• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
I posted in your sfrb thread lady...shoot a pm with a list of what you want and it's yours. I don't have many of the varieties you're asking for, but I have some stuff that would make a great sauce, especially in your capable hands! I am about to have 8 billion birgits...ripening by the bag full now...getting ready to be buckets, the "Mystery Cross" is a crazy hot pod for an annuum with hints of Chinense in the flavor...Bonnets!!! Lots of Bonnets!!! Few of the Naga-shaped Reapers!!! Lemme know lady!
Devv said:
As I read above, crazy rain up that way! Sorry to read about casualties:(
I've said it before, can't ma nature just spread it out a little so we can all have some?
I'm sorry, Scott. Mamacita Naturaleza simplemente . . . es. Estas seco alli; estoy mojada aqui. It "trinkled" again last night and thangs is looking rough again for next couple days. We'll see. :rolleyes:  Had to be reminded of something this morning. Singing, "No Woman No Cry" to myself while listening to Chief Seattle:
"One thing we know: there's only one God; no man . . .  can be apart. We are brothers (and sisters) after all." (Edit of Chief Seattle, me.)
One thing I learned from my paternal grandmother (they came off rez long time before she was born), the youngest of 11 kids. Persevere. Her grandfather and father had been able the buy, with good money, the worst land, on the surface, apparently, that money could buy. Off the banks of Catawba River. Before/during/after WWI and WWII, people needed brick. My grandmother's family had cornered that market by taking the clay off the bank and pressing water out of it, sounds like something akin to using horses to crush cane for molasses, except loads more horses, more pressure, and not relying on "quicker lime" too much. But if it rained for days, what then? Pressing and kiln drying are effected by rain. But they took it, made it through Great Flood of 1916, worked harder and smarter; were the only brick game in town when new hospitals needed to be built, schools, government buildings. The company is alive and well today. So in the memory of Annie Irene, just gonna persevere.
But with that said, rain is like salt: can put it in but not take it out. I hope the forecast is sooooooo wrong!! :rofl:
stc3248 said:
I posted in your sfrb thread lady...shoot a pm with a list of what you want and it's yours. I don't have many of the varieties you're asking for, but I have some stuff that would make a great sauce, especially in your capable hands! I am about to have 8 billion birgits...ripening by the bag full now...getting ready to be buckets, the "Mystery Cross" is a crazy hot pod for an annuum with hints of Chinense in the flavor...Bonnets!!! Lots of Bonnets!!! Few of the Naga-shaped Reapers!!! Lemme know lady!
We've "talked," sweetness, and will PM you anyhows! Thanks, Shane! And ditched the "not so super" feet. Into trash, today. Thank you. I run in pNs when I "apply" shoes and last Mizunos (WP13) I got have good arch support--I have really high arches. Barefoot is best. Birgits do sound inviting . . . and the more I think about Mystery Cross . . . but can't get that bubbling hab ferment out of mind :party:
Hey Annie - your grow sure has a lot of drama in it this year.  But, you will persevere!
Good luck with your ferment, and with weather patterns.  Seems like feast or famine
in lots of parts of the country this season!
Are the pubescens setting pods yet?  I have found that putting mine in more shade
has been very helpful.  They look more robust and healthy, and the Manzano is podding
like crazy.  The Rocoto is just flowering and dropping, like last year.
Your mention of song titles (RN, BG, etc really brought back some memories for me!
Sawyer said:
Hey, Annie, that's a cool story about brick-making.  I've got red clay a few inches down in places here, and I've often wondered if I could make my own brick.
Yep: very resourceful folks!
Why heck, Arksaw, I can sell you some land with clay not that far down!! :rofl: And it retains moisture . . . so . . . well! Actually, clay is good soil, amended, as you know, and uh, amended. smh. lol. Needed a couple firebrick for wood stove. My cousin immediately said, "Well make some!"
PaulG said:
Hey Annie - your grow sure has a lot of drama in it this year.  But, you will persevere!
Good luck with your ferment, and with weather patterns.  Seems like feast or famine
in lots of parts of the country this season!
Are the pubescens setting pods yet?  I have found that putting mine in more shade
has been very helpful.  They look more robust and healthy, and the Manzano is podding
like crazy.  The Rocoto is just flowering and dropping, like last year.
Your mention of song titles (RN, BG, etc really brought back some memories for me!
Too much drama, Paul. Perseverance is everything!! Pubes are one minute looking promising and next . . . Red Manzano might and Mexican manz might . . . all in shade but just lots rain. Bobbie Gentry was/is so underrated. Student of several conservatories, skilled musician and poet, amazing arranger and producer! Still relevant in that we have a hard time capturing her sound . . . still. Those older artists didn't "fudge." And room sound was everything: very inventive! Thank you, hon; ferments will be happening, for good or ill! Gee, I hope not for ill! Ha! Peace!
Annie has the rain let up yet? We've got it here now all day but IMHO it's welcome even though some of the plants look like they've drank too much. It's better than the constant heat wave we were going thru so I think we needed it or the plants would have stressed too much. Would love to see some updated pics when it let's up, I have no doubt that you will have loads of pods come August/Sept. ... have a great one muchacha!
Hi Annie,
I've been "short browsing" when I can, I had a "no access" issue for most if the entire first half of the season....browsing wise and grow wise. Persevere!
I have to add, it is always a great read!(I'm not a "just look at the pics" guy") from far away...so of course now I am playing catsup/ketchup(tomATOE/Toe' mahto?!!).
Just a few comments as to the catching up..
1) Whew ,I'm still waaaay behind :onfire:
2)Mash with the frozen ones...usually best in an OLD freezer, the kind you can drop out of a moving truck, and that has rounded edges and Chrome(the real kind,ie;On steel), as the new ones all cycle up and down and up ....well, you get the picture.I think that screws with the base product, allowing some of the good to go to bad, plastic bags are not air tight critters we assume they are!Otherwise , it is doable, just difficult.Fresh is better, clean is a culrip to as you know so well, from the advice....and lots of frozen pods , are pods people have as extra ,ie; can't just throw em out, so I'll freeze em...and so they are commonly not cleaned and stemmed with the same vigor.So..this is just leading up to "freezing doesn't kill all creepy bad microbes, and ruptured cell walls are not conductive to keepin the bad medicine , so to speak, outta the good stuff", thawing just lets the bad stuff ,have immediate,intimate access to the good stuff,speeding decomposition...and thats all bad for mash!!!Thats just a theory of mine....theory sounds so much more intelligent then "wild , slightly informed,..stab in the dark!"
3)Shane has a Pod Multiplier, but won't let us in on it.... :rolleyes: !
4) Rain! To damn little just get the surface damp enough to pull mineral salts to the surface of that upper layer of soil , ....into solution, add a little evaporation fueled capillary action...and damn it, the surface layer just gets dryer fast next time, and surface roots reach up to chase water, and thats all a bad combination!
Then it rains like we shoulda built a big wooden boat , and the pods all split open!Damn, but I love a happy medium, but I haven't figured out that dance!
5)Most critter run on the fore foot/toes, when you are gonna get eaten , you run faster, transfer less shock- and hopefully live to NOT be eaten another day.
Muscles in the metatarsal/ankles develop much further when allowed to work as intended-making the case for barefootin it , but since we walk slower then ever now, and have been for such a long time(shock,and energy conservation are no longer real factors here so, we have a proven case for if you don't use it you lose it!!! ).
The running shoe seemed an initial blessing, but evolved into a curse, and turned into a victim of marketing science(Not real science!).Then we throw the specter of concrete and asphalt into the equation, and run on it!The 'truth is there some where .......
6)I better shut up now, but I gotta take advantage of it when I get on a roll these days...but thanks for the entertainment and the great amount of discourse emanating from your glog, as this is the first real chance I've had to comment in many moons! :dance:
Have a good one,
6)okay, thats it for now, I gotta save some for later
WalkGood said:
Annie has the rain let up yet? We've got it here now all day but IMHO it's welcome even though some of the plants look like they've drank too much. It's better than the constant heat wave we were going thru so I think we needed it or the plants would have stressed too much. Would love to see some updated pics when it let's up, I have no doubt that you will have loads of pods come August/Sept. ... have a great one muchacha!
Yes, querido: the rain has let up!!! 5 days now, not a drop! :dance: And the peppers stressed by rain and now temps in mid-90's, are beginning to turn and between rain stress and heat-dry stress they are hotter than any ever grown. A "mere" jal now is insanely hot. Tasty but hot! Yesterday harvested fatalii, red, yellow, some dang red and yellow Trinidad Moruga, 2 of Jamie's 7 Pod Brown x Naga, a few SBonnets--a few other bonnets of some freak show but good taste, and your JA Habs are the first to be turning. Nagas are turning. Not supposed to have ANY rain until Tues.
I worked 6 hours in that garden yesterday morning and afternoon, devoting some time to tomatoes. Aka, pulling pigweed blown in on curve of that derecho back in May--nearly losing battle--staking within cages better, tying up, no BER and also staked some peppers that haven't been. All loaded with pods and a few were leaning. Came in to some painful news on answering machine. Got clothes on and did something very hard, but grateful I had the few minutes to do it. So grateful. Which brings me to Tues./Wed. this week but gonna respond to DJ's post, as I agree with the deal on frozen pods now. Shane is sending me some SBonnets and a very, very special 7 for a sauce. Vincent/Coheed sent me some Bahamian Goats, some red habs, and uh, indeed, the SB7J--almost thought it was a red mushroom but nooooooooooooo. Had half that on Friday and don't remember run or going to grocery store. Well, a vague memory. Came to in g-store staring at paper towels! :party:  I dunno what it tastes like: I thought I had severe strep throat before the endorphin high kicked in. Might throw some yellow raisins, onion, fresh pineapple chunks, and yams into ferment with that: have totally ripped off a Bill/Rocketman sauce idea here :shame:  by even saying this. Gonna smoke some of the SB's and varieties like that with allspice berries tossed on apple wood to get jerk flavor in smoked pods, others not gonna. Shane and you have so inspired me with SB ferments and MoA dried pods, dangyuns! ;)
I'm sorry didn't respond last night but had just told somebody I love so dearly, "see ya later." Mixed emotions today. More on that in separate post and eventually will post pics of new harvests. Have a great day, mi hermano!
gnslngr said:
Hi Annie,
I've been "short browsing" when I can, I had a "no access" issue for most if the entire first half of the season....browsing wise and grow wise. Persevere!
I have to add, it is always a great read!(I'm not a "just look at the pics" guy") from far away...so of course now I am playing catsup/ketchup(tomATOE/Toe' mahto?!!).
Just a few comments as to the catching up..
1) Whew ,I'm still waaaay behind :onfire:
2)Mash with the frozen ones...usually best in an OLD freezer, the kind you can drop out of a moving truck, and that has rounded edges and Chrome(the real kind,ie;On steel), as the new ones all cycle up and down and up ....well, you get the picture.I think that screws with the base product, allowing some of the good to go to bad, plastic bags are not air tight critters we assume they are!Otherwise , it is doable, just difficult.Fresh is better, clean is a culrip to as you know so well, from the advice....and lots of frozen pods , are pods people have as extra ,ie; can't just throw em out, so I'll freeze em...and so they are commonly not cleaned and stemmed with the same vigor.So..this is just leading up to "freezing doesn't kill all creepy bad microbes, and ruptured cell walls are not conductive to keepin the bad medicine , so to speak, outta the good stuff", thawing just lets the bad stuff ,have immediate,intimate access to the good stuff,speeding decomposition...and thats all bad for mash!!!Thats just a theory of mine....theory sounds so much more intelligent then "wild , slightly informed,..stab in the dark!"
3)Shane has a Pod Multiplier, but won't let us in on it.... :rolleyes: !
4) Rain! To damn little just get the surface damp enough to pull mineral salts to the surface of that upper layer of soil , ....into solution, add a little evaporation fueled capillary action...and damn it, the surface layer just gets dryer fast next time, and surface roots reach up to chase water, and thats all a bad combination!
Then it rains like we shoulda built a big wooden boat , and the pods all split open!Damn, but I love a happy medium, but I haven't figured out that dance!
5)Most critter run on the fore foot/toes, when you are gonna get eaten , you run faster, transfer less shock- and hopefully live to NOT be eaten another day.
Muscles in the metatarsal/ankles develop much further when allowed to work as intended-making the case for barefootin it , but since we walk slower then ever now, and have been for such a long time(shock,and energy conservation are no longer real factors here so, we have a proven case for if you don't use it you lose it!!! ).
The running shoe seemed an initial blessing, but evolved into a curse, and turned into a victim of marketing science(Not real science!).Then we throw the specter of concrete and asphalt into the equation, and run on it!The 'truth is there some where .......
6)I better shut up now, but I gotta take advantage of it when I get on a roll these days...but thanks for the entertainment and the great amount of discourse emanating from your glog, as this is the first real chance I've had to comment in many moons! :dance:
Have a good one,
6)okay, thats it for now, I gotta save some for later
DJ, thanks for dropping in! 2. True that: using fresh pods for ferments! I think the frozen might be okay for drying but iffy about that. Good for adding to stuff during year in cooks, grills, smokes, but any ferment is worth doing right and yeah buddy: hear ya on clean!! Been warned and duly warned! And so true about the cycling of freezers off/on. "Food-saver, food-saver" . . . maybe if I mantra, one will appear. Not. 3. Shane got it from Kevin who ain't telling either. I don't think either could be tortured for that secret but mine are loading up and turning pretty nicely now. 4. 5 whole days without a drop of rain!!!!!!!!! None expected until possible showers on Tuesday. I'd just as soon have possible reduced to "no chance." Makes a weed harder to pull but the stress of lots and then none and this heat and dry has made mine HOTTER than any year I've grown. Then again, never had a spring/early summer this wet. 5. Been running barefoot since I began running when I was 15 and I have run barefoot even here in December. 40F and I can still go it. But when feet get numb from cold, occasionally can stub a toe. Also, been stretching knees more lately. My poor knees, lol. Am not underweight but those high school ball injuries begin to add up but can't imagine having extra pounds on my knees now, even when running on a nice cushioned track. I have high arches so barefooting has really helped with any aspect of "fallen arch." Only had it once and never want that again. Ugh. Can we believe that once Chuck Ts., the old kind Converse, no cushion, were meant to take ya up and down a court for 40 minutes??? Practice, for me, at least every day didn't have a game???? Lord. And for personal practice, which was a lot, point guard OCD, I didn't wear shoes. Felt better than those dang Converse!
Friend who teaches MMA is showing me some joint exercises that look absurd but really work, ankle, knee, neck, hip stuff, lb, neck? Astounding. Rotations and stretches never considered. And Constructive Rest. Meditation on weight bench after work-out and stretches/rotations. Position looks funky but really works! And thanks! Everything you've said, I hardly consider theoretical but uh, reality! For me, at least. Of course, attending a function in sling-back shoes. "You should use a pumice stone." "Naw: I just go sandpaper." lol. 6.6. Thanks, hon!!! Some pics coming of poddage pull.
Thus far, I have dedicated 2013 Glog to Ethel Mae Arrowood Brown. My maternal grandmother, 98, passed in March, 2 days before her birthday.
Yesterday afternoon, on answering machine, after got in from working in garden, got word, suddenly, total shock, that if I wanted to see my Uncle Johnny, Mawmaw's 3rd born son, my mother's next to youngest brother, I needed to get there quickly because he was . . . dying??!!! So, got a shower and did. I got to, confused, still in shock because he was fine, 2 weeks ago, well, aside from a few addicts leaching off of him . . . I think he just willed himself to die. Dunno. No medical cause of death this morning at 7am. Way too young for "natural causes." I got to tell him how much I loved him, that he still owed me a crappie-stalk, that I'd "see him." Ain't never "goodbye." He told me that he loved me, proud of me, and that I better pickle a bunch of hot green tomatoes this year and eat some for him. And I better go fishing for him or he'd come back and kick my ass. I can't explain the stun of this. Aside from, God just knows what God's doing, I suppose. Shocked beyond comprehension last night. Still am. Being selfish and know it. My best fishing buddy and local hot pepper sharer is gone. (My mother lost a mother and another brother within months. Please keep her in thoughts.) If I try, right now, to talk about who he was as a person, I'd just cry more, and have gone buckets since last night. I hope it's okay to post pics with photos of self w/ . . . If not, can cut myself out.  
I have no clue who tried to "fix" this pic to make it look like my uncles weren't smoking cigs in 1958. After Wayne died, made the effort to spend time with Johnny, since we'd moved back here, and because I wished I had with the other two in my adult life. Roy lives further away. From left to right Wayne, the youngest (passed, 2006), Roy (living), Johnny (2013), Jimmy, the oldest, in middle, with the "new kid" (passed, 2005):

Johnny, (me--some family thing), and one of his great-grandchildren, 2008 . . . from the above pic, he just didn't seem to age:

"Fly on, fly on . . . live again, love again."
Anyhow, thanks for putting up with my gradoux, y'all. Annie
Devv said:
Wow Annie!
To many lost loved ones for any year!
Sorry for you and your family, our prayers are with you!
Thank you, Scott. Yeah, kinda bumper-crop year for loss, but again, perseverance. I'm still in shock so . . . and thank you!
GA Growhead said:
Im so sorry Annie. :(
Thank you, Jay. How goes that mongster grow of yours!!
Fremp said:
Sorry Annie:(
I'll keep you and your family in my prayers!
Kyle, thanks, hon. How's it hangin' in my adopted Republic? Again, thank you!
romy6 said:
 Keeping you in my mind and sending some fresh peppers Tuesday in there Honor  :pray:
Jamie, sweet Jamie, thank you. The peppers, thank you! Johnny would prefer a box of peppers to flowers. BTW, he loved Madballz too: you sent two and he and I halved one. (He dropped by to get away from mad-house of grandchildren who got kicked out of jail . . .) Next year's Madballz grow from your seed is dedicated to Johnny--I know you have no more MBZ this year--just saying--the man drank some Maalox and went at that one. LOVED IT. We were doing a nightstalk for crappie late last summer, nights getting cooler; I took a yellow brainstrain on boat. 'Round midnight got out the fried chicken, I cut that YBS open and told him to just take a nibble. Hell, he had a halogen headlamp to see the oil, the man could smell. No half measures: he popped the entire half in his mouth. I was screaming "NO!" and ya know how sound echoes on water--got some attention from other stalkers--and then he got some attention. He didn't yell, but he could curse to put Shane's Sailors to absolute shame. I heard some had never heard in my life, when he could talk. As it hit the back of his throat, he couldn't. He got a hit, rod went down, I yanked it up, threw crappie in l-well, and was worried about him. Finally leaning back on his seat, he went, "G-damn, hon, them is some purdy stars! Look at 'em Annie! Never seen stars so bright in my life! Oh child, that wind feels good. Hotdamn!" He was high as Hogan's goat. I don't know if he remembers our haul that night while it happened, but he wouldn't come off water until daybreak. His wife called, asked me what happened to him because he slept for 2 days. I played dumb and reckoned he was just tired. :rolleyes:
I took him some yellow bhuts I had left over last fall. Went in to his store, had some keys made for him, dropping them off; Johnny was giving away free yellow bhuts to customers with floor and carpet samples! "Naw: it ain't too bad hot. My niece grew 'em. A little hotter than a jalapeño." The throng left, I tossed keys on his desk, and said, "You ain't even right, man." That glitter-grin twinkling in those blue eyes just like Mawmaw's. Have already called Tim, his SIL, who grows supers (which didn't know until my grandmother's funeral), to go get Johnny's plants that I gave him to either overwinter or try to save, as that crowd of "people" down there . . . care about nothing and nobody, living. You'd have liked him, Jamie. He did folks solids (maybe too much with those who . . . never mind), had friends he hunted, fished with who were doctors, specialists, and those who worked in factories; took care of my great-uncle, Marine, WWII, married an English woman during war who was killed in bombings, never remarried, here, anywhere. A.G. was a big handful of quirks but Johnny loved him and in the end, completely followed A.G.'s wishes, even if it po'ed my grandmother.
When his oldest daughter, a few years younger than me, was a yr. old, they diagnosed, severe handicap. She'd never walk, talk. John and his wife kept her at home until she was 18. The only option after that was WCC for "children." Not a day went by in that child's life, that Johnny didn't go up to see her. I mean if he was sick or something, missed a day (she was smart, just couldn't express it verbally), she'd not look at Johnny for an hour, then get over it. She died from pneumonia a couple of years ago, nearly killed the man. It's a high-dollar facility but most people just dump "kids" there and forget them. Or a lot do. Pam and he are running around with my grandmother, and my other uncles, getting stuff ready to go camping at the lake, while my grandfather gets the boat ready. And Johnny's telling his other brothers that a yellow brainstrain is no hotter than a jalapeño and at least Wayne is probably believing him; the others are betting he's lying and can't wait to try it! :party:
stc3248 said:

Sorry lady...keep on keepin on. Get after those crappie like he told you...he'll be there too.
Oh, I will Shane. Thank you! You should have heard A.G. (WWII Marine my great-uncle) and Johnny ('Nam, Navy) go at it. A.G. always called Johnny "Squid-face" or Squid-f**er or and John would just cuss him back--terms of endearment. All Johnny ever said about it was just throwing lime on bodies, going up the rivers, collecting . . .
I do fine on water. I don't get sea-sick. Gone grouper, snapper gulf Florida and others, OBX. Johnny asked me if I wanted to go with him few years ago, with some of his buddies, deep sea fishing off OBX. I could have my own room, privacy--John was protective of women--or me. One owns a 50+' Hatteras, lives there. We barely made it out of Oregon  Inlet when one of the mountain boys got sick. Now, we had a ton of chum, July, tuna, dolphin, yellerfin. So John tells that guy to go to bow, hold on to rail with one hand and "feed the fish." Yeah. But with the wind, uh, not only was the bait coming back at us . . . so. Mate popped that guy with something, guy was out. Method in Johnny's madness? Only 3 fighting chairs.
Since he worked for Sam, collecting bodies, when he came home, he drove an ambulance, back in day, did stuff I couldn't have done; funeral home and ambulance service connected (they also sold furniture--you know how we combine stuff in NC); so Johnny decided to mess with this co-worker who was squeamish, aka, John had to do all the nasty work. So to be, just Johnny, he went, flipped light off, laid down on a slab, covered up, waited for the co-worker to come in and slowly moved, began to rise. Dude freaked and took down double-oak doors getting out. Johnny paid for the doors.
To begin to list his pranks that scared sh**t outta people: suffice it to say, I never believed much of what he or my uncles told me, as I learned young that they were messin.' "I gotta bite right here." No, he didn't. I found a better spot than he had at the moment and no! He stuttered, ticked, "G-g-g-d-d-amn, g-girl, I l-l-learnt ya t-too g-g-good." I guess he did. Took me rabbit hunting with him when I was 12 or so. Just .22's. He shot a rabbit, uh, stuck a stick up its . . . and stuck stick in ground. Came back and said, "Look 'ere, girl!" I shot the ever-lovin' Hades outta that dead rabbit. Poor ole shot up . . . he laughed, doubled over, and just him laughing and that blown to bits rabbit . . . I laughed too. Last time I believed much of anything he told me to do, our "understanding." Or mine. Because I got even! He'd go fishing with some buddy and call me, ask where I caught those good 2 lber. channel cat and I'd lie. He'd call on his cell from boat around 1am, and after cussing me, ask me where I really caught 'em. They'd only blown several hours on water; I'd tell him that he was in the wrong part of the lake, how come he couldn't listen to me, that I meant . . . and he cussed me, told me he loved me, and they went to right spot. He thought it was hilarious that I could play back with him.
I'm sorry for taking up so much space here . . . but you'd have liked the man, Shane. Like I told Jamie, gotta wonder good stuff about somebody who downs half a brainstrain and likes it, gives away my yellow bhuts, after he's made the sauce he wanted, to customers who came in for flooring samples, telling them that it was a new type of jalapeño, a "little hotter." :dance:
Yep: gonna have to hit the lake one night in honor of John. Thank you. ;)
Sawyer said:
Sorry for your loss.
Thank you, Arksaw.
And I promise: do have a few peppers turning and will post pics soon. And should have some ferments started soon too. Thanks, guys: so many of you remind me of my uncles, and particularly Johnny. Much peace.