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AJs First Ever Hot Sauce 08-24-08


Well, I made my first hot sauce today…kinda used Stillmanz recipe but did a lot of substitution…total pepper weight was 200 gms.

43 - Jamaican Hot Reds
40 - Tepins
10 - NuMex Bailey Pequin
25 - White Habeneros
4 - Orange Habaneros
2 - Chocolate Habeneros
1 - Dorset Naga
2 - 7 Pot
1 - Trinidad Scorpion
3 Tbsp Salt
9 Tbsp Brown Sugar
1200 ml Plums (Mango flavored)
5 Limes
4 Cups Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tsp Arrowroot


Will be working on a label later tonight…I am going to call it “Plum Hot”

These are 150 ml containers.
The point was, he didn't say he needed it thinned out, and you would be adding water. The vinegar was already going in, so the sauce would have turned out the same. ;)
with that amount of peppers I'm thinking it will certainly punch up in heat, but some of the sugars will punch out too and help even it out..also the vinegar will taper ou too so don't stress about the vinegar bite give it a fortnight to a month and they will be very tasty me thinks...Because I use alot of fruits in my sauce I tend not to cook mine too hard. I tend to bring to boil and hold for say 20 minutes then proceed to bottling ...
they look great, keep me posted..you may want to patent it if its real good..
thanks Sickmont...I am pleased with it for my first try...next batch will be adjusted after I let this "stew" for a couple of weeks....

Stillz...you can have the patent if you are serious...I won't every do it...
Will try and go to the store tomorrow some time...it is the other side of town from where I live but work is half way...I hope they still have some...I might try to dehydrate some of them and see how that turns out...hey, can you use dehydrated fruit in sauces?....
AlabamaJack said:
Will try and go to the store tomorrow some time...it is the other side of town from where I live but work is half way...I hope they still have some...I might try to dehydrate some of them and see how that turns out...hey, can you use dehydrated fruit in sauces?....
Yeah man, raisins are used all the time. I have used them. They are also in A1 sauce.
Sounds like a tasty batch you've got here AJ!! Tasty sounding indeed that's for sure. Also. Stillmanz I'm a HUGE eater of venison when I have it. I'm going to have to keep that plumb idea in mind.
AlabamaJack said:
Will try and go to the store tomorrow some time...it is the other side of town from where I live but work is half way...I hope they still have some...I might try to dehydrate some of them and see how that turns out...hey, can you use dehydrated fruit in sauces?....

Well, this is a Bih and a Chocolate Hab rehydrating in some rice vinegar. It's been about 6-8 hrs they've been swimming in there now.


I tell ya what, that vinegar could scare a moose right about now...it started off being pretty clear...

Nice thing is, no watering down since i can just pitch the whole thing in with the other ingredients.
Well A.J nice to see you found a use for that great harvest..Love the hell out of the jars and what a fantastic combination of peppers and plums and arrowroot genius of mr stillz recipe..keep em in the fridge and you'll always have a reminder in the winter months of a great success :)
This is kind of ironic AJ, but I was in my pantry tonight looking for something different to put on my wings (every once in a while I do have something besides Defcon) and I found this bottle of Jim Beam Plum and Whiskey wing sauce that I bought a while back and forgot about. I made a doezen and mixed this with a bit of DM MKII (had to have some Defcon heat). It was great. I never really thought of plums with hot sauce, but I think you will love your sauce. Keep us posted.
Man your sauce looks just awsome.I made my first sauce I didnt really like the taste..I tried it in like 3 ish months total different flavor
sitting does make a difference..Mind you when I make dill pickled japs it takes every thing I have not to open a mason jar lol
AlabamaJack said:
When I went to central market yesterday to get some mango they were out as I found out when I talked to the guy that was stocking...he turned me on to these plums...they are tennis ball sized, yellow/redish when completely ripe and taste very good...sweet of course, with mango undertones....I will try and get the name of the plums and post.

I know the plums you are talking about. They are tasty!
stillmanz said:
nah mate,
did you find out what sort of plumb it was?

Pluot Plum...finally remembered to answer your question Stillz... :lol:

it is a hybrid between an apricot and a plum....they are delicious...

Pluots are a cross between and plums and apricots. The pluot is a new fruit that was developed by Floyd Zaiger in the 1990s. There are several varieties of pluots with colors that range from pink to red. The pluot is sweeter than both of its parents, the plum and the apricot."
sweet and pretty hot...I used a jar to baste some steaks last week and it was delicious...it is not as hot as I thought it would be but it is just about right for the wife...
but you got the balance right. thats the most important thing in my opinion.
Anyone can make somethoing hot, but its a nack to make something hot, tasty and morish.
It sounds really delicious.
I'll look around for those plumbs, I've never heard of them before, very interesting, would be great as a chilli jam or jelly perhaps?
