seed-train All aboard ( The next seed train)

Sorry guys, we sent 2 other packages out that day both of which made it to their destination already. One of which went to AJ :crazy: we'll talk to our PO and find out what the hell they're doing with it.

Don't worry about it man. The post office is just going to tell you that they hace 3-14 days to deliver it and there is no insurance or guaranteed delivery so there are no refunds. Trust me, Biscgolf and I went through this already with both of us stressing out. They are just seeds. They are not perishable. If it takes an extra week I don't see that its a big deal. No one is being an asshole in this situation and hoarding the seeds. Its just a mixup and we all have to calm down and expect this from time to time with all the mailing.

Everyone take a breath, calm down and have a beer or ten.
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Haha btw, I was totally just messing around :) it's nice enough that a seed train is making a stop by my house. Don't really care when it gets here, just have been trying to feel out when it'll get here so it's not sitting in some unopened mail of mine for 3 weeks while I'm staying at other peoples houses caring for their pets.

4. Argflores
5. 3/5 King
6. Jamison
7. Bluesgods
9. Durhan_Bull
10. loafers (by the way welcome to THP)
11. Melissa 77754
12. stc3248
13. jsschrstrcks
14. chef c
15. gnarlyeggs
16. Pash
17. cory_huck
18. pinoypride83
19. nmorris279
22. RCC
23. Sr. Beaver
24. Yumyumyellow
25. Windsong
26. Bamaboy1975
27. Chile_freak
28. Teamcole
29. Socalchilehead
30. Thecollegekid
31. Bodeen

CHOO CHOO!!!!!!!!
Ok guys. I am sorry I don't know wtf really happened but Nick was right. I called the PO today and they said they have 14 days before I can consider it missing. I asked why expected date was Saturday and wasn't met I basically got the that's just the way it is. I am sorry that this is going on.
Think I'm gonna have to leave the train. I went away on business and it looks like I'll be gone for a while. If the train looks like it might hit my station before june then skip me.
THIS is why the post office is doing so crappily... lost mail/2weeks delivery is unacceptable, especially in this day and age with the technological sorting that goes on. If UPS had a$2 option we could use for the seed train i'd jump on that in a heartbeat. I betcha more than anything they delivered it to the wrong house and the person is dancing around going holy shit we hit the jackpot(IF they like peppers :-p) i get other people's mail on a regular basis and have to walk the neighborhood returning it to the rightful owners; we've been in this house for 36 years.
not yet MIA... according to OP... PO has 14 days till its MIA.. so may 10th.. its not at anyones house says it was accepted at the PO in WA.. thats about it.. nothing about it leaving the place
I almost wonder if it got randomly screened or searched and they decided it was pot seeds. Then again when dealing with government agencies I think it's generally safe to assume incompetency over conspiracy, so they probably just lost it somewhere in the building.