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Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
Not gonna "like" this because some flooding was freaking severe. Even for Houston. S and SW Harris got slammed. Katy, I-10, Sugarland, and 610 loop areas hit hardest. LOTS of times, folks would just evac and come to Austin for those spring WAVES that Houston sometimes gets. They were in drought, so be good deal to call brother. Much peace, Scott and blessings to your family!

Brother's fine, so is my nephew, he just moved to Katy and was inside painting. Didn't realize it had rained so much. I was more worried about his Jersey Village home, it's in low land. OK as well.

You know 36 years ago when LB and I moved to Tejas it always rained like this. Maybe things are coming full circle..
You know 36 years ago when LB and I moved to Tejas it always rained like this. Maybe things are coming full circle..

I think you may be on to something there. I remember growing up in SE AR roughly 50 years ago, and the springs then were very much like this one. We would be isolated for days at a time by flooded roads in every direction.
Did same every spring in Austin during 1980's. Get in inner-tubes, roll on the river down French Pl., paddle right, down Manor Rd., nice ride going down that hill . . . with bottle of bourbon, singing, "Waltz Across Texas." Cops can't get to ya . . . long as ya jump off and walk the tube back up Manor . . . smh.
I remember back in '86 living in Magnolia Tx, I had just put a new engine in a sweet Buick Regal I picked up dirt cheap (cuz they blew the engine). Kids were 1 and 4, it rained much more than we thought that night. We got to the hwy. and decided to turn around, there was about 3"s of water in the parking lot and a ditch along the hwy which I couldn't see. Sank that car to the inspection sticker, I can still see the look on LB's face, eyes as big as cue balls. No babe, don't open your door, hand me the kids...
edit: (changed response) Wait I do remember, it was the fall, close to turkey day as I was off, pulling carpets and seat covers to hang and dry...and then it rained. Dried the radio on the wood stove, put it back together and traded it!

Hmmmhmm: "You might be a Texan if . . ." Also, it's interesting how quickly an import from NC uh, assimilates to Nation State Texas culture and cured many of some PC-stuff that kinda went along with being "Austinite." There was no cure for the Californication that would later happen.
Actually, a friend and I were talking today about MOVING to Manasota Key, Ramon. Charlotte Co. &hellip;
Only 189 miles from my house, so I could make it over to your place for Saturday BBQ&rsquo;s in 3 hours and 3 minutes :woohoo:

But here's to ya for rubbin' it in! ;) &hellip; &hellip;
I think you missed my &ldquo;wink&rdquo; wasn&rsquo;t trying to rub anyone, just saying why not move into the year round grow club but I was only joking. I understand the many reasons as to why not &hellip; peeps live where they will be most happy and in your case you have lots of family there that brings you joy so a move wouldn&rsquo;t make sense to me.

&hellip; Carl, I think those Fla guys just envious of how much land we got . . .
I could see some peeps having land envy but I am not one as I love the tropical zone. I have considered another move towards northern FL again but the down side is no coconuts or outdoor orchids :/
Only 189 miles from my house, so I could make it over to your place for Saturday BBQ&rsquo;s in 3 hours and 3 minutes :woohoo:

I think you missed my &ldquo;wink&rdquo; wasn&rsquo;t trying to rub anyone, just saying why not move into the year round grow club but I was only joking. I understand the many reasons as to why not &hellip; peeps live where they will be most happy and in your case you have lots of family there that brings you joy so a move wouldn&rsquo;t make sense to me.

I could see some peeps having land envy but I am not one as I love the tropical zone. I have considered another move towards northern FL again but the down side is no coconuts or outdoor orchids :/

BABY DOLL!!!! I got your winks and was just messing with you. We've PM'ed privately and a move is probably in my near future. Truthfully, the only reason I'm here: my mother is dying faster than most. That's it! I want to hang around for my mother, help her when I can. Just be with her while she's alive. OTH, a plane can get me here as quickly as a vehicle can get one of my brothers here: honestly, I envy your situation. Yep. Like John Steinbeck writes in East of Eden at beginning of the novel: &ldquo;You can boast about anything if it's all you have. Maybe the less you have, the more you are required to boast.&rdquo; Which is how I view the mentality, climate, of this area. Thus, if I "boast" of it, I do so out of "the less you have" or scarcity. I really love your seaweed experiment, not washing off the salts and keeping the little marine life alive. I'd probably have washed it but you've proved that it's better, at least for you, not to. Me: I have to invest money in Maxicrop kelp! That's emotional honesty. The only great thing I've learned here is patience with people who know no better and don't want to, while criticizing ya for wanting to learn more, and that clay soil can be amended with a lot of hard work. The teachings of my grandmother reside in my heart; it goes where I do, I hope! Mi hermano, envy never means to offend but it always does: I was wrong. Te pido perdon! ;)

Wonderful looking soil you have there Annie. Looks better than Jersey soil. I was only able to about double my last years plot to day. Digging up grass is a bitch. Good work out tho. I may have to rent a tiller but I dont want to.

Pia, it's very hard work. T-total bitch! Good on ya! Last raised, as in, stick wood frame around it, bed I did, I borrowed my bro's tiller just to rip-up the sod, double digging is really hard and in some soils harder than others. I know, I know, no-till, etc. It's a personal ethic or preference, but when it comes down to walking or not, being able to move, sheeiit, if I'd had a scoop, I'd have used that to do the last raised bed that I stuck a frame around! Tillers aren't evil, just expensive to rent. Just my .02 and am so glad you expanded because you have a gazillion beautiful pepper plants and they gotta have a home!

AND was playing Baez's version of "Gracias a la Vida" BLARING at midnight--slow gentle rains for 18 hours--no flooding as forecast, doubt it compacted raised beds within garden and if will warm up, dry out the "ambient clay" can plant out! :party:
Makes sense to me, one of the reasons I moved back here were Mami y Papi. Now that both are gone there's no hold on us other than I have my brother, two sisters & their kids living down here. That said, our older son is attending a military school down here and I prefer to keep him in it as he's currently top of the class in his HS and a move would most likely upset his groove. Not sure what we'll down down the road, the Caribbean is in my blood from birth and I would love to get back but we have a younger one to worry about too ... who knows, might not be in my future :/
Annie, I hear you on the tiller thing and being able to walk! We both have too much garden to double dig, I'm 54 and the first profession hurt, me started at 14, multiple back, groin and shoulder injuries, can you say rode hard put up wet? That's why I retired from it. Retired at 41, I saw the guys in their 50's who could barely move, didn't want to go there. So you gotta do what you gotta do...or can.

As for where we live:

There's always something better. I guess it boils down to are you happy? Sure I would like more rain and cooler temps sometimes. I'm far away from my family, but we came here because the cost of living was manageable and I could give my family more. Tried to go back home, or close to home in the late 80's, that lasted 19 months. Saw Live Oaks in my dreams, boom,moved back and bought this place, and the only thing that could make us leave now is if the aquifer dries up. Hopefully that will never happen. I just have too much of my life invested here.

Peace to all and a happy and productive grow this year. Time in the garden is brain time!
Yes, Scott and Ramon: the saying, "It's not having what you want but wanting what you have" and at this moment, all my physical needs are being met: it was warm today! Sun was out :drooling:.

And because my friends at ranch weren't there to work bobcat, my brother wanted to sow grass seed this evening and said that if I would use his truck, deliver 10 bales of straw to his house where his youngest son would off-load it, he'd buy me 20 bales in exchange for heirloom tomato plants. Took a few trips but nice and sunny, WARM, so my bro bought straw in exchange for his list of tomatoes that I will GLADLY give him. How nice!

At the same time, I know me: I'm all about year-round warm weather, barefoot, ocean, or huge bodies of water, lots of lakes, and a community of people curious about life, who want to be inspired and are inspiring. Primarily, I have difficulties this area, not just in regard to weather but I got accustomed to such communities of people and weather in Austin, music and gardening scene, in '80's. I miss the passion of the people of eastern and southern Spain! Attitude of gratitude? ABSOLUTELY! Being near my mother? ABSOLUTELY. Simultaneously, that's come at the daily work and price of being some kind of self-watering container, lest I lose core principles. I adored the punk, pre-Goth, new age, country, Latino, Cajun, "East 12th St. Blues," jazz swing scenes' diversity of Austin, where folks "stayed thirsty, my friends." LOL. I miss that. And again, going barefoot year-round . . . or going to opera in Houston after changing oil in truck and nobody thought that was weird. No . . . never went to an opera barefoot but ya know, that's a . . . THOUGHT! ;)
I remember that flood too! We rescued a couple from the roof of their Bronco overcome in a wash near Del Rio. Threw a rope out to them and pulled each of them to shore. We were stuck on the ranch for almost two weeks...except for Wheaty, not sure if that was his real name??? He swam the half mile wide once dry bed turned river for a date with his favorite hooker in Acu&ntilde;a. Crazy old guide and trapper spent more time eating outside the bunkhouse because he never could heed his own advice to walk out upwind from his traps. Weekly skunk baths...no wonder he headed for the red light district!

Love story time at Annie's place!
I remember that flood too! We rescued a couple from the roof of their Bronco overcome in a wash near Del Rio. Threw a rope out to them and pulled each of them to shore. We were stuck on the ranch for almost two weeks...except for Wheaty, not sure if that was his real name??? He swam the half mile wide once dry bed turned river for a date with his favorite hooker in Acu&ntilde;a. Crazy old guide and trapper spent more time eating outside the bunkhouse because he never could heed his own advice to walk out upwind from his traps. Weekly skunk baths...no wonder he headed for the red light district!

Love story time at Annie's place!

Dear Gawd, Shane, if you don't "retire" in Texas--let's redefine "retire"--"I don't work fo de man no mo but I work harder now and LIKE IT! . . . even if getting old and workin' sho does suck sometime." Del Rio and Acu&ntilde;a?? Shane? Really? Did you or Scott ever get OUT of border towns when younger? ;) I don't have much room to speak . . . Big Bend always wound up extending to fishing/ camping Amistad--by then I was adept at sensing, pre-killing, scorpions, and at least prescience on drug dealers--but know too well what you mean by those flash floods "on the road that ain't road no mo."

Some pics: I don't give a "darn" what weather says, this stuff is out until garden dries: it's not coming back in. Period.


Pre-Actinovate spray: 4 flats maters, with some summer squash, cukes tossed in where space will hold, 2 flats peppers praying for deeper ground . . . patience grasshoppas: it rained.


Tomatillo and some manzano that just SHOT up, white cukes, boston pickling, zukes of varieties, white, black beauty, yellow, blended, neck pumpkin, butternut, Red Kuri, Blue Hubbard, dill, and the "baby" pepper flat. If look closely can see flowers on tomatillos and yeah, already been rubbing those, one to another, together. Others on left are, yeah, couple bell, but fatalii, one Moruga Blend "gone wild" but mostly can't get over those yellow manzanos that went from being normal to VINES it seemed . . . but I did do something as experiment: potted them up with a little vermicompost. Which explains, at least in my mind, why those and tomatillos took off like rocket. You're free kids: no more lights, controlled environments. Hilariously, or not, there's a peony on other side of flats. Hmm. I hope the ants doing their unpetaling work there, like that peony lots better than pepper plants. I'm at the "oh well" stage of this. But might toss some coffee grounds just in case.


Torn between two pepper flats. Old wheelbarrows make great hardening off stages with gonzo slab plywood on em. Some yellowing on lower leaves but how would ya feel if it was you? Ton of watermelon, cantaloupe: the big leaves on left are Ramon's/Walkgood PoP JA Habs and the tall boy in back in a 7 Pod Brown x Naga (from Jamie/Romy6). Guess it got height aspect from the 7 Pod gene :party:


Nice arugula, loose leaf, onion mix. Rabbit food.


Dirt porn. 6 to top, 8 to sides straw.


Even more dirt porn: raised beds within garden, after those rains, N to S, S to North . . . when digging this out with shovels, hoes, pre-big-rain, raising beds within the garden, "just keep moving" is idea, direction counts but . . . "just keep moving." These are N-S. After 2 inches rain in 12 hour period, but not a hard hard rain. I knew I'd lose some height or get some wash but a little is fine. Had I left that soil as was? It is on a slope, would have run, compacted all over, and compaction between raised beds, not that much of an issue but will loosen that up too.

Also ran across some pine mulch when picking up straw. 20 bags. More like pine compost but it has a lot of 1/8th to 1/2 inch it. Gonna try it with 5-1-1 mix for containers with chunky perlite, peat, Osmo Plus, lime. Also picked up more BIG tomato cages, and going back for smaller pepper cages, and more nursery pots, some bamboo, and mulch if I like texture of mulch, didn't look like too much sapwood either. I may just throw it into wheelbarrow as is, mix, toss in containers, only screening peat for largest logs. Let it go.

Also, wow, picked up 20 bags Black Kow--this little hardware store had some KICK-BUTT prices, to go with my compost for inground planting holes. Mixes of compost are best.

After getting over digging out RB's within garden Thur/Frid ahead of storm, I lugged 30 bales straw, 20 50# bags Black Kow, 20 bags mulch, cages (in garage that're driving other half inSANE but they won't be there long), and after that much "totin,'" my lower back seized. Muscles/joints/ligaments were tired of me. Wanted to be in another body, I guess. Neighbor has . . . old swing "sets" were either in trees OR they used like 3 x diameter cattle guard stuff, cemented that in, and had just one swing: kids had to take turns. The guy who lived there long time ago, had one such contraption put in for his grandchildren. After we broke chains, seats, heck we used it to climb on. Hang from. It's about 7' tall. Crawled to garage, got stepladder, dragged it out there and hung from frame of that old single swing set. Since bent double, literally not able to stand straight, it was . . . sweat beaded on my gums, under eyelids, oozed from toenails, etc. from pain--I did gently lower myself but--and the rush that went down spinal column, up to head . . . stars, and my husband . . . :rolleyes: "WHAT! WHAT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I couldn't answer, just wishing had kept earpods in, concentrating on breathing, listening to my back and neck, thought crossed my mind to bring a noose next time. But the man finally looked, saw the straw, saw the Black Kow HEAP, and got it: I needed a little help. Bless his heart. He just stood there until I could get on ladder. Had asked if I wanted him to lift me down. I sounded like rusted Tin Man, negative. But he held the ladder, helping me walk down it standing . . . and then the nausea hit. That's not his thing; I don't care--had little bros, worked in summer camps for kids when began working in h.s. and no gore bothers me--but ever tried that standing up because afraid to bend over again? I was outside still, no biggie. After those waves passed an hour later, did laundry, trusted myself to sit, back on heating pad. Fell asleep on sofa after some struggle with a shower :rofl: back to heating pad; that sweet man must've stretched me out and covered me up on sofa. Where I woke up this morning. He also must've called one of bros' wives, concerned; my brothers know this behavior is normal for me. Middle bro came by this morning with quinoa dish his wife had made last nght, fresh veggies, and fruit. "Make my wife a promise. She didn't grow up with you. Lie to me so I can lie to her that you won't do anything today. You know how doctors are? Like doctors. And where's your anti-inflammatory?" I told him, said, "Aw little bro, didn't know you cared!" He gave me sarcastic look, handed me the Naproxin, said, "I honestly, at this point, well, my wife cares." But he was grinning. Am so blessed by the great men I have in my life :P. So I lied to him, then took all the flats outside, whacked them with Actinovate. Where they stay. Sun's out now; hardcore hardening off! Plant out this weekend!
Daddy's Day job was Border Patrol...so no, I didn't get away from the border much. Until HS when he got transferred to central office in DC. Plants looking good...lift with your knees and get back out there! I know better than to tell you to take it easy...you may not be FROM Texas, but you lived there once so breath would be wasted!
Annie, do you do any maintenance for your back? It's what keeps me going, 5 days a week 3 sets of 40 crunches, two types of stretches that work for me. AND I learned to lift with my knees, limit lifts to 80lb's. They wanted to do surgery 27 years ago and a therapist came into my room and said "I could get fired for telling you this, but you can get over this without surgery." I checked out and am still going..

You know my old injury started aching just reading your post...hah!

Plants look great! And I know you're loving it!

Take care of yourself, getting older is hard but the alternative bites the big one!