baccatum Aji White Lightning Bolt

I'm starting this thread so if anyone is wondering what aji white lightning bolt is. I have added these seeds to the trump seed train and will be adding more to another seed train soon.

To those that do not know, last season I received some seeds from a seed train - THP member Bpiela.

They were labeled aji penec, but once they grew out we figured it was either a cross or possibly a mutation. (It's been racking my brain trying to figure out who the dad is.)LOL
Greatfully, we finally figured it out.

(Aji Penec X Aji Melocoton.)
These pods have there own unique shapes to them. They start off as a VERY light green and start turning an off whitish color, then if left long enough, they turn a creamish or very light peachish color. Some not all started to develop a purple hue to the pods only in the late season, around August or september +.
There's VERY little seeds in each pod. I have never noticed any soapy after taste in these. They have a great flavor and have medium baccatum heat.

I've never eaten either aji penec or aji melocoton, so I cannot compare them to this cross.

Below Are Some pictures snd some pods From the plant I grew this season.

I mean I would grow F2 seed to produce F3 plants for next year, tracking each plant's production, and pod shapes or colors and post the results and send you both lots of seeds from whatever ones you like the best. I also have isolation netting.
No probs.  Lovepeppers planted the seeds he thought were Aji Penec and they turned out to be the cross.  He grew them and out came those White Lightening Bolts.  Seeds from those pods would be F2's.   He sent me some seeds and I had one growing but I had some pest problems and the plant died.  I still have some of those Aji Penec seeds that I saved.  I hope that I can eventually grow something from them that is similar to what Lovepeppers grew.  I didn't mean to imply that the cross has stabilized or anything like that.   I just mean that he germinated the seeds and grew a plant from them.
I will be making a green sauce out of these in a day or two not correct spawn got to make room for other 
plants reading up and its tasty pepper when ripe so i'm giving the green version a shot, I enjoyed the flavor of a green one yesterday  
A question: How long is it taking for you guys' Lightning Bolts to elongate and create their signature pheno?
Mine are growing in size, but not so much in length.
There are 3 plants in one pot here, all producing the same shape.

I read up on aji penec @ the Pepper Lover site and they sound wonderful, so no disappointment if these don't pan out F2...
Just picked an entire MFRB from 2 White Lightning Bolt plants - what a great variety! My 2 plants are now about 5' x 3' oval bush about 4' tall.
Very nice, large pds, about 4" long. Not many have the 'lightning bolt' shape - here's some of my favorites:

On a related note, anyone want a MFRB of White Lightning Bolt? I know a guy!
My plant is teaming with peppers.  I tried one while still light green and did not really like the flavor.  They are now turning a dark cream color.
I recognize that this early in a cross that we could all have somewhat different peppers develop, however how are flavors of your peppers?
cone9 said:
My plant is teaming with peppers.  I tried one while still light green and did not really like the flavor.  They are now turning a dark cream color.
I recognize that this early in a cross that we could all have somewhat different peppers develop, however how are flavors of your pepp
I tried one today. Almost no flavor at all, but lots of heat! It was the oldest pod on the plant, had a pinkish-cream color to it. Still not ripe.