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AJs 2008 Plantout Complete


I have just completed my 2nd major plant out for the 2008 season...I am done...no more...period...I have a total of 383 plants that includes tomatoes and bell peppers and out of the 383 there are 327 hot pepper plants...I transplanted 113 yesterday and today....and this doesn't count the herb garden...

Here is an overall picture of the transplants excluding the bell peppers (17)....


Fairly close shot of the superhots...


and a fairly close shot of the annuums...


Let's just pray the backups do better than the first plantout did...

Here is a total listing of plants, numbers and dates for plantout...


Just wondering how the wife is going to react when she sees the back yard...she has been gone for 10 days and I pick her up at 6 this evening at the airport....at least I cut the grass
Wow AJ looks great. I was just thinking, you have more Scorpions and nagas than I have plants total, and here I thought I had a descent sized operation.
Awesome, AJ !!

Hey, where do you buy your black pots and how much do you pay for them?

I found a place on the net that has them for $1 each, but maybe you know a better deal.
AJ, this is just amazing! Just like any of your initiatives! Keep us posted about your progress!

@NatGreenMeds: Be careful when buying these black pots at DIY markets, because some of them are made of used tires and they are NO GOOD AT ALL for growing plants in them. It's easy to tell which are and which are not, they smell like old tires and are kinda "soft to the touch" if you know what I mean!
Just wow AJ, over 80 unique varieties of peppers. What a beautiful yard you'll have a few months when peppers are everywhere. New crop looks good.
Good heavens, AJ, what are you planning to do with all the produce if they turn out great? You'll have enough chili powder to supply the entire state!

I noticed - to my regret - that you are not growing my fav: Hungarian Hot Wax. You know I don't have a great affinity for heat, but last year these peppers went on every hamburger, steak, pork chop, potato pancake and most other foods I fixed. This winter, I have used its powder more than I use salt for seasoning. I even add it to scrambled eggs.

Also, is there really any difference between the Bih and Bhut Jolokias?

um. when you pick her up, bring flowers. hopefully she'll focus on the flowers...

just curious, what did you decide on for watering the container farm? i imagine that would eat up a good part of the day old school...
You mean there was enough open yard left for you to mow? :)

It does look great! I'm impressed with the variety too. Good luck with those.
AJ Congrat on completing the plant out.

Do you have automated system to water them? Watering these many plants a could take at least 2-3 hours.
Thanks all, it has been a lot of work so far but I hope the effort will be worth it when I start harvesting...looks like I am going to need another dehydrator or two...

NatGreenMeds said:
Hey, where do you buy your black pots and how much do you pay for them?

My containers were a dollar each. I got them at my local nursery.

915river said:
A.J very nice but how you going to manage to move all those plant around.Great shots of your plant.

Moving the plants won't be necessary (I hope)...I may shuffle them around to group them but that won't be so bad...

wordwiz said:
Good heavens, AJ, what are you planning to do with all the produce if they turn out great? You'll have enough chili powder to supply the entire state!

I noticed - to my regret - that you are not growing my fav: Hungarian Hot Wax.

Also, is there really any difference between the Bih and Bhut Jolokias?


Most of the peppers will be used to make chili powder with except for the tabascos and I am going to just make pepper sauce (peppers and vinegar) with...

I thought I had some Hungarian Hot Wax seeds but must have not planted them.

I won't get into the philosophy of the Bih and Bhut...from what I understand they are the same pepper but grow in different geographical locations in India...soem say the Bih, Bhut, Dorset Naga, and Naga Morich are the same pepper...I sure don't know...

GrumpyBear said:
um. when you pick her up, bring flowers. hopefully she'll focus on the flowers...

you won't believe this but I did bring her flowers...she was not upset at all...first thing she said was where is my back yard with a grin on her face

GrumpyBear said:
just curious, what did you decide on for watering the container farm? i imagine that would eat up a good part of the day old school...

Sanj said:
Do you have automated system to water them? Watering these many plants a could take at least 2-3 hours.

I have not made my automated system yet...all is hand watered with a hose...and Sanj...you are right...it takes at least 2 full hours for me to water every plant, but then again that gives me a chance to look at each plant pretty closely...I may have beds next year instead of containers...if the containers give me a good crop, I may just hang with containers...
AJ your plants look fantastic! Wish I could say we are anywhere close to the peppers all being outside but with weather and grandkids graduating it's been so hectic. After tomorrow I am taking a day off to get the garden done or we are cuz I need the help. I can only hope mine get close to looking that good.

My philosophy is the more we plant the less lawn there is to mow. lol.

AJ, what are you going to do with your used container soil at the end of the season?

maybe put in compost pile and use again???

What I would like to know is what is the most reliable way to label pots ???