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AHHHHHH! Going under the knife.

:mouthonfire:OK, maybe a little dramatic, but I am having all 4 wisdom teeth cut out in an hour or so. Any sympathetic orthodontal surgery vets want to give me some advice?
One thing I have read is no spicy food....god damn it.
I will go into withdrawl, but hopefully just for 2 days or so. Any tips? Thanks.
it's not all that bad. i guess you might not be supposed to eat for so many hours before hand. i forget..i had my wisdom teeth removed in 2000.

basically they hooked me up to some iv and said count from 10 to 1. i remember getting to 7, then i was halfway home and slouched over in my moms van. :lol: got some large ibuprofens and some percocets. wasn't fun missing out on good food afterwards..but it doesn't last too long.
Lol, thanks guys. I am home and not feeling too bad. My cheeks feel swollen, but I am eating jell-o and soup with no problem. Thanks for your thoughts.
I dont know what they did to your gums after they're out, left the gums open or stitched them closed ? over 20 years ago I had all my wisdoms & a front tooth cut out all at once, the front they stitched up (I think?) & the wisdoms they left open (I dont know the reason behind this ?) but they packed the bottom ones with some of nastiest tasting strips of ? to keep food out of them & help heal them faster ?
stay away from chips, soft foods are the best for you.
Oh god was my experience HELL! My jaw was sore so we went and got x-rays of my whole jaw. The doctor came out and said, "You're a mutant."(I kid you not, his actual words). Turns out I had 8, count 'em, 8 wisdom teeth (now wonder I'm so smart...hahaha) The mutat ones were pushing on the normal ones causing them to become impacted. I got surgery and they removed the normal four and left the mutant ones in (those have since come in).

I had a bad reaction to the anastesia and was sicker than a dog for two weeks. I was litterally sea foam green the whole time. Man what an ordeal. But that wasn't as bad as when they removed my golf ball sized tonsals. My body didn't like that and some organs started to shut down due to the massive amount of continuos pain that I was in.

Best of luck on the recovery!
imaguitargod said:
Oh god was my experience HELL! My jaw was sore so we went and got x-rays of my whole jaw. The doctor came out and said, "You're a mutant."(I kid you not, his actual words). Turns out I had 8, count 'em, 8 wisdom teeth (now wonder I'm so smart...hahaha) The mutat ones were pushing on the normal ones causing them to become impacted. I got surgery and they removed the normal four and left the mutant ones in (those have since come in).

I had a bad reaction to the anastesia and was sicker than a dog for two weeks. I was litterally sea foam green the whole time. Man what an ordeal. But that wasn't as bad as when they removed my golf ball sized tonsals. My body didn't like that and some organs started to shut down due to the massive amount of continuos pain that I was in.

Best of luck on the recovery!

DANG IGG!!! That had to suck!! I've had teeth pulled before. Twice were because of an abcess tooth. One I let go waaaaaaay to long. I looked like a balloon. Yours sounded quite a bit worse though.:lol:
wisdom teeth: 10 days of my life ill never remember. damn those were some good drugs. i woke up and i was cussing at the nurse. it was fun.

if you smoke, dont. at least, for a while. my friend smoked right after and she got dry sockets. she wasnt the sharpest knife in the drawer.
It wasn't so bad when I got mine pulled. The valium they gave me did a number to me though. I walked out to the car after they removed them, opened the door, and was re-knocked out on my feet by the valium. Thankfully I didn't have any pain, I think the amount of pain varies from situation to situation. Hope yours goes as well as mine!
imaguitargod said:
Ya, I've got a but load of stories like that. I even have a fungus named after me............but that's a story for another time.

You ever do this one though:twisted:........I accidentally stabbed myself in my thigh with my hunting knife......YES.....Cutting carpet. Wasn't to smart eh!!:lol: Two inches deep and an inch long!!:lol:

Wow, I thought that I had a lot of scars! I have to say that I am in no pain and I haven't taken any pain meds today. Many of you were right on the nose, especially dreamtheatrvt, it must vary from case to case. But the best advice I got was from this older lady at work. She convinced me that I would be absolutely miserable for 4 days or so. I was prepared for that, so what discomfort I did have seemed like nothing! Ha! It amazes me how often we rate a situation based on how it compares to our pre-conceptions!
DON'T drink out of a straw.
I did after I had mine taken out.
I drank a milk shake and ended up ripping out all the stiches.
I was all doped up and was not thinking.:cool: