and begins again

bentalphanerd said:
I see two of every animal walking towards my place it's BBQ time :cool:

send a few down this way - I just bought a marinade injector off ebay and I want to test it out

anyone used one of these before?
what's that in the pic Bent? sweet potatoes, mushrooms, bulgarian carrots, orange habs? I can't make out the rest - eyes are too old.
sweet potatoes, potatoes, grape toms, Siam, Yellow Habs, Serranos, bird-habs.
all the plants have really kicked it up a gear this last week, not long now until I get some big hauls.
P.S...if you click on the small pic it will show a full size pic.
chilliman64 said:
ahhh that's better, thanks. it's not easy to confuse mushrooms and potatoes.

nice harvest!

Thanks, yep the spuds did come out a little small probably due to lack of water. Thats their 2nd generation and I think they're getting used to the dry conditions....they are a big improvement on the first batch I grew. Still have a few Red Pontiacs growing, potato growing really tests your patience.
Sweet potatoes got munched on by something though, might not do them again. The grape Tom is about 3" from the roof of the cage again & we've had 24 hrs of drizzle rain so I can expect to be bringing a few kg of them along to Byron.
Those Bird/Habs are getting really hot, I've been leaving them on the plant for a few weeks after they change colour , but WOW :mouthonfire: coughing, sneezing, was great :P
Same here... we had 53.2mm here yesterday. People on the news were even talking about the possibility of the drought breaking, seems a bit premature to me, but here's hoping.
Nothing like that about 20 hours of drizzle cleared up yesterday afternoon & blue skies this morning.
Dark clouds rolling in from the south now - fingers & toes crossed.
Good to hear some of it finally reached the catchment area...stave off level 6 restrictions for another week.
A few good downpours tonight, now 90 km/h wind gusts.

Everybody say goodbye to my tomatoes :think:

On the bright side...Only 1 month till Byron Bay Chilli Festival :lol:
It seems all the hype about rain was all cyclonic blow & no substance {must be an election coming up :mouthonfire: }

Toms have survived so far, few good downpours, but its still dust a few inches under the surface. Terra is still Firma. The compost looks like its finally gonna break down though.

Stayed indoors all day & made a new sauce using a secret ingredient that I always wanted to try....after taste testing I decided to call it "Pain" ..... Van broke down on the way back from picking up boy after school... 3 hours to get home....not mentioning any names , but $%#&'n Toyota's.

How was the Orange sauce anyway? consistency, heat, flavour? I'm starting to think I'm almost ready for a 100 bottle batch of something. You'll both be getting a jar of Pain soon to try too. It's not as bad as it sounds :lol: Appreciate any feedback.
O.K so I spoke too soon. Finally stopped raining here. Wasn't a great deal where I am but went underwater not too far north. I'm even going to have to dust off the mower before my boys birthday party this w/end.

Plants loved it although I think it spoiled my drought proofing section. Going to be a big crop by xmas....looks like I'll even have tomatoes...woohooo.

I saw on the news few nights ago where a very pest resistant tomato has been developed here & should be on the shelves in a month or so....I'll grab a pack for you Pam (sorry cant find any info online at the mo)

How'd you other aussies fare...suppose you're traveling by jet-ski now chilliman64 ... bobs using a paddle :lol:
The rain was good, but it wasn't enough. Apparantly the dams are still getting some run-off though. Me, well, I was putting in a new garden on saturday for my chillies, moving a couple of cubic metres of garden soil up a hill in a wheel barrow, when it decided to start raining again. And it poured. I kept going, worried that my dirt pile would be washed away, and got it finished, but I was soaked by the end. Moving (running) all that dirt up a gentle slope was a good workout though.
Pam said:
So, did you get the Bhut Jolakia seeds or do I still need to set some aside?

Thanks Pam, my two Bih Jolokias came back to life again after the rain. I think thats their 3rd near death experience. Hope it translates to nice hot pods (whenever thats going to happen). I should be right for now.
Cheers :drooling: