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I believe I have caught an early alphid infestation on my peppers! Use the zoom tool to see them close up. The question is its not even 1pm my time and its going to be a hot sunny day, should I take my plants to the shade and spray the hell out of them or wait until tonight to spray them???

Wow! those are some huge aphids, knock them off the shovel. I don't waste any time when I see stuff like that, make it hard for thsoe buggers. Aphids like plants that are grown with a bunch of nitrogen and have a lot of soft green tips. I'd start with a Neem oil spray and hose rinse.
Thanks guys, I got them in the shade and sprayed them with an extremely concentrated batch of spinosad, I went back out there with a pair of tweezers and qtip to get them off and they were already dead (I believe) from the spinosad. Needless to say each plant has been drenched and plenty of the liquid soaked into the soil, do you think I should wait till tomorrow and flush it out real good?
I personally enjoy squishing the lil buggers. I have been dealing with aphids and some type of tiny white moth looking things. I kill em all as best I can.
they are hard to get rid of and keep them gone! I have to treat about every 2 weeks on one plant! I am using enema oil mixed with dawn, it kills them and the plant looks great for 2 weeks then they are back! If someone knows the all out cure please clue me in!!
they are hard to get rid of and keep them gone! I have to treat about every 2 weeks on one plant! I am using enema oil mixed with dawn, it kills them and the plant looks great for 2 weeks then they are back! If someone knows the all out cure please clue me in!!

Do you mean NEEM oil? cause I don't know were to give a plant an enema.
Aphids have a very quick life cycle and are asexual, which means you only need 1 to create an infestation. I don't remember the exact figure, but it is something like 1 becomes 30 in a week, or something like that. Too late to look up the exacts, but you get the picture. To get rid of them, you will need to spray every 3 or 4 days for a couple of weeks to eliminate the nymphs and yet to hatch eggs.

I had an infestation like that on my seedlings while they were inside. I could spray on Friday and by Tuesday they would look like the ones in your picture. It took a couple of weeks to get them under control, but by the time they went outside there were only a couple and the ladybugs got them and I no longer see them at all inside on the new plants I haven't set outside yet. Be diligent, because they sure are.

Good luck!
I used to be kinda grossed out at squishing them, now it's like picking at a scab, I can't HELP IT! I look forward to finding them now! And this year I only have ONE plant with aphids?!?!?
Wow! those are some huge aphids, knock them off the shovel. I don't waste any time when I see stuff like that, make it hard for thsoe buggers. Aphids like plants that are grown with a bunch of nitrogen and have a lot of soft green tips. I'd start with a Neem oil spray and hose rinse.

so that explains why my basil plants are infested with aphids instead of my pepper plants. advantage of companion planting?
they are hard to get rid of and keep them gone! I have to treat about every 2 weeks on one plant! I am using enema oil mixed with dawn, it kills them and the plant looks great for 2 weeks then they are back! If someone knows the all out cure please clue me in!!

Yeah, you need to spray more frequently to bring those prolific leaf suckers under control.
An aphid is born pregnant.
Give your plant an enema every 4 days for at least 2 weeks. :lol:
I looked at Ebay, there's 1800 Lady bugs for around 20 Dollars including shipping. They eat tons of Aphids. They seem friendly for your plants. They also eat other insects that have soft bodies, like mites, white flies, and scale insects.
Thanks guys I will be vigilant and continue to spray regularly. I think I caught them early enough so I wont need to get any lady bugs, I have just noticed them on that one plants and moved it to a quarantined area and sprayed them all!
I flipped my plants up side dow and shoved the insecticide into the drainage hole the roots rapidly sucked it up and each time the little bastards took a bite they were filled with poison. Forget about spray applications its all about the enema baby.
ok now seriously.
Earlier this year I asked SilverSurfer what kind of insecticide he uses, he said that he uses Green Light with spinosad. So I already had a bottle on hand and it killed those alphids within minutes of application! I went out with a QTip and tweezers to get them off the plant and on contact they just dropped to the dirt already dead.