies so far & while not the greatest still shows the beauty of these fish.

This past weekend my buddies & I (the Orphans) went up to a cottage for a guy's night. The plan was to fish at some point but the weather thought better of this & pretty much grounded us from launching the canoe's & kayaks as wind & rain was pounding at times. The next morning nothing pushes aside a hangover better than casting a line searching for fish. The wind was still up so canoeing was out of the question, but as all the lakes in the Trent system this time of year, they open up the dam's & the water level drops huge. Allot more real estate becomes available so I can wade out much, MUCH further. This is a beautiful lake but has yet to produce a fish of any significance for me, this day was no different, the curse continues!
Seeing as we're stuck to shore fishing, access is very limited. We hit a few rivers & lakes on the way home & seems are luck wouldn't change. Stop at a spot I've never fished at but always see folks fishing, & I know there to be Muskie & Pike roaming the waters I cast out a big spinner on fast retrieve trying to entice a toothy critter to bite, I got the toothy part right! I've never caught a Pickerel/Walleye this way & it was quite a shock, this thing hit like a pike (didn't fight like one) & at first I thought it might be a hammer handle but nope.

It would be the only fish of the day.
As this past weekend was the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend what better way to celebrate than catching a couple of river turkeys. Sunday saw my buddy & I hit our favorite walk/wade river in search of some Chrome action, not a single one to be found this day but we both walked away with decent door prizes. We came across a pool where we saw one surface only to disappear in it's depth, started drifting when this one hit like a shot.

After a good battle she left the pool but not before stirring up all the remaining fish (maybe 6-10 fish) & it took awhile before they returned to normal. I took this opportunity to retie now with a slip float & bigger hook for skein, first drift through & a freight train hit. After a good tight battle she was topside & she was beat up pretty good from rubbing all the rocks to get to this point in her journey, eggs still felt tight so she has still a ways to go. 

On Monday I took a good friend out to a local creek to see if he could bag his first big fish, he nearly shit when he saw one up close. He looked at the gear we had & said "really" !
After walking him through the ins & outs of the gear & river etiquette we hit the drift. I picked off a couple of "zombie" fish so I move down to the next pool. I see a fresh one moving into this pool with it's mate in tow, drift for him/her, float goes under & a explosion of action happens. I see what I thought was his/her mate but was actually a big Brown Trout doing what they do best, freaking out, only to find it wasn't him on my line but it was a decent female Salmon.

& a short time after I hear my buddy yelling "got one" I brake land speed records to get over to help him land his first big fish & as with all rites of passage it was fitting that she pissed eggs all over him...LOL!!!

Great weekend all round & a happy Thanksgiving to all 
Awesome thread!
From my guiding days in Alaska.
If I recollect this is from back in '04 or '05.
37 pounds of Alaskan lake trout. 
Fish was released unharmed.
(new camera at the time and the date is all wonky}

And a 32 pounder from a few years earlier, also released.

Back then I was just as fat as those fish!
Have mercy!
Been a long while since any fishing games have come out that i've enjoyed. I just started playing Fishing Planet on PC. It's in beta and free to download and play for now. I like it so far, I've played better but as far as gear selection goes it's pretty advanced. Still better than the rapala ones i've played. Nothing beats the old Sega black bass games though. 
Here's where you can download the game. Not sure if you have to have the steam app to download it or not. I already did so..  
D3monic said:
Been a long while since any fishing games have come out that i've enjoyed. I just started playing Fishing Planet on PC. It's in beta and free to download and play for now. I like it so far, I've played better but as far as gear selection goes it's pretty advanced. Still better than the rapala ones i've played. Nothing beats the old Sega black bass games though. 
Here's where you can download the game. Not sure if you have to have the steam app to download it or not. I already did so..  
Are there fishing pole controllers w/ a gyros? ...
Someone should make one of those, if not ...
I know there's one's that have been made for consoles so i'm sure there's some for pc. lemme check newegg
hmm I didn't see any for PC, there's a decent one for xboxone though. 
D3monic said:
I know there's one's that have been made for consoles so i'm sure there's some for pc. lemme check newegg
hmm I didn't see any for PC, there's a decent one for xboxone though. 
seems like that would be a decent thing to simulate ...
If you want to try a near perfect simulated "ice" fishing game look at Pro Pilki.  It is derby/tournament style timed competition or you can play by yourself.  Anyone can host and I have played with people from Russia, Finland and all over the world.  It has complete chat feature with public and private chat for helping your teammates when you get on a hot bite.  For a while I was playing on 3 man teams against other countries.  It has complete chat feature with public and private chat for helping your teammates when you get on a hot bite.The game is kinda hard because they have it so dialed in.  The fish will be in different spots during the day, time of year or weather.  Then you get them dialed in and you have to change up lure/baits to keep them active.    
texas blues said:
Awesome thread!
From my guiding days in Alaska.
If I recollect this is from back in '04 or '05.
37 pounds of Alaskan lake trout. 
Fish was released unharmed.
(new camera at the time and the date is all wonky}

And a 32 pounder from a few years earlier, also released.

Back then I was just as fat as those fish!
Have mercy!
Those are some beautiful Grey's man. I've been doing quite a bit of reading on the (possible) 5-6 groups of Lakers up in Great Slave/Great Bear all classified by the colour of their fins (being the easiest to distinguish)  man one of these days I have to hit the artic  
FishinHank said:
The yellow one are pretty cool looking, this one was caught in AK.
Nice fish!
And one of the best eating on the planet IMO.
Dude behind you with the fly rod?
Sink tips?
We used to drop jigs with bait casters and get the char all riled up and then throw clouser's at 'em with the fly rod.
Too much fun!!!
Chris Kewley said:
Well I received one pic of the Brookies so far & while not the greatest still shows the beauty of these fish.

This past weekend my buddies & I (the Orphans) went up to a cottage for a guy's night. The plan was to fish at some point but the weather thought better of this & pretty much grounded us from launching the canoe's & kayaks as wind & rain was pounding at times. The next morning nothing pushes aside a hangover better than casting a line searching for fish. The wind was still up so canoeing was out of the question, but as all the lakes in the Trent system this time of year, they open up the dam's & the water level drops huge. Allot more real estate becomes available so I can wade out much, MUCH further. This is a beautiful lake but has yet to produce a fish of any significance for me, this day was no different, the curse continues!
Seeing as we're stuck to shore fishing, access is very limited. We hit a few rivers & lakes on the way home & seems are luck wouldn't change. Stop at a spot I've never fished at but always see folks fishing, & I know there to be Muskie & Pike roaming the waters I cast out a big spinner on fast retrieve trying to entice a toothy critter to bite, I got the toothy part right! I've never caught a Pickerel/Walleye this way & it was quite a shock, this thing hit like a pike (didn't fight like one) & at first I thought it might be a hammer handle but nope.

It would be the only fish of the day.
NICE!! That is a large brookie in Pennsylvania,our only native trout. You would not catch the ones around here clunking around in a boat. They are in 3" deep streams that are 15' wide at best. By far the most difficult fish to catch in this state.
We were using weighted flies. Anything that looks like a salmon smolt works great. We were on a large shallow flat, the water was no deeper than about 15' and it was super clear. I bet we caught over 50 that day in a couple of hours. There are two times of the year when you can absolutely hammer them, spawning time in the fall and smolt outmigration in the spring.
Life gets in the way sometimes & thus I can't fish all the time but I did make it out a few times these past weeks but put zero's in the catch columns until this past weekend. Headed to the Niagara river (lower) in hopes to pop a few steelheads, luck was on my side. I don't fish this river a ton & haven't had great luck catching anything, up until this past weekend maybe 15 times in the past 5 years or so with only a Laker to show for it (a decent one) that I caught last year.

Even though you might not catch a ton of fish it really is a spectacular place to just go and spend time. It is like stepping back in time, I half expect a dinosaur to come ripping out through the bush. Anyway....the water is a huge part of the beauty & it is one of the most dangerous places if you don't pay attention. They turn the flow up for the Falls when tourist season is on but now that is pretty much done for the year, the water on the lower river will remain "low". (about 10 feet lower ).

There's a set of rapids just up from the whirlpool that when the flow is on it's a site to see, the whirlpool is another beast all together. Widely known for its spectacular fishing the whirlpool has seen allot of deaths of anglers due to themselves taking risks, if you go in you're done it that simple. The current & undertow are in constant flux, it may look calm on the surface but you'd be dead wrong. 
Arriving there just after 7am & it's a balmy 1*C (perfect) the parking lot was full so off to another one just down the way then the long decent down to the bowl. Once down we were met with anglers everywhere, not quite shoulder to shoulder but closer than I prefer, so I dart off to my spot on the river & luckily nobody was there.

 After a few casts it was game on, a respectable Steelie came to play. He had no quit in him, aerobatics galore (love fall steelheads for this) finally get him in & he was pretty banged up. Took the hook deep in the gills & ripped his mandible on the one side so the frying pan for him, was about a 5 pounder. Not long after another one wants to play, this time a much bigger fish & he was having his way with me dogging it in the heavy current. Tire him out (or so I thought) get him close to shore & he darts down to under hanging rocks & goodbye, A third would come to play but the results would be the same. AWESOME fights though.
So I sat back & sipped away on some decent whisky, the fish approved!

The walk back to the car is one of the worst!!!! Beautiful but terrible