• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
WalkGood said:
Hat’s off to brother Jamie (romy6) \o_
Annie I know you’ve been craving and now you got ya fix, we're looking forward to the first woman review :clap:
Yeah, yeah, mi hermano . . . have to wait until the gonzo humdinger camcorder comes back from Frankfurt, Germany but . . .
PaulG said:
"no women are really reviewing peppers on youtube. None that I know of."
+1 Ramon
You need to be the first, Annie!
Yeah, yeah, mi OTRO hermano . . . have to wait until the gonzo humdinger camcorder comes back from Frankfurt, Germany but . . .
Devv said:
I'm jumping on that train!
Come on Super Annie!!!
Yeah, yeah, mi OTRO OTRO, hermano . . . have to wait until the gonzo humdinger camcorder comes back from Frankfurt, Germany but . . . SIL and bro called from plane; she'll do it.
They're just jaunting over there to see daughter, son-in-law, grandkids for week, coming back. NO WAY is my brother getting near me in the kind of uh, pain I was in today. Not with audio--his.
My review of Madballz per Jamie/Romy6.
Yes, I skipped to what I thought would be the hottest one, since not had fresh, super this year. Just powders, sauces, some frozen pods, thawed in foods, marinades, etc. One must remember that I'm a recovering addict and with over 20 years in recovery for me now, we do nothing in half-measures. Use full-tilt; recover full-tilt. "Moderation" is a word that I read somewhere, on some page of something. So . . . Aristotelian, yuck.
I just don't know where to begin to talk about my stupidity. Dentist told me not long ago, when I begged him to cut this wisdom tooth out, rather than send me to oral surgeon to tune of a few grand, "You have a really high pain tolerance." Ya know they say that stuff and ya can't reply? But I finally did. "Just DT's, Doc."
Here is pic review--I know; don't ya hate it?--of Madballz via Jamie. I promise I'll do some, now that I survived this, to youtube, because no reason at all women can't review hot peppers. Madballz is a cross between Chocolate Bhut and 7 Pod Red or Yellow 7 (or something). With this deep red color, am thinking 7 Pod Red. And with the taste. Covered shortly.

Pretty plate--actually it's kinda Pier 1 tacky--but cool old Rapala fillet knife that my grandfather gave my father, who gifted it to me. (I do have electric fillet knifes but . . . never mind.)

While this may be shitty photography, that really is oil in the pepper. Quite a bit of it, actually. And because I wanted to keep the seeds in event I liked it and I hate seeds caught in teeth:

And that's still oil and all the placenta.

Seeds collected on paper plate to dry.

A bite from middle of half.

That bite in mouth chewing. And after that the next bite and after that, the rest of the damn thing, first thing came to mind was David Allen Coe's, "It was all that I could do to keep from cryin.'"
No more pics because I couldn't see.
But from taking it from top before the "discomfort"  :rofl:  and endorphin event :high: and outcome :D :
Feel/Texture: feels solid in hand but skin's not too crunchy in mouth, kind of thin-walled, be good for drying. Of course, I ate it in two different halves, without seeds.
Smell: smells piney-peachapplesque, fruity. But not nearly as fruity as Yellow 7 or any Yellow, so lean toward the 7P Red cross.
Taste: slightly sweet, but more of a deep . . . imagine or recall walking into middle of really good composted garden after summer storm and sun comes back out, evaporating that smell of rich, wet humic primordial ooze. Tastes kinda like a sweetish (or Swedish) nightcrawler--not that I've eaten a nightcrawler, much less one from Sweden--but if ever dipped a crawler into a cool mountain spring to get dirt off of it before casting, and just smelled it--color me weird, but a clean crawler has a distinct smell of well, earth. This pepper's smokey as well. Begs to be smoked just a short while, with some nice pecan or maybe apple, to bring out the 7 Pod in it.
Heat: This pepper is not shy. Not a bit. No delay, no creeping. Not this one at least. Of course I took bite of middle of placenta first. Season's young, may change my mind, but nothing sneaky about this child: it's honest. What I like LOVE about this pepper is that it takes more after the Choc Bhut in the heat-location department and doesn't go after the back of the throat the way that most 7's and Fatalii's do. OH, it gets there but is seriously diminished by time it does. First and foremost, it's a mouth burn, every single corpuscle, including lips, and anybody who thinks they know all about they tongue? Everythang? Really? Yellow Bhuts do this too but not quite like the Chocolate bhut gene in MDBZ. Oh no. This thing put a spanking on, under, over, sides, back of, front of my . . . no tongue left unturned. Jesus.
The Effect/The Affect: In the middle of ears ringing, tearing, hiccups, nose dripping, tried blowing it but futile, just deep breathed and let it and drool drip on towel after a while--did anybody say reviews were supposed to be pretty?--especially first review of real super in 2013? Screw PC: "and a river runs through it." Sweat? I'd say, just begin this one half-naked because I got hot, sweating, cold, sweating, hot sweating, yanking off clothes, down to sports bra and running shorts; after the fire-eating effect in mouth, tongue got a little numb, more drool, but could swallow without fear, as it wasn't going to throat that much; then, while just breathing into it, above left eyebrow, forehead started to twitch a little; then the twitch moved down to left side of neck. Seriously praying as in, "I'll even become a Pentecostal . . . " for no cramp in neck, when it hit my empty stomach. I didn't plan this or I'd have eaten larger breakfast than cup of coffee and half a bagel; do people think recovering addicts learn to plan? Please. (How could I hang on to doing insane stuff like this if I planned? :rolleyes: )
Kind of felt like an EMG probe there in neck but didn't cramp. Stomach? Still praying not to upchuck; then that EMG probe-twitch moved to left sciatica, then to left calf, and then to left Achilles. Then, back up again, then back down again . . . very cool! So, by the time, 10 minutes into it after eating the other half, and thinking, "Wow, how cool!" I was obviously high, could blow my nose, could see, in a manner of speaking, but those neural axons were really "easy." Been having tightening issues, regardless of stretches, with that left Achilles during my runs for past couple weeks and it was suddenly loose. Felt wonderful!
Primary Outcome(s): Opportunity knocked, so, with only mild stomach burn, decided to go for run around noon. Happily ran up hills that usually irk me. Drivers who nearly always come close to hitting me, I grinned and waved. My least favorite cop in town, blew him a kiss: I was slammed. Of course after doing that--I really cannot stand that dude, normally--started singing "Love Potion # 9," aloud and loudly, while finishing a 5k. So nice that when one is in good mood, or completely stoned, others pick up the vibe. Peace, love, let's all join hands and sing "Love Is A Drug." Shower felt soooooooooo good. And uh, well that other thang happened--going into an hour and still a little buzzed and terribly . . . made a b-call; other half came home early to his fav, homemade, homegown eggplant parm. I just heard him crawl off sofa to finally heat and eat some of . . . it.
Secondary Outcome(s): Other than feeling ultra-happy, energized, some neuropathic-related pain relieved, and well, other is obvious, uhhuh, lol, jaws clenching still. Now, that could be NOS or "non-specified other" vis a vis Madballz. (Easily!) But could have been my "eee" breathing which I know better than to do, rather than "o" breathing that I know to do, but am so reluctant to do with supers that go for back of throat. (Guess one could drive truck through that statement :rolleyes: .) I'd never eaten this pepper so had no clue if it was going to ramp up and go to throat the way it did to mouth.
Glad I saved seeds for the Madballz; thank you, Jamie! Really looking forward to Yellow Primo and Barrackpore. Hopefully on youtube when SIL gets back in States.
Thanks for putting up with me! ;)
GA Growhead said:
Lovely Annie!
Thanks Jay/GA! Gotta check ya glog to see if they colored up yet!
Silver_Surfer said:
You surely have a way with words lady.
I enjoyed it almost as much as you. :)
It was uh, eventful, Surfer Allen!
JJJessee said:
You got thuh faith sister -with signs following. You don't need no snakes!
Intriguing euphoric after effects. 
Almost a goad to me.
Do I hear a Jala-peno-lujah?
A man?
:rofl: thank you, brutha Carl! Juuuuuuu------LAAAAAAAH! It's nice, Aman! when ya become "Jesus, God, and Christ," even for just a few hours. Also nice to laugh--thank you--first thang of a-mornin.'
Devv said:
Nice review Annie!
Your writeup gave me a good mental picture of the experience.
Thanks, Scott! Some people say stuff like "earthy" and that means different things to different people. I mean, the beach in evening after high tide and a storm can smell really earthy, briny and clean. (Unless a coast is not of earth but of . . . complete water, which would mean, nothing but sea critters could live there.) Sand is part of earth, as is seaweed. Remember in Harold and Maude where she's replicated these amazing scents? (Oh heck, too early for philosophical.) Thanks, hon!
stickman said:
Interesting you mentioned pain relief in your lower extremities after eating that Madballz pod... They've been doing studies on treatment of Neuralgia-type pain there with creams and patches applied topically. Wouldn't that be a kick if it worked better if you ate them...
In any rate, well done Annie! And a big round of applause for being game. :clap:
Thanks for the article, Rick. Yeah, we've all, or some of us, been using cappy cream or some variant but now Cayenne pills are on shelves. One tab, TID, eh . . . but if that helps, great. Neighbor used Qutenza patch after bout with shingles and she just feels better all over--joints, has more energy and I expect that will wear off, but great article. TRPV1 or the capsaicin receptor, the next frontier we'll never hear of since the FDA will begin to outlaw peppers if  since it works! :shh:
stickman said:
Interesting you mentioned pain relief in your lower extremities after eating that Madballz pod... They've been doing studies on treatment of Neuralgia-type pain there with creams and patches applied topically. Wouldn't that be a kick if it worked better if you ate them...
In any rate, well done Annie! And a big round of applause for being game. :clap:
 Capsicum is a recognized counter-irritant.
With the correct dosage I'd say it could cast out demons. 
That was an awesome review, Annie!  I would never do that myself, but I love reading/seeing/hearing from those who do!  I have the Madballz7 growing, as well.  Can't wait for it to start ripening.  That sounds like it was an incredible pod!
romy6 said:
 Great review Annie. Like SS said you sure have a way with words. And it is cross  with a yellow 7 x choco bhut.  :party:
 Thank you 
"Way with words" after "the event," Jamie. During "events," "God, Jesus, F***k" is well, "other" language. "Yellow 7" hmm, nice: the yeller stripes inside made me wonder. Now, I dun't. Am brushing/rubbing; dare I say "frottage?" or am "frottaging" LOL, naga flowers with some of Ramon's JA hab flowers . . . because ya got me into crosses, dear, sweet Jamie. Thank you, Jamie. :dance:
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Well there's Melissa. But she's been MIA

Do it Anne
KD, got rest in frig, waiting on SIL's return to States. She wants me to come up to their place (when my brother's not around--my condition) to shoot this, as she thinks it's crazy and she has a lot of med supplies there. OTH got sick email from her, "Too bad I can't borrow ER room at hospital to do this." Very noir sense of humor.
JJJessee said:
 Capsicum is a recognized counter-irritant.
With the correct dosage I'd say it could cast out demons. 
Certainly one could walk on water, Carl. Then, turn same water to wine. No reason couldn't cast out demons and heal lepers . . . possibly resurrect, as for a moment this particular Capsicum had me at: "It is finished."
stc3248 said:
:rofl:  :party:  :rofl:
Hahahaha...perfect description Annie! Can't wait to watch a vid of that Barrackpore! Eat something first, trust me!
You about as funny as a dayum toothache, brotha Shane! :rofl: Yeah, food a few hours earlier is an idea. (Dang good one. Whew.) Where does the Barrackpore burn? "In Shane We Trust." :rofl: Seriously, man. Do tell. Back of throat, I bet. Thank you!
DocNrock said:
That was an awesome review, Annie!  I would never do that myself, but I love reading/seeing/hearing from those who do!  I have the Madballz7 growing, as well.  Can't wait for it to start ripening.  That sounds like it was an incredible pod!
Doc, you can send those you would "never" do to me :D.  J/k--make a kick-butt powder, I think. I really like taste of this pepper. (Empty stomach part was WAY stupid.) Yep: amazing pod. Maestro Jamie can grow 'em and so sweet to gift us with the fruit of his . . . efforts. ;)  Floridian efforts. I got a yellow brain that I can smell two rows back, loaded with pods, about 2.5' tall. Many others, all podding up, now, but that brain could be a cross. Kinda hope so. From my seed and YBS was between two yellow bhuts last year. :pray: Thanks!
Barrackpore's burn was very much what you described above...all over mouth burn with some throat but not a "hot coal" type horrible throat burn. It hits the gut pretty hard though. It is one painful pepper!
stc3248 said:
Barrackpore's burn was very much what you described above...all over mouth burn with some throat but not a "hot coal" type horrible throat burn. It hits the gut pretty hard though. It is one painful pepper!
Wonder if drinking Lidocaine would hurcha :rolleyes: . I mean, the stomach stuff was the roughest part of MDBZ only because I just went past the peppers and felt like doing it without thinking (operative) that I hadn't eaten much. But thanks for the descriptors!
I think same pepper tastes different grown in different soil structures, depending upon amendments, mediums and heat, etc. I just hit the chillren last Friday with Cal-Mag+ (and liquid kelp for K aspect to hopefully prevent nute lock-out). With rains last night, everything is looking good. Not had rain in a while, getting ready to go to irrigation but prefer rain. Had mushrooms this morning :party: --IN THE GARDEN-- :party: Thanks, again Shane!
7-1 Update:
Tomatillo Verde:

Decided to plant tomatillos in flower bed to ensure pollination. (And I had no more space.) Tons of honey bees this year. :party: Clover honey is going to be good, wax . . . yesssss! One of these has already husked and man, so sweet! And the pods are filling really well . . . perhaps salsa verde after all. Absolutely delighted guy across way has hives this year! Trading me honey for tomatoes.
Inca Red Drop, turning:

Aji Limon:

Plant is loaded with pods. This might not have been biggest pod but early this morning a few skeeters (after rain last night) were being uh, "pests."
Harold St. Barts:

Shape of these makes me wonder if seed crossed with yellow bhut from last year . . . be fine with me.
Choc Habañero:

I don't know about this being pure either as plant was sandwiched between "scotch bonnets" and yellow 7 Pod last year. Oh well.
Yellow Bouquet: (Kevin/Wayright):

Loaded with these little pods. He said with Yellow 7, makes good powder. Am thinking maybe mixed with some Aji Limon but haven't tasted the yellow bouquet.
CARDI (Jamie/Romy6):

the "down into" shot doesn't do pod size or config justice, lots of pods.
7 Pod Brown x Naga (Jamie/Romy6):

Red Fatalii:

Yellow Fatalii:

If bump/comment can post Naga turning and Brain