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outdoors a fishing thread

For Texas bluegills.
Took my Tenkara Sato.
Furled leader.
5x tippet.
One fly.
Size 18 mosquito.
I quit counting the fish caught.
Probably about 50 in 3 hours.
Most all were smaller than my hand.
And a few red breasted.
No pics of the fish.
I was too busy releasing them and didn't want to stress them too much.
But here is one pic.
San Gabriel River.
Georgetown, TX.
5 minutes from my casa.
Home waters.

I'll be there again tomorrow.
I need a GoPro.
Rajun Gardener said:
Imma do a video of my city fishing trip soon, been busy as hell lately plus a cold and scrud up my back. Tomorrow I gotta run to Crowley and help my Sis set up for the Rice Festival. I might get some shots along the way. I'm sure some farmers are flooding crawfish fields for next season.
City/urban fishing rocks!
What camera for the video?
Use some crickets!!! Works for me in every state I fished.
I made a crappy video of the drive to Crowley La to help My Sis set up her booth for the Rice Festival. It's the 83rd Annual International Rice Festival, that means it's a holiday in riceland and another reason for Cajuns to party. I did edit it a little and added music to make it entertaining. It's long but it gives you a view of the landscape and wildlife.
OH, I also stopped at a fab shop and showed some crawfish boats.
Two weeks ago, I was able to get out for one more trip.  My initial plan was to hit the lake at 7:00 A.M. on Saturday the 19th, but I had commitments the night before and wasn’t able to check into the hotel until late.  I was also starting to come down with a cold and needed a little more rest, so I slept in a little.  No harm at all as it was 28 f at 7:00 A.M.  Nothing would have been biting and It would have been unbearable on the water.  It was around 10:00 A.M. and nearly 40 f by the time I got to my favorite spot.  An hour later, the temps maxed out to around 55-58, where it remained all day.  I got a few bites early in the afternoon but couldn’t set the hook on anything.  It was a gorgeous day on the water, but I had almost no luck.  Around 6:00 P.M., just before sunset, the fish finally started biting.  I landed this Yellow Perch and Pumpkinseed sunfish almost back to back:


The problem was that I had to get the boat in before dark, and I was dead tired, so I called it a day.

Enjoy these scenery pics as well:






I’m not officially calling an end to the 2019 season, but now it gets colder every day in upstate New York and the days are getting shorter, so I won’t have many more opportunities before next spring.
That's a golden trout, isn't it?  And he's got a nice brown trout in that other pic.  I'm wondering where you guys caught those two.
Killer sheepshead and drum too.
and, and... 
Good stuff!
luvmesump3pp3rz said:
CR, really nice catches there. what is the orange colored fish your boy is holding? 
CaneDog said:
That's a golden trout, isn't it?  And he's got a nice brown trout in that other pic.  I'm wondering where you guys caught those two.
Killer sheepshead and drum too.
and, and... 
Good stuff!
It is a Golden Rainbow, a hybrid that is stocked.
We visit my wife's sister in NE PA, she lives in a nice cabin right on Bushkill Creek which is an awesome trout stream.