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Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
"Red snapper; bro likes it stuffed, grilled in banana leaves ..." Thanks for the reminder, I love that too ... stuffed with callaloo, onions, penny tomatoes and spicy seasoning. Hell I&rsquo;ve got everything, need to catch a fish and buy some fresh callaloo. Muchacha if you forget to take pictures this time there&rsquo;s no excuse ;)

De veras, Ramon? Con ocho dedos y dos pulgares y debo hacer fotos al mismo tiempo . . . vale. ;) I was just glad when I saw hojas de platano congelado en el SUPERmercado. But now . . . :rofl:clearly, I make that like that close to what he had in St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. John???!! (They just got back from a month vacation.) Probably NOT! Bro's hooked. Really, my brother comes back and evidently bought a guayabera for every day of week, and all I've seen him in, shirt, even in this cool weather. Bought Jumex guanabana nectar and said, "Blasphemy!" :rolleyes:. Le acuerdo. Am gonna need your help with this! Because I'm going all the way for his family. He now likes no hot pepper but scotch bonnet. :rolleyes: He says, "You ever heard of callaloo?" :rolleyes: Me: "And okra? Uh, yeah. And conch and culantro, but you probably heard, 'Shadow Benny' . . ." So, I can see this meal is happening in summer. PM me, as I'm gonna need help! It'll be fun! Hope can find some culantro seeds soon, meant to order . . . cilantro is not even close: which I have a lot of coming up! You got some culantro seeds? :rofl:
Sorry no culantro seeds in my seed stash but if you find, let me know where. I also need to start up cilantro soon as the green mangos are coming \o/ I'll probably just buy a starter, should be the quickest way this year. Let me know when you start getting ready and I'll have to write up something, remember I don't do much measuring, it's eye balling for me, lol.
Sorry no culantro seeds in my seed stash but if you find, let me know where. I also need to start up cilantro soon as the green mangos are coming \o/ I'll probably just buy a starter, should be the quickest way this year. Let me know when you start getting ready and I'll have to write up something, remember I don't do much measuring, it's eye balling for me, lol.

Found some culantro seeds. 100 in case issues with germ. I already have cilantro in 3 pots coming up and one OW. But not same thing. I'll keep you posted on this big fish cook. :party: I eyeball too, and can translate another's eyeballing ;) Thanks, Ramon!
They'd look even more amazing not dragging them in and out of house.

But this is a good thing, if you're carrying them in and out dirt day is close. I did the carry deal for about 4 weeks, sometimes drove home from work to bring them outside because it had warmed up. We've spoke before about cukes, we rarely get a decent spring grow, gets too hot too soon. I used to hunt at this place where the rancher/farmer harvested cukes in the fall. he planted seeds 90 days before the average first frost. We did this last year and had them coming out of our ears. So I'm sure this will work for the other vine crops, maybe a bit earlier planting for some of the others. Worth a try anyways. If I've already conveyed this chalk it up to much shiznaz in my head.

Have a good one!
Hi Annie,
Another glog thats always entertaining to read !
Ah....., Culantro, I didn't grow that this year. The seeds stay fresh for so long and then the germination rate drops. 100 seeds.....lol . If you drop one on the floor you're actually dropping 50 or so. They're so dang small. I've grown this in the past. The leaves are tougher than cilantro but are also more intense, which makes it ideal for a Caribbean Chutney.......got any JA Habs...............I know you do.
The plants will bolt fast in the heat. I'm sure they thrive in the intense sun..........on the higher cooler mountainside elevations.
If you plant do it in succssion so you'll be in supply not demand.
The Asian markets all carry it here Culantro/Shado Beni) I'm reluctant to start some up for that fact.
Your maters and peppers are moving along nicely. I hope you're getting better weather than we are.
Enjoy the rest of your week !
Update and maybe some help :dance: . My cousin came to till garden yesterday, no pics of him on old Ford, as he said if I took a picture, he'd quit. Also, friend is taking some PTO to help me next week, as she knows I can and might put myself in a wheelchair doing this, alone. But the results:


His other grandmother is dying . . . the boy's in major grief. So he had to do this yesterday given that we may be attending another funeral over weekend. I gave him ton of Boston Pickling, White Wonder cuke plants, some zuke and yellow squash and he's promised me watermelon wine :rolleyes: . I don't drink alcohol now, but ya know, he gave me some of his grape/muscadine sherry, as ALL of his wines are superdry--dunno how he does it--but cooking sherry ROCKS! Closest thing I get to mash now is fermenting peppers and compost teas. Fam trads must survive. :P But astounded me as worms were flipping up like crappie escaping a striper run--he did a shallow till first to warn them--he stopped, let the worms go deeper--we gabbed, then he went back through with deep rototill. All that manure, lime, straw, mulched leaves, never seen the amount of WORMS. Stuck my hand down in this to elbow: WORMS. Close up:


I laid a 4 x 8 slab plywood down to walk on this to middle; I don't weigh much so . . . and I wanted that small piece of wheat grass :rolleyes: but let it go, as don't want to compact it. "Boy's" pretty meticulous: goes back over deepest tractor tracks and manages not to leave any tire marks. Looks like loam and aside from moisture: we've not had rain for a while. He did his, was doing several gardens yesterday because his OTHER grandmother, dang. Just . . . freak. Sad. Anyhow, he's like "Girl, I wiped a worm off my forehead. Shit, this is the most MOIST, RICH, garden in Burke County . . . Now, where'd you get that straw?" I just laughed and heck no: I'll share but not letting him use up my sources, naw. Then I get none! Besides, I help maintain, aka money, on tractors and gave him the only thing of his he's not been able to get come up. And of course you guessed: I'm taking a truckload of straw to him on Friday. I say this crap and never mean it! "Man, you gonna bogart my sources? Sheeiit." But he knows me. He asked about hot peppers, saw them, went, "Hmm." Asked if I was selling any and I said, "Nope." Told me I was a hard, hard woman. I laughed: am dumping a ton of those peppers off on him, free. So, NOT selling. After he left and stopped slobbering over the Douglah plants, I went to Cherokee Manufacturing and picked up these for 25 bucks:


10 10 gallon nursery pots, 5 15 gallon and going back for more. And they have 8' 1 inch diameter bamboo poles for .50 piece.These pots are new. And using this mix for the container plants:
5 parts composted pine mulch or 25 gallons for large batch
1 part peat or 5 gallons large batch
1 part chunky perlite
2 cups dolomite lime (3/4 powdered/1/4 pelletized)
2 cups Osmocote PLUS (might throw in some Espoma Tom Tone and Kelp Meal)

Will fertilize/water with DynaGro Foliage, Grow, and might use Bloom OR just hit this stuff with fungally based compost tea for bloom/fruit cycle.

For maters same deal but 3-1-1 mix and a little vermiculite. Surely don't need vermiculite in garden. Straw keeps it moist. I'll probably toss the manzanos in 15 gallons but these ARE large pots, so 10 might hold manzanos, and that 8' bamboo might . . . I don't use containers usually. Al's 5-1-1 is popular on GWeb and any suggestions are welcome. All paste toms, eggplant, etc are going in 10-15 gallons with that 3-1-1 mix, or some version of it. Which means inorganic fertilizers for most part. And another trip back for more pots. Which frees garden space for couple rows heirloom toms, 7 Pod family, fatalii as well, since mine get TALL in garden except for choc habs, bonda ma jacques, Harold's St. Barts (containers) and got no clue about Scotch Bonnets, red and yellow so, suggestions would be appreciated, y'all. Also, the Anaheim are going in pots. Using Shane's 1/2 inch branched to 1/4th with stakes and .5 gph emitter for watering. Toms and eggplant on different solid garden hose--I can make those to length in no time with a kit--as they'll need more water than peppers.

Again, suggestions on container mix listed above, welcome. Lots of different views on it. Thanks for looking!
Sounds like a good deal and his rating is good, you trust ebay for seeds o_O

I never trust eeekbay for seeds! But I figure 100 at that price . . . since I don't live in urban areas and already checked Thai, Oriental, Mex Tiendas--no hay culantro--so . . . gonna give it a go, lol!

. . .. where the rancher/farmer harvested cukes in the fall. he planted seeds 90 days before the average first frost. We did this last year and had them coming out of our ears. So I'm sure this will work for the other vine crops, maybe a bit earlier planting for some of the others. Worth a try anyways. If I've already conveyed this chalk it up to much shiznaz in my head.

Have a good one!

Thanks, Scott! Cukes like a little shade, so I give them a little shade. Got them coming out ears now in trays. Just need soil to warm up and they transplant fine for me at this size. Other stuff, aside from some zukes and yellow squash, direct seeding, and a watermelon/cantaloupe plant or two . . . just seeing if disease resistance applications helps them. Hmm, but where you live, I'd probably go with late summer/fall too!

Culantro...not to be confused with Culoentro...common mistake out here in socal.

Whatup lady??? Just stopped by to see what's crackin over here. Plant out this weekend???

Shane . . . culoentro, REALLY?! Gee, didn't know ya keeered like dat ;) . Es mejor recibir que dar y quisiera que comportarme como uno que ofrece. :rofl: Naw: NOT this weekend, unless no rain. Straw kept the underbelly of big garden very, very moist. And it might rain, might not. 50% chance. Am going for straw either tomorrow or Friday, since I got a bro's truck. Wetting down ton of cardboard for edges in wheelbarrow . . . then entire bales to suppress any creepers along sides + after planting. Ounce prevention, pound cure and gotta pick up pine bark fines for the 5-1-1 and 3-1-1 for containers. Be Monday, probably. Thanks for stopping by and empty your uh, box; am gonna be PMing you on manzanos, manzano man!

Man, all this talk about herbs and I need to get some planted but with moving soon I hate to think about all the pots I'm going to have to move. Well, it's not entirely a bad thing to have to deal with :)

Have a great week

Thanks Bill! Terrible time to be moving but really, it's never a good time to move. When I moved back from Austin and moved to Raleigh rented separate U-Haul just for plants! Where ya treasure is . . . and heart and . . . ;) well, you understand! Have a wonderful week and weekend as well!

Hi Annie,
Another glog thats always entertaining to read !
Ah....., Culantro, I didn't grow that this year. The seeds stay fresh for so long and then the germination rate drops. 100 seeds.....lol . If you drop one on the floor you're actually dropping 50 or so. They're so dang small. I've grown this in the past. The leaves are tougher than cilantro but are also more intense, which makes it ideal for a Caribbean Chutney.......got any JA Habs...............I know you do.
The plants will bolt fast in the heat. I'm sure they thrive in the intense sun..........on the higher cooler mountainside elevations.
If you plant do it in succssion so you'll be in supply not demand.
The Asian markets all carry it here Culantro/Shado Beni) I'm reluctant to start some up for that fact.
Your maters and peppers are moving along nicely. I hope you're getting better weather than we are.
Enjoy the rest of your week !

Thanks Greg and heard y'all got snow: "I complained I had cold weather until I saw a man who had snow." Am sorry and thank you for sharing that chill with us ;) !! Yeah, they'll bolt fast but sequential planting, like I do with cilantro--minute it comes up, gets morning and then shade until taps and another planting--might work; but I'm with Ramon on distrusting seed sources from ebay even if they have great ratings. You have much fun with rest of week and weekend as well, hon. Be stopping by you glog today as we got one more cold issue over next two days, and then ostensibly is gone :party: But as cuz said yesterday: "I always plant after the last frost. But when's THAT?" :P

Annie hows the weather? We're drying up today, hoping its dry here for the next several days but looks like we going to get more rain over the weekend ... Hope you can get the girls out soon ^_^

Ramon, mi hermano! Translate for Shane, please (he asked for it!) :party: We only have a 50% chance of getting your rain, since we got and are getting Greg's cold. Could some of y'all extremists like . . . let up? :rofl: I've decided to just let go, let God, prepare; they VERY ready to go out and play. We might have the last bad low tonight: 39 and then hope ya don't send rain but very sorry y'all had/having the torrential stuff! Peace, querido! ;)

Dirt is looking real gooood! Once ya got it tilled it can't be far off. Can't you hear those plants talking to ya? Hey it might get loud tonight. "I wanna go right there" "plant me" "plant me" "no me first!"

Can't wait to see it!

Good score on the pots too!

I know your gonna love all of this work coming up, have fun and take care!
Jack-hammered dog-feces tired: making "raised beds" in garden with couple types of hoes, shovels, got 3 "beds" left out of 11 wide ones and lots of straw to pick up tomorrow before rain happens. Hope to make some cucumber "cages" out of remesh, during the forecast rain event Sunday, since a bro is loaning me heavy duty bolt cutters . . . dang, need to hire help :rolleyes:. Also dousing, hope to use Fisker's dig tool to double-dig perlite into those "beds" pre-rain, along with some compost to prevent rain compaction. . . if I can move after tomorrow :rofl: .
...wow, and now dirt porn too ;) !
Hmmm...."Jack hammered dog feces .......", ....sounds messy ?
Perfect, I needed a priming for the rides.....and replanting will be job one(okay ,say maybe ...3?) when I get feet dry USA Saturday :woohoo:
Now I'm goin swimmin in the rain ....because I can :rofl: !
....and then wheels up at 20:37, my little green minions await their leader :dance: !
Have a good one,
I dig the color or your well groomed/tilled garden plot.

Wide rows...cool!

Plenty of sun for the plants, and even a tree to shade in with a cup of Iced Tea when it gets to dam hot to harvest those thousand(s) of peppers.

Why do you need containers ?
&hellip; &hellip; &hellip; Ramon, mi hermano! Translate for Shane &hellip;
Translate and give up our secrets, never ... hehehehe

hope ya don't send rain but very sorry y'all had/having the torrential stuff! Peace, querido! ;)
It did stop raining, been dry now for tres d&iacute;as but the increased humidity has done wonders, yard & plants are total lushness! I actually went out and took a rain shower basking in our warm humid Mainline Florida days ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ I love it \o/
&raquo;&raquo; Foobar2k ::: Eric Clapton - 461 Ocean Boulevard (1974) - 10 - Mainline Florida ::: 2:23/4:08 (&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;) ::: 416 kbps &laquo;&laquo;

Speaking of loving, every time I look at your freshly plowed plot &hellip; dam that&rsquo;s so beautiful &hellip; I love it ^_^ Hat&rsquo;s off muchacha \o_