contest Ají Charapita Growdown Throwdown 2024

Do you have what it takes to be crowned the Growdown Throwdown King or Queen in 2024?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
They are already growing them, next year there will be different variety (probably 😂 ). People apply to participate before the start of the season...

This year they made a joke with the pool because they really wanted to grow this one. People voted the same amount for everything not knowing the plan and it just worked out in a funny way. At least that's what I think, just lurking from time to time.
They are already growing them, next year there will be different variety (probably 😂 ). People apply to participate before the start of the season...

This year they made a joke with the pool because they really wanted to grow this one. People voted the same amount for everything not knowing the plan and it just worked out in a funny way. At least that's what I think, just lurking from time to time.
Love it 👊
Just make sure to follow this thread. The winner will be crowned at the end of the year and we will then vote for which pepper will be grown in 2025.
Frost has hit hard ladies and gentlemen. I’m tired. Not sure if I even want to make the last harvest pull from this plant, but one things for certain; This was the biggest Aji Charapita ever grown.
If anyone is interested in joining us in Growdown 2025, get familiar with the rules in past threads and comments. Pretty straightforward stuff here.
  1. All same genetics from same supplier.
  2. Seeds sown no sooner than Jan 1 2025. Sow as many seeds as you like.
  3. Chose your plant. Grow the plant with ANY GROW METHOD you think will win. (If the plant ends up being the wrong genetics/hybrid etc, it's disqualified, so choose wisely.)
  4. Which ever grower can yield the MOST WEIGHT off their chosen SINGLE PLANT, by Dec 31 2025 is crowned Growdown Throwdown King.
  5. Each harvest pull must be weighed and proven with photos or videos. If you lie, we will know.
  6. No seed snipers. All participants who vote, MUST SEND SASBE to the seed supplier in order to be included in the competition. If you vote, send sasbe and then don't participate, we come find you and make you pay. It's bad. Don't do it.
That's about it. Think you got the chops to beat the reigning king? Come show us. The real King's loot packages are sent to the runner up each year as a obligatory flex on my part, but if there is ever a REAL WINNER who beats me one year, they become the true and only Pepper Guru. Then I can ascend to my next form.
I like the C pubescens idea. I could definitely supply some if people want to go that route. I have an incredible line of Giant Rocoto that I found in Iquitos in the Belén Market. I’ve never been able to get the fruit quite as large as they were in Iquitos, but they are damn good plants and fruits.
Have a bonus prize for largest fruit.
Does anyone have any candidates for the vote this year? Perhaps something a bit less taxing than picking Aji Charapita? 🤣

How about something with Hatch, NM roots?

Mild (NM 6-4 Variety), Medium (Big Jim Variety), Hot (Sandia Variety), or Extra Hot (Lumbre variety)

Certified seed

I'd be happy to order and distribute, unless you enjoy doing that, Rich.
Ok, I did the harvests checking and calculations of the conversions while on uber ride somewhere, because I said I would and then time was running out 🫣 (I know it wasn't fo real tho) so, if I missed anyone, please scream at me.


(Oh, and it was a google converter, I have no idea how those lb and oz make sense to so many people, I wanted to cry using calc while I was almost arriving at the place 🤣 just kidding, kinda... I might have said it before, so, it is probably me xd)
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