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AJs 2009 Season Grow Log


Came home this afternoon and found one sprout and three hooks....these were planted last Friday, 01-09-09

Naga Morich Hook...


Dorset Naga sprout


I'm a happy camper shootin' crown chasin' with shiner bock (gonna get drunk tonight if you can't tell)
thanks, I'm a proud papa...

yup Tony...but it is just a cheap 10X magnifier that fits over the existing 6X lens...I really need a much better macro lens for this camera but dang man, the one I want is like $700 and I haven't pouted enough yet to get Linda to get me one....
thepodpiper said:
OK AJ, I want to see a picture of what your taking pictures with.




Pepper Ridge Farm said:
great close up pictures AJ. I thank you for the letter I received in the mail. Thank a bunch.

Thank you & you are quite welcome Cappy...
I have a black hungarian that is bigger than my overwintered plants, and some mustard habs with leaves bigger than my hands, but other than that and a few others I am still trying to get some hooks and sprouts.
is the black hungarian like a regular yellow wax in shape and size or is it another pod type?
I will have to let you know.

It was not a specifically requested trade, but rather a bonus.

It has outgrown the other early sprouters by at least 50%.

It has BIG purple flowers.

The pic on chiliman looks much like the purple japs I grew last year.
excellent...put some pics up when you get a chance...is it a pretty plant?
lens is a "got to have"...but it also has to do with pixels...this ones got 12 megapixels...

the more pixels the finer the grain of the picture...thus the clearer the image...

I am by no means an experienced photographer...I am just an anal retentive engineer that knows enough about a lot of subjects to hurt me.... :lol:
When you take a close up pic like that does your zoom feature let you stand back away from the plant or are you right on top of it?

the end of the lens has to be about 4" from the focal point...that is where this lens focuses...I can use the zoom feature once I get it framed and try to "fine-focus" it...the hook pic is taken at about 93X and the sprout pic is about 63X...
The black Hungarian


The flower (with my noticeably crappier digital cam, sorry, to date it is not capable of photographing it'self without a mirror ;))

THE MUSTARD HAB (with whom I am well pleased......)
Not sure, but it could mean the way a plant first comes pops through the soil - like an upside down hook. I've got about 10 of them upstairs, mostly sweet banana peppers but also a jap and hab.
