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AJs Backyard Pepper Porn 09-20-09


I took my usual 7am stroll around the peppers plants this morning and realized I may be in for not just a good, but great October...it looks like thousands of pods are setting...

The rain we had last Friday-Tuesday looks like it really helped fruit set...only thing now is that I need to fertilize again...

sorry for the picture quality...but my bloodshot eyes can't see well enough to focus

7 Pot


Bih Jolokia


Naga Morich


Ripening 7 Pot (Homegrown)


Passows Piqrano


Serrano...it looks like almost every flower is going to set fruit...


Super Cayenne II Hybrid


Yellow 7 Pot

AJ, I want to live in your backyard! All of a sudden I've got a serious hankerin' for something hot and spicy.
You really amaze me with such beautiful and lush looking plants AJ, it sure must be a jungle over there.

Absolutely fantastic!(also love your other posts of you garden)

thanks all...this year has been easier than last year because of lessons learned....matter of fact, each year seems to get easier...

it sure pays to have good seed stock...most of the superhots were either traded with members of the forum or from my homegrown stock from last year...all of the annuums were bought for this season...

have a great day all..
How many Serrano plants are in that pic AJ? I've grown some from a nursery before and they never looked anywhere near as bushy. I ate them as fast as they grew and I can't wait to see how Hippy's seeds perform for me. My oldest one is really coming along. Keep up the good work.
thanks....that shot is a close up of a portion of two plants....

Yup...the wife and I eat these as soon as they ripen and mix green and red for pico de gallo along with other peppers...I picked about a half pound yesterday afternoon...

There are total 5 plants....here is a shot showing all of them...

the rail at the top of the plants is 5' tall (1.5 meters) and they get full sun all day long....the fence is the north border to my back yard...


close up left


close up right

Aj u r like a idol to me. and wish my thimb was as green as yours like you said each season it gets easier, which i believe and keep telling myself after soem struggles with my first season. I noticed alot of people including your self will plant next to a wall, is this solely for shade at certain times of the day? anyways nice looking plants my fav part when flowerin turns to buds hardwork is paying off.
Noshownate said:
Aj u r like a idol to me. and wish my thimb was as green as yours like you said each season it gets easier, which i believe and keep telling myself after soem struggles with my first season. I noticed alot of people including your self will plant next to a wall, is this solely for shade at certain times of the day? anyways nice looking plants my fav part when flowerin turns to buds hardwork is paying off.

thank you sir but you could probably pick a much better one...if you want to idolize someone...check out some of BillyBoys threads last season and the season before...heck, he had 8' or 9' Naga Morich...

I not only put them next to a fence or wall but plant them pretty dang close together too...most of them are on 18"-20" centers...this is simply to combat our strong North Texas winds we have here...I have found that has greatly improved the sturdiness of my plants since they will always have something to lean on and they can support each other too....plants that are normally spindly (read weak branches) won't work this way and I have to cage them....this is just the way I do it and it seems to work fine for me...

the way my yard is set up....

jalapenos, passows piqrano, serrano, purple serrano, chocolate scotch bonnet, 2 wannabe scotch bonnets, foodarama scotch bonnet, jamaican scotch bonnet, trinidad scorpion, and 7 pot get full sun all day long...

naga island, bhuts and dorsets get about 6-8 hours direct sun

banana peppers get about 3-4

yellow 7 pot, trinidad scorpion morouga blend. cayennes, anaheims, NuMex Sandia, Ancho San Luis, and super chili get full sun from whenever the sun is directly overheat to sundown...

a couple of 7 pot and trinidad congos get morning sun...

boy, I can ramble can't I?
Inspirational AJ. You are the man. I might have to grow a couple of Serranos next year just to make sure I get one good one. That is a great pepper.