• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
+1 Meat, Rick and SS.  I didn't see huge damage there.
Even so, it's hard not to get down and dirty trying to figure
it out!
Continued success with your grow, Annie!
PaulG said:
+1 Meat, Rick and SS.  I didn't see huge damage there.
Even so, it's hard not to get down and dirty trying to figure
it out!
Continued success with your grow, Annie!
Thanks Paul! I read your entire glog with cloning and was blown away. :clap:
Yes, "curious" damage has settled down, it seems, after the delugeS earlier this . . . spring?? (Spring in MAY? :rolleyes: Hot-hot-cold-cold-wet-wet-wet cold-cold repeat and rinse is not exactly "spring" weather here, but most of country got some sort of weather weirdness.) So far, so good with damage. Compost teas and that supersoil type mix they're planted in, with summer showers, back to average temps, have really helped them . . . so far, not had to use drip, but curiosity: "and it makes me wonder ♪♪" ha! Even the H. St. Barts (most chewed on) and now, podding up, looking healthy. Thanks hon. Gonna check on ya new glog soon! ;)
Sawyer said:
I see I have some catching up to do here.
Arksaw!!!! :dance: Hey 'dere! As do I on yours. Did the allure of D.C. (*cough*) detain you ;) ? Just kiddin' sugar! How's the grow going, after braving snow, wind, rain, snow . . .  and D.C. Whew: the D.C. piece is traumatic! Gonna check on your glog as soon as possible. Glad to see ya back, sugar! :party:
¿Muchacha como esta todo? I think you have it going on and in a few weeks or months you’ll have some super beauties … oh and plants too, hehehe

Listen to Shane’s statement …
stc3248 said:
Looking great! Don't sweat the chewed leaves too much, as long as they don't eat the pods or all the leaves...it'll work itself out!
As I agree completely, parts of the year my plants look awesome, other parts they look dreadful but the thing that remains constant no matter how great the lushness/color and production is a few chewed leaves or a few holes here and there. This time of year even though my plants go thru a daily heat stress that would kill a human they look incredible but guess what I still have a few holes here and there. I don’t believe in pruning until the leaf is either yellowing, shows signs of infection or just has so many bad guys on it that it’s just easier to cut it off.

Have a great Thursday & weekend \o/
romy6 said:
 Annie, don't forget to get the mail today  ;)
OKAY!!! JAMIE!!! Thank you!!! Did ya send some really groovy stuff like that Douglah? :party: Thank you so much!!! Been out in garden (cukes gone wild), between catching up on posts after LONG (and useless) fac meeting yesterday. Thank you so, so much sweet man!! That kid I shared ya Douglah with at football game last fall graduated in May. I mean, what young man, while thanking you, after he has earned triple majors, earned B.S., MOST talks about how "effin awesome" :rolleyes: a pepper was in his collegiate experience with ya? I told him it came from a friend in Florida. He's attending UFL-G-ville for graduate studies and wants to get a "super"-growing community together there. See? You inspired a young man to be a pepper-head! Gotta run to PO in a bit. Thank you! :party:
stc3248 said:
Oh damn Annie...was nice knowing you lady, You'll still be around later on...but you'll never be the same again!
I've had "Jamie Products" before, Shane. :onfire:  Hey, since I no longer drink alcohol, I really enjoy a good endorphin rush after some pain ;). As long as I don't have to drive or operate dangerous machinery like a fork . . . or spoon  :rofl:   
romy6 said:
 She will be spending a lot of time en el bano  :rofl:
Not if I take seeds out and save/dry them!!! But thank you for the well wishes, sweet Jamie :rofl: Thank you, again. Will post on this! :P  
WalkGood said:
¿Muchacha como esta todo? I think you have it going on and in a few weeks or months you’ll have some super beauties … oh and plants too, hehehe

Listen to Shane’s statement …
As I agree completely, parts of the year my plants look awesome, other parts they look dreadful but the thing that remains constant no matter how great the lushness/color and production is a few chewed leaves or a few holes here and there. This time of year even though my plants go thru a daily heat stress that would kill a human they look incredible but guess what I still have a few holes here and there. I don’t believe in pruning until the leaf is either yellowing, shows signs of infection or just has so many bad guys on it that it’s just easier to cut it off.

Have a great Thursday & weekend \o/
"Bien, siempre bien,"
como dice un amigo en la R.Dominicana. Thanks querido! We've had some showers, cooling mid-afternoon, almost like Carib weather. Stuff seems like podding better now and with podding, less foliage damage. Temps in upper 80's, then little shower, sun comes back out, and plants loving that!! With supersoil mix under, showers allowing that mix to work on sending nutes up through plants. Still probably hit them with Epsom salts/aspirin water tomorrow morning--magnesium and anything to boost immune systems for July heat . . .
"...LONG (and useless) fac meeting.. "
Yup, I remember those.  Sorry.
stc3248 said:
Oh damn Annie...was nice knowing you lady, You'll still be around later on...but you'll never be the same again!
I can attest to the truth of that statement.  Jamie and MG really got
me started off on the right foot last season tasting supers.  Haven't
been the same since!
P.S.  Glad to hear your weather is to the peppers' liking!  We are looking
at a week of mid-80's starting on Thursday!  Woot  :dance:
Seems like it's been forever coming.  We'll get back home just in time for
some great chili plant growth spurts!  Can't wait.
Mor power to you, Annie!
Thanks Paul and you're so, so right!
THANK YOU JAMIE!!! This indeed was at PO! Slight issue: the labels came off :rofl: Admit it, Maestro Jamie, ya neva labeled 'em: just kiddin'! ;)

I stopped by my mother's and offered her a little Tepin. Which she slammed in her mouth and was :dance: . (Now that she faults me for not growing th-ee-ee-se smh), I don't think she wants to mess with rest of them.
But I think I sorted some labels and would so love it, love, LOVE IT, if you were to help me, Jamie, darlink, sweetest, dearest, please, to make sure I got these right, because . . . because. And because my SIL is a doctor (nice to have on hand) and she might video me trying one or half of one. Depends on her near schedule. Is the below correct labeling?

If so, I think I wanna go with Barrackpore first. Since I've not had a fresh pepper all year. I've doused stuff in powders, sauces (thanks Brotha Bill), injected, and have gone for a few frozen 7 Pod Brains but, I think freezing them does make them lose a tad of heat.
AND, what, what are those little peppers that look like red 7's? The Aji's I get, but just curious :P (I grew up with 3 younger bros :cool: and I survived, because .  . . because, lol)
AND got a nice pack of powder:

that has a distinct kinda of ancho, SW smell and deep, smokey, taste!! :party: Need to take more time with it, but really think this would be great on steak or chuck roast, smoked. Brisket if we had access to good slabs of it here.
THANK YOU, JAMIE! :woohoo:
Have appointment at 5 pm, so holding off on these . . . or will try to until tomorrow. Aji's look terribly tempting . . . but the M-ballz quite frankly scares me, so . . . no women are really reviewing peppers on youtube. None that I know of. Dang just had another taste of that powder! Addictive. Really good and so different from the blend you sent last year, which got scoffed. Hmm. Might be porterhouse time at g-store, after the yearly "smashing session" at hospital. (Dang: there's gotta be a less painful way. :rolleyes: ) I need to send you some sauces in pint jars. Thanks, sweetie!
 No no no. The one you labled brown 7   is a chocolate hab, The brown 7 is the small wrinkled pepper. That is a not white bhut that is labeled. The barrackpore is the pepper sandwiched between the two aji lemos on the bottom right of the pic. Has nice ridges and comes to a point. I cannot take credit on the powder. That is some of Wayright's amazing stuff. Guess I need to invest in better labeling procedures. :) Yellow primo and madballz are correctomundo
 The little red ones . Smooth are tobago seasonings. Bumpy ones are immature primos , brains and dorsett nagas. . 
ps I love hot sauce  :shh:
Sorry to hear about all the hardships. Hope madre nature treats you with more respect in the future. I know I'm getting a little taste if her wrath but nothing like you seem to be experiencing. Stiff upper lip and all that! Best of luck to you!
romy6 said:
 No no no. The one you labled brown 7   is a chocolate hab, The brown 7 is the small wrinkled pepper. That is a not white bhut that is labeled. The barrackpore is the pepper sandwiched between the two aji lemos on the bottom right of the pic. Has nice ridges and comes to a point. I cannot take credit on the powder. That is some of Wayright's amazing stuff. Guess I need to invest in better labeling procedures. :) Yellow primo and madballz are correctomundo
 The little red ones . Smooth are tobago seasonings. Bumpy ones are immature primos , brains and dorsett nagas. . 
ps I love hot sauce  :shh:
Okiedokies, Jamie! Thanks for straightening that out! (The Yeller Primo looks a tad . . . hmm. And :drooling:) Got them re-labeled and corrected :party: Sauces . . . what will I do with all this bubblewrap . . . ;) 
Sawyer said:
I got some of that powder, too.  I can smell it just looking at the picture.  Awesome stuff.
No doubt Arksaw! I could smell it before I opened it. Good stuff. I think there's some Douglah in it. Not sure, but think so. Since it was a good evening for golfing, :rolleyes: lol, on way home, I stopped at Los Arcoiris (local Tex-Mex that's killer), ordered chimichangas fritas con pollo and seriously test-drove that powder. Of course, I think Jamie's blend was/would have been, had I not snarfed it, more appropriate with chicken, but hey!
Devv said:
Nice score Annie!
I can attest those peppers have some heat!
True, Scott! Douglah and the Bih that Jamie sent last fall spoke volumes. But with the heat, I expect they have some great flavor too, based on those.
Peptacular said:
Sorry to hear about all the hardships. Hope madre nature treats you with more respect in the future. I know I'm getting a little taste if her wrath but nothing like you seem to be experiencing. Stiff upper lip and all that! Best of luck to you!
Eh, weather's WAY settled out, Peptaculartaylor! It was just an unusual spring, if we had one--just went to summer. I'm sorry if ya'll are still getting strange, but so far, at least, the worst of just summer thunderstorms have done what they usually do: follow the river. Or as the expression around here is: "Looks like worst of it's goin' down the river." Aka, Lakes James, Rhodhiss, Hickory and Norman. Which is fine, unless ya an idiot and not watching sky on any of the above in boat. Which is really why we have life-jackets around here: hail breakers ;) 