AlabamaJacks Exotic Superhots in Central Market Stores


I am so excited I am about to pee on myself...just got off the phone with the Central Market Corporate Produce Buyer and it looks like I am going to deliver my first pods to them next pods will be in the DFW area Central Market locations and will be available next Saturday (06 November 2010) for public consumption.

The pods will be in 1/2 pint clamshell containers with my AlabamaJacks Exotic Superhots[sup]TM[/sup] logo and containing the following information

Genus species
common name
approximate scoville heat
how many times hotter than a standard jalapeno
and "Grown in Fort Worth" at the bottom of the label

the bottom of the container will have a brief description of the pepper and its origin.

my labels are pretty simple but that's the way I like things...


Thanks to all on this site for helping me learn how to grow hot peppers and for all the seeds you have graciously traded/swapped/given me...and wish me luck in my new retirement venture...

It sure is nice to know the crop is sold before it is harvested...

by the has taken me over 2 years to finally get into their stores...
AJ: Outstanding. Congratulations and I'm sure that you'll have a long and successful relationship supplying your chiles into the commercial market. Again, congrats!
Congratulations and good luck in the new venture. I hope we get superhots in our stores someday. There are going to be some very happy Central Market shoppers, I hope they know how lucky they are.
Congratulations Ronnie in your new "retired" business. You are doing your best to teach the consumers how to appreciate the heat!!!
Outstanding! You deserve everything good that comes your way. Your hard work and dedication is paying off. I wish we had you here in the Seattle area.