• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
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All purpose miracle gro, ever use it?

Yeah that is orgasmik! Making worm poo just seems to damn complicated for your normal 40 hr a week job person like me

I am a nurse, working 12 hour days, and some weeks work an upward of 60-72 hours a week. To me, the time I spend on the peppers is relaxing ----> the worm tea is easy as hell to make....go to a craft store, buy muslin bags used for packaging wedding gifts etc., put your worm poo in it, and dunk it in a bucket of water. Leave it in the sun for a day....then go pour it on the peppers.

I will say that making fish hydrosylate is a bit more daunting of a task ----but the end result is fantastic product that is completely natural and fun to make.

but trust me, I understand a busy schedule - - - - >.<

MG in my opinion is really not a terrible product, I just think there are other alternatives out there that are appropriate for others and their goals in growing...I've used miracle grow before and it works, but you can easily overdue it

Hell, try everything and see what you like and works for you
N, P, K are all inorganic elements, thus contain no carbon molecules (if I remember my organic chemistry from the foggy past). Therefore, does it make a difference to the plant utilizing these elements for growth, flowering, fruiting how they are derived? While the source of the NPK may be derived from so called "natural" sources (often at higher costs of production and higher product costs), if the plant does not discriminate in how these elements are delivered, why pay more for less. The assumption is based on using a fert. with the appropriate nutrient ratios for the desired result and plant used in the correct amounts.

I've tried so called natural ferts. and have not seen any plant performance enhancements compared to a water soluble fert. like MG. If there are micro nutrient issues, they can be addressed with appropriate products on a as needed basis.

And yes, I do compost and mulch heavily to reduce the need for fert. applications (2 - 3x) during the growing season.

So using products such as Fish Fertilizer 5-1-1 is not natural??

No sarcasm here. Asking because I'd like to know ;)
The thought was that MG was like Crack for the plants - stop giving'em crack and they dont function the same way. Also those chemicals are in the plant thus in the fruit set then us eating it wasnt so appealing. So keeping ferts organic makes it more appealing and a safer sense of security. Etc...
Fireface says MG = monsanto.
Monsanto is in the process of acquiring and patenting their newest technology, known as "Terminator Technology." This technology is currently the greatest threat to humanity. If it is used by Monsanto on a large-scale basis, it will inevitably lead to famine and starvation on a worldwide basis.
Lets not support them
My 2 cents.
Would anyone be interested in a controlled expeirment using MG vs Organic.​

I have 24 Habanero's all the same age, all the same DNA, all the same soil.​

I would let you guys set the peramiters... i.e. what MG to use and how much. Also I will let you guys decide what Tea's to use.​


I am low on funds right now so I dont know how soon I can start this, but I think this would be a great way for us KNOW
what is better or if each is better for differnt situations.

Things I would document.
  • Growth (duh)
  • look (duh)
  • Time Spent Tending to the plants as per required
  • Ease of use of the 2
  • Cost
  • Addisional Products needed to suplement
Would anyone be interested in a controlled expeirment using MG vs Organic.​

I have 24 Habanero's all the same age, all the same DNA, all the same soil.​

I would let you guys set the peramiters... i.e. what MG to use and how much. Also I will let you guys decide what Tea's to use.​


I am low on funds right now so I dont know how soon I can start this, but I think this would be a great way for us KNOW
what is better or if each is better for differnt situations.

Things I would document.
  • Growth (duh)
  • look (duh)
  • Time Spent Tending to the plants as per required
  • Ease of use of the 2
  • Cost
  • Addisional Products needed to suplement

Go for it, use like worm tea and fish head tea or something idk lol.

But id really loce to see the results.
Small-scale comparisons are very poor indicators of the reliability of a given method. You can do a simple layman's test by strictly adhering to the package's recommended dosage rate for both the MG and organic (and organic is kind of ambiguous, you'd need to just pick something and stick with it), but by nature of the design since you are vested in your peppers there is an inclination for bias...

It may be the case that a recommended dosage rate is not optimal for peppers, but you'd need to at least include it as a control in your experiment.

Not saying you shouldn't try it, but the results are far from definitive.
If enough people show interest i'll do it. Anyone wanna team up with me, or help with mateirals it would help emencely.

Small-scale comparisons are very poor indicators of the reliability of a given method. You can do a simple layman's test by strictly adhering to the package's recommended dosage rate for both the MG and organic (and organic is kind of ambiguous, you'd need to just pick something and stick with it), but by nature of the design since you are vested in your peppers there is an inclination for bias...

It may be the case that a recommended dosage rate is not optimal for peppers, but you'd need to at least include it as a control in your experiment.

Not saying you shouldn't try it, but the results are far from definitive.

I will admit there is a little Bias now, however I to would like to see the results.
Also what If I had a partner that was bias to synthetic or hydro like say... Spongey600
These peppers where always entended for an expirament, even before they germinated, as stated in my Glog.
Even if they all died, I would learn what not to do! That is the point here... Learning
If you would like to help me with Validity I would be open to the challenge and thankful for your input.

I am not Out to proove that MG is bad, I am genuinely curiouse to see wich will provide better results. Yes it will be far from a LAB scale expiriment but atleast it is an atempt, whitch is far better than blindly saying MG is better or the other way around.

Also what if others out there tried it to? If we had a few we could form a rough average.

If I do this, I will have a OPEN thread wich people could tell me the amounts, and or techniques they prefer. I have nothing to gain by sabatoging MiracleGrow.
I'm not saying bias with regard to a particular method, I'm just saying that once you pick your application rates, you need to be consistent. Since there is an inclination to want your plants to succeed and you see that a method is doing harm, there is a tendency to want to (naturally) adjust what you're doing. This is fine, it simply terminates the quantitative portion of the experiment at that point. You can assess it qualitatively beyond that, by adjusting your methods and producing a different result, but a direct quantitative comparison becomes difficult when you change the variables midway through an experiment of this nature.

Something to keep in mind: the Miracle Gro (at least, the 18-18-21 Tomato Food I have) doesn't have any calcium and will react with calcium in solution, so you'll need to include a secondary supplement, either in alternating fert schedules or in the soil itself, or they will be deprived in the long term.
So many variables beyond nutrients. I think this all takes a small amount of sense and not necesarily a wonder fert. If you take an unbiased look at some of the more experienced growers you will see varying techniques,ferts,climates. AJ has mentioned he uses MG,anyone here that would say he doesn't know what he is doing would get laughed off of here. I have been reading a bit about making different "teas" and picking Guru's head a bit. As of this week I started brewing some to experiment on a couple plants. If I don't see overnight success should I say that "tea" i s for hippies? Was the PH good on my tea? Did I brew it properly? Feed it properly? This is where I say the good sense comes in. I don't think either way is superior. There will always be an organic or chemical solution to any pest,or disease. I have a breakneck schedule and decided to use a granular fert made from organic materials. My hope is that the plants can take care of themselves and I can remedy any deficiency that arises. I respect anyone who wants to live healthy but I also believe we need rich,big bad companies to employ dummies like me.

Cayennemist, From my experience this winter,seeds that I picked from the same pods grew at different rates with the same nutes and conditions. Would have to be very large scale over a period of time I'm guessing? Would using cuttings work better?
I'm not saying bias with regard to a particular method, I'm just saying that once you pick your application rates, you need to be consistent. Since there is an inclination to want your plants to succeed and you see that a method is doing harm, there is a tendency to want to (naturally) adjust what you're doing. This is fine, it simply terminates the quantitative portion of the experiment at that point. You can assess it qualitatively beyond that, by adjusting your methods and producing a different result, but a direct quantitative comparison becomes difficult when you change the variables midway through an experiment of this nature.

Something to keep in mind: the Miracle Gro (at least, the 18-18-21 Tomato Food I have) doesn't have any calcium and will react with calcium in solution, so you'll need to include a secondary supplement, either in alternating fert schedules or in the soil itself, or they will be deprived in the long term.
Things I would document.
  • Growth (duh)
  • look (duh)
  • Time Spent Tending to the plants as per required
  • Ease of use of the 2
  • Cost
  • Addisional Products needed to suplement

Schedules, amounts, and sumplemental products that would added, will be directed by you guys, not me. This would be achieved by gaining a genral concentcus in a open thread.
The validity would be discused before the impemintation.
So many variables beyond nutrients. I think this all takes a small amount of sense and not necesarily a wonder fert. If you take an unbiased look at some of the more experienced growers you will see varying techniques,ferts,climates. AJ has mentioned he uses MG,anyone here that would say he doesn't know what he is doing would get laughed off of here. I have been reading a bit about making different "teas" and picking Guru's head a bit. As of this week I started brewing some to experiment on a couple plants. If I don't see overnight success should I say that "tea" i s for hippies? Was the PH good on my tea? Did I brew it properly? Feed it properly? This is where I say the good sense comes in. I don't think either way is superior. There will always be an organic or chemical solution to any pest,or disease. I have a breakneck schedule and decided to use a granular fert made from organic materials. My hope is that the plants can take care of themselves and I can remedy any deficiency that arises. I respect anyone who wants to live healthy but I also believe we need rich,big bad companies to employ dummies like me.

Cayennemist, From my experience this winter,seeds that I picked from the same pods grew at different rates with the same nutes and conditions. Would have to be very large scale over a period of time I'm guessing? Would using cuttings work better?

Yup pro growers use MG including AJ and myself.
AJ has mentioned he uses MG,anyone here that would say he doesn't know what he is doing would get laughed off of here. I have been reading a bit about making different "teas" and picking Guru's head a bit. As of this week I started brewing some to experiment on a couple plants. If I don't see overnight success should I say that "tea" i s for hippies? Was the PH good on my tea? Did I brew it properly? Feed it properly? This is where I say the good sense comes in. I don't think either way is superior. There will always be an organic or chemical solution to any pest,or disease. I have a breakneck schedule and decided to use a granular fert made from organic materials. My hope is that the plants can take care of themselves and I can remedy any deficiency that arises. I respect anyone who wants to live healthy but I also believe we need rich,big bad companies to employ dummies like me.

Cayennemist, From my experience this winter,seeds that I picked from the same pods grew at different rates with the same nutes and conditions. Would have to be very large scale over a period of time I'm guessing? Would using cuttings work better?

Let me put this in a way that is less agressive toward MG...

I am not out to prove that MG is bad, more so to prove that Organic is good, cheap, and just as easy. Not getting in to the envionmental or economical effects.

I am far from being a hippy, but I do feel that we have a responsability to impove our suroundings. Trust me, I am not Ras Trent...
Yea I really get a kick out of the noob gardeners that are willing to use synthetics that say miracle is bad. hahahaha

If your an organic grower then yes miracle is not good. If you grow in-organic and just want to yield, miracle gro is a cost effective fertilizer that can be purchased at the store. It has the primary macronutrients NPK and micronutrients, but is lacking very important secondary macronutrients like Ca/Mg/S. If you already have a fertilizer with high levels of Ca then you can use the miracle gro in between to lower the cost of your fertilizer program. Although I no longer need Cal/Mag due to finding a stand alone bloom fertilizer that has high levels of Ca/Mg/S, I think calmag from botanicare is great.

For fertilizing I do along the same lines as AJ. I do have botanicare pure blend pro gro that I use here and there the whole way. Then I use MG all purpose during vegatative growth and MG tomato feed during reproduction. Along with those I use the Maxibloom as I stated.

I could simplify this whole program into just one thing, maxibloom. Which will end up happening after I run out of the other fertilizers. Maxibloom really is all you need!!!!!
Haha.. I am not calling anyone a hippy. I'm not for or against MG either.

I'm a noob or newb. Woot... Errr something like that. Is that what the cannabis growers call us Capsicum? Deal me in. I mentioned a couple experienced growers in my post that have different techniques, but post proof of their successes. All I have seen from you is a couple pieces of bark on numerous occasions.
I wish I had a lab structure to compair the effects of MG, Maxibloom, Dyna-Gro, and others on benificial microbes such as Mycorrhizal Fungi. As my gut tells me it would not look so good for most of them.

Well from the sound of it you guys aren't interested in the in my little expirement? You would concider the results moot?
damn....any moment I'm waiting for someone to be stabbed.... :twisted:...then used as a fertilizer.... :crazy:

I would love to see an experiment carried out into the long term, however, the amount of variables that would have to be maintained and not altered is way too difficult for an accurate comparison. Is plant a receiving the same amount and intensity of light as plant B. Are plants A and B genetically comparable to one another? Are A and B in the same soil? Do they receive the same water? -----> it's just way too in depth to have a true clinical type study to prove superiority of one versus another.

Different strokes for different folks people....

Like anything else, I think you can find strengths and weaknesses in each and every product. Plus, you have to take into account each of our individual growing setups, climates, plants, soil, water conditions, etc.

I've heard good stuff about maxibloom....may try it out next year, although i'm loving the fish rot smell coming out of (3) 5 gallon buckets out back, haha.

Ras Trent out...

I wish I had a lab structure to compair the effects of MG, Maxibloom, Dyna-Gro, and others on benificial microbes such as Mycorrhizal Fungi. As my gut tells me it would not look so good for most of them.

Well from the sound of it you guys aren't interested in the in my little expirement? You would concider the results moot?

I'd love to see this >>> 6 groups of 4 plants.

we could separate it out into deeper categories like MG, MG tomato, Maxibloom, Fish and Kelp emulsion, worm and fish tea (with myco.), and Dyna-gro...etc.

sounds like a sick experiment to me... :high:
I guess I would like to see Organic get the respect it deserves, there are many common misperseptions assosiated with organic growing, aswell as many bennifits that most poeple dont know about, like BioFilm and Myco's. Seems like every one just thinks MG is easyer, and that just simply isnt the case.

I need a beer... :beer: