• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
You have several of my favorites growing! Might I ask if your fish/seaweed fert with the Gordon's guy on the front does it have a strong odor? I'm looking for something like that with low numbers for later on in the year. Thanks and good growing!!!
Yeah...wanted to compare it to my primos in person. I will use them for powders and sauces. I will fill you in on taste. I really liked the Primos...they were brutally hot though.
Annie I had a dream I was visiting my fam (maternal) all of whom is in Greensboro and you and I met up and exchanged the best of our best in our grow. The dream was sooooo clear, but I never saw your face. We were sooo familiar. It was like we were childhood friends that had been exchanging peppers for years over good cold beer and shots of Jack. Aahhahaaaa. Was a great dream.

Too answer your question, my mother has a long back yard. Almost on an acre. I will find a way. Also, I have great soil around my apartment, which is a two family house. Hopefully, Sandy ripped out trees to let in direct sun light.
Never sell the kids, gift dem ... oh and ask top dollar for dem plants mon, lol ;)

That was so . . . sick! :rofl:

You have several of my favorites growing! Might I ask if your fish/seaweed fert with the Gordon's guy on the front does it have a strong odor? I'm looking for something like that with low numbers for later on in the year. Thanks and good growing!!!

Rob: the fish aspect of NHarvest is hydrolyzed or cold processed using enzymes to process nutes from fish waste, so it doesn't stink and has all the goodies still in it. I don't use "fish emulsion" unless I make it myself after going on crappie night stalk in summer. That Alaska stuff stinks and is mostly nitrogen, probably from human urea, with hot processed fish guts for stink . . . ya got some urea already! ;) Those are low N's which are great for later after vegetative cycle or later on in year. I bought a gallon of it for flower and fruit last winter, knowing I'd only use a pint during the indoor grow. (Wasn't that optimistic of me?) Great for AACTs!

Yeah...wanted to compare it to my primos in person. I will use them for powders and sauces. I will fill you in on taste. I really liked the Primos...they were brutally hot though.

You gonna "gonna fill [me] in on taste" . . . I don't get no pods from California to Carolina for the Carolina Reaper? A POD? 1/2 POD? And WE created THIS for YOU and I only get a "fill in"??!! Just kiddin' with ya Shane, sweetest darlink :P
Annie I had a dream I was visiting my fam (maternal) all of whom is in Greensboro and you and I met up and exchanged the best of our best in our grow. The dream was sooooo clear, but I never saw your face. We were sooo familiar. It was like we were childhood friends that had been exchanging peppers for years over good cold beer and shots of Jack. Aahhahaaaa. Was a great dream.

Too answer your question, my mother has a long back yard. Almost on an acre. I will find a way. Also, I have great soil around my apartment, which is a two family house. Hopefully, Sandy ripped out trees to let in direct sun light.

Nice that Sandy did something worthwhile. I'm so sorry y'all went through that. GREAT that you have the real estate for growing!

Now that's weird (dream) because the other night I dreamt you wanted another cuba libre from the bar on South Sosua Beach in Dominican Republic! Even weirder and no offense but nicer than fetching you drinks :rofl:, the entire white sand beach was COVERED in pepper plants being irrigated gently by this mountain stream that ran right off into the Caribbean. We'd been munching on a Douglah crossed with something and this guy in white coat, napkin over his arm, holding plate full of pepper pods, aka wine-serveresque, was asking "Y como les gusta?" Wow! Pia, we really have to stop meeting like this :party: Actually, I love G-boro (for NC as there's not much I actually LIKE about NC).

OH YEAH: and there was a seafood bar beside the fancy drink bar--thank gawd you didn't want anything with "umbrellas" in it :rolleyes: --with dig it, snow crab???, conch fritters and conch salad--wonder where I'd get that reminder, other than well living in DR and your posts relative to--shrimp, calamares (squid), lobster?? and snook sushi?? We really gotta stop meetin' like this! Peace, sweetie!
Okay, THP police? This astounded me: these were sown on 3-5. I took these shots last night when I realized "OH MY!" From 3-5 to 3-8?


Maters and basil.


I have more shots but (this is not the place :rolleyes: and some uptight people even object to food porn?) was so busy planting onions when got off from work yesterday . . . didn't pay these any attention because I just assumed they'd take a week. Wrong! Am eventually gonna thin to strongest per cell, but right now, I think they're just enjoying some light.

But some onions! ("This is not the place.") Linda/Roper these are for you esp. hon!

Got 3 beds these. The big ones will not produce big bulbs. Will make nice onions for like a jerk marinade/sauce or just green onions. The other raised beds, kale, beets, lettuces when it's warm enough. These are white candy, superstar yellow and red candy apple in other bed(s). Prepped the beds Thurs. night by making "rows" with yardstick, watered bone meal, Foliage Pro and kelp in those trenches, covered trenches, then trenched above them to stick the transplants in.

Pepper picks on Monday after watering/feeding. Am letting them get bone dry and then bottom feeding/watering them Neptune's Harvest 1/4th strength in dunk water, still. I've noticed that they or these, just seem to grow better really dry.

Got some friends coming over tonight to watch the game. Nuke dook! Senior night and we only got one starter who will be starting: Dexter Strickland! Young team, but a rolling small line-up! Nuke dook! Dean Smith started this trad (senior night) in the early 70's; yes, he did because John Wooden, one of my other bball mentors, rest his soul, said he wished he'd thought of it: honoring seniors who sometimes don't play. NUKE dook! Win or lose, this one is for the greatest basketball coach, with Alzheimer's (so sad), OF ALL TIME! Dean Edward Smith! He said, "If everything you do in life is a life or death situation, you'll die a lot." Hope ferret-face (unfair to ferrets) gets this: NUKE dook!

SKO HEELS! (Some folks raise their kids right! And they were okay enough not to let the kid sing, what we all sing: "GO TO HELL dook!" dook is never capitalized.) Peace y'all!
Aaahahaaaaa. Adorable. And I like your dream much much better.

Welp, I didn't put the part in about how weird it was with Liz Bishop screaming, like she had this huge microphone, her poem, "At the Fishhouses," from top of Pico Isabel, mingled with the sound of really loud merengue on a jam-box @ beach . . . Bishop wrote most of her best stuff in the mountains of Brazil, which is how she got in the dream; I'd been discussing her with a colleague one day this week, so "better" is "relative" . . . lol. Peace!
Best I don't post my dreams or dat ban hammer will fallith on WG ;) ... Annie, nice update, oh and where's da foodie back at ya, lols

Best I don't respond or we'll both be hammer-banned! :rofl: Like you, I'm eating faster than I can take pics! (Also high metabolism.) Will get you food pics soon: I virtually do no food unless grilled/smoked in spring/summer! Mmmm.
Best I don't respond or we'll both be hammer-banned! :rofl: Like you, I'm eating faster than I can take pics! (Also high metabolism.) Will get you food pics soon: I virtually do no food unless grilled/smoked in spring/summer! Mmmm.
ROFLMAO ... guess I'll have to wait till spring :/ but I'll do something sooner ^_^
ROFLMAO ... guess I'll have to wait till spring :/ but I'll do something sooner ^_^

Mi querido sabelotodo ;) entiendo bien que se come o estamos muertos. :rolleyes: Pero me gusta mejor la comida preparada alfresco. Cada dia, hace mas calor . . . Otra cosa, por favor: eres vegetariano aparte de mariscos? Para mi es igual . . . cualquier. Ya estoy descalza muchos dias. Cada dia, mas calor . . . :P

Yeah, those maters popped real fast.
Dang, Lady, you sure know your knutes!
We needs an Annie Grows It encyclopedia.

Lol. Try it, sweetie: I just did it on maters but should have on peppers: salt petre (Lowe's carries Spectracide stump-remover) and hydrogen peroxide. I soaked seeds in it, but found an article about continuing to squirt it for seeds while germinating. Potassium nitrate and H202. 1 teasp. salt petre and 2 tablespoons H202 to quart of water. And H202 doesn't kill all the mycorr. Maters worry me about damping off before they emerge, so as it turns out, helps that and damn, germination . . . whew, lol! ;)
Ok, now I have to go back and make sure I got all the right notes written down and in the right order, whew sometimes it's a real chore going though these logs but dang they're just packed with good stuff. Onion beds are looking good Annie, going be time to make some relish here pretty soon :)
Pepper updates. Had stomach thingie over weekend . . . but dragged myself out to bro's "estate" warming party :cool:


all mixed up JA Reds in here, Orange Thai, annuums, a couple 7 Pod Yellow, a few manzano: grouped by height for light.


mostly variety of jals, cayenne, and some supers that I do not understand lol, oh well.


Scotch bonnets, lousy pic but . . .

7 Pod Brown x Nagas (Jamie/Romy 6) a Ramon "Pop" ;) some Douglah . . . Aconcagua really mixed up!


Datil, manzano, some eggplant . . .


Tabasco doing well, Giant Jal too . . .


JA Reds, Harold St. Barts . . .


Carib Reds, fine as they grow low to ground . . .


TS Moruga Scorp . . . healthy
Muchacha, great looking seedlings getting bigger and look healthy!!! So that MIA was a ruse ;) hope you feelin better ^_^

Well, MIA in that I lived in bathroom :tear: but ya know when ya bro doesn't care that ya been sick . . . pride goes before his similar station in b-room maybe. smh. I have a question, when getting ready for retirement who needs 6k sq. feet of house? Just a thought. Will call "the boy" later to ask how he feels :D Peace, mi hermano! ;)

Very nice updates, Annie. How many do you even have this season? Looks like a lot of work already :D

Thanks Mr. s . . . a bit of work . . . :shh: ;)