• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
Sawyer said:
Tasty, tasty chicken.  I'm with JJJ, I'm hungry again.  Gotta go to the store here shortly, too; may have to look at the chicken.  (Scratch that, refrigerator isn't back on-line yet.)
My take on time is that our individual, subjective experience of the duration of a particular interval of time (day, year, second, whatever) is determined, in part, and other considerations being equal, by a subconscious mental comparison of that particular interval to the duration of the sum total of all equal intervals experienced in our life.  So for a day-old infant, a day is the entirety of its post-natal life experience, so seems like a very long time.  For an octogenarian, a day is only ~1/29,220th of the total and so doesn't seem like much at all.  Of course, current state(s) of mind can also weigh heavily in the formula.
Speaking of Dortmund, I like this:  Dreaming in Dortmund
Geeze...seems like I just spent a week reading this post in the last five minutes...but then again I am only a quadragenarian. :rofl:
Annie, I was just wondering what to fix for some company coming over tomorrow night and that Chicken sure give me a good idea, Thank ya kindly ma'am ;)
Oh and that was a nice collection of SFRB's you have started there sister :)
romy6 said:
 Can you just send me a leg from that jerk chicken  ;)
Happy Friday eve !!!!!!!!
Sweet Jamie, don't put too much past me. Naw: ya like the little bro I never had. Trans? If you see flies and racoons in yer mailbox . . . :party: Happy Friday is HERE!
stc3248 said:
Geeze...seems like I just spent a week reading this post in the last five minutes...but then again I am only a quadragenarian. :rofl:
Shane, Christmas turkeys envy whachu filled wid. :rofl:
Got package from Jeff/Bodeen today! :dance: Looks like some yellow and peach or Jay's Peach bhut ghost, a yeller and red scorp, peach habs, meybe, some bonnets, choc hab, white bullet habs :P

And got labels on 6 pints these cooked yesterday:

I even listed ingredients. Pressure canned since added some oil, nice pH and seal. Doing fermented bonnet sauce in woozys tomorrow. (Of course they gonna have labels! Everybody needs Goo-Gone 'round da house. :rofl: ) Thanks for looking and everybody have great Friday!
RocketMan said:
Annie, I was just wondering what to fix for some company coming over tomorrow night and that Chicken sure give me a good idea, Thank ya kindly ma'am ;)
Oh and that was a nice collection of SFRB's you have started there sister :)
Do it, Bill! Post pics, please, to make me hungry again! SFRB = sharing! ;)
Let me know how you like that powder :)
Yellow and peach bhuts
Peach Habs
Chocolate Bonnet, TS Yellow, and I believe a 7 pod burgundy, although I can't tell in the pic too well.
White habs, yellow habs, TFM Scotch Bonnet are the biggest two yellows.
TS Green and 7 pod burgundy.
Tic tacs are Donne Sali and the others are a tepin variety.
Wanted to send more TS Yellows but that was the only ripe one I had.  The burgundy has an awesome aroma I think.
Bodeen said:
Let me know how you like that powder :)
Yellow and peach bhuts
Peach Habs
Chocolate Bonnet, TS Yellow, and I believe a 7 pod burgundy, although I can't tell in the pic too well.
White habs, yellow habs, TFM Scotch Bonnet are the biggest two yellows.
TS Green and 7 pod burgundy.
Tic tacs are Donne Sali and the others are a tepin variety.
Wanted to send more TS Yellows but that was the only ripe one I had.  The burgundy has an awesome aroma I think.
Jeff, as posted on your glog, that 7 pod burgundy and I have date early a.m. Then bonnet ferment sauce making. Again, that sandwich spread you made with JA Hab looked off chain! Thank you and so look forward to tasting all! :party:
Annie, great looking inbound pods from Jeff \o/
Stir it up; little muchacha', stir it up. Come on, baby.
Come on and stir it up: little darlin', stir it up. O-oh!

It's been a long, long time, yeah!
(stir it, stir it, stir it together)
Since I got your jerk paste on my mind. (ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) Oh-oh!
Now you are here (stir it, stir it, stir it together), I said, ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

All the chicken and pigs quickly ran off to hide they saw the gleam in your eye and da island jerk paste on the counter thru da window. Awesome job muchacha, I love the label look, very classy just like her cook.
Have a great weekend ^_^
stc3248 said:
Awww...shucks Annie, never met a turkey envious of bull-$heet!
Wouldn't be right to flavor-up that X-mas turkey with its own, don reckon ;) . Thank you, Shane! Epiphanic moment! :party:
Ya Mama tells ya that ya full of sh**t as a Christmas turkey. Kid asks, "What kind of sh**t does the Christmas turkey got, Mommy?" Kid gets whuppin' for repeating "sh**t" (never to be answered) and finds out in early quinquagenarian years, on THP, that the turkey was full of Bevo shi**t--and later, loves Longhorns--honors all turkeys henceforth and becomes damn vegetarian. (Not) And, hates OU.
"All we are saying is give Mack a chance." (If he'll freakin' get hands dirty and RECRUIT!--face to face, him, not gofer.) Game's on 12th. UT by 3 and stupid friend's OU by 40. 100 bucks. (I can buy FFLight Warrior for next year's grow from this game.) Doin' up ribs. Lotta ribs = comfort or celebration. Might do some turkey legs to respect your answering that long-ago-asked question, Shane!
WalkGood said:
Annie, great looking inbound pods from Jeff \o/
Stir it up; little muchacha', stir it up. Come on, baby.
Come on and stir it up: little darlin', stir it up. O-oh!

It's been a long, long time, yeah!
(stir it, stir it, stir it together)
Since I got your jerk paste on my mind. (ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) Oh-oh!
Now you are here (stir it, stir it, stir it together), I said, ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

All the chicken and pigs quickly ran off to hide they saw the gleam in your eye and da island jerk paste on the counter thru da window. Awesome job muchacha, I love the label look, very classy just like her cook.
Have a great weekend ^_^
You really gonna push de wood an blaze de fire, querido? ;)
"Y los peces van desde la panga!" Pero, Ramon, su esposa, mis amigos get in many panga singing, "Scale Hide!" and round dem up droppin' net. (Think, "Clint Eastwood younger, browned from Caribe sun.") I like love your stories but they make me want some white sand, sun, clear light blue Caribbean. :mope: :dance:
Isla jerk paste is good, little picante--but allspice, thyme, scallion and garlic with bonnets, JA Hab solid.
Allergies whacked me last night, today, mi hermano. Stuff drying up around here, tree leaves, etc. Might be tomorrow until ferment bonnet sauce. Want "clear head" lol for that one, as is special. (Taking Mawmaw's allergy herb cure. Dat woman was not joking with dem herbal cure recipes!) Adding tomatillo, scallion, more ajo, spices, y al fin, cilantro.
Felices fin de semana a ti!
stickman said:
Nice looking job on the jars of Jerk paste Annie... I bet it taste even better. Very cool that BD sent ya a SFRB full of goodies too. Have a great weekend!
Indeedy on the SFRB, Rick. Whole deseeded yellow bhut opened "fall head" this morning, briefly; 86F and the dang trees don't know it. Review later.
You/Shane on list to get pint jerk (sent neither of you anything yet). It's hot, right spicy, makes WWood sit down, which doesn't say much. But let you decide that one when I get all these sauces made. Salud, sweetie!
"Stopped up, stuffy head, fall allergies, can't breathe? Jeff/Bodeen has a cure for you!"
Since got too late start on fermented bonnet sauce, decided to go for an allergy cure, as my beloved recently deceased Cherokee grandmother's herbal is more antibiotic/detox, but doesn't give immediate relief.
Red Scorp?, Yellow and Peach bhuts by Jeff/Bodeen reviews follow some pics:
Red Scorp:



Yellow and Peach bhuts:



Peach bhut:


Red Scorp?:
Am assuming red scorp. Ate half deseeded, saved seeds.
Whatever this pepper is, has delicious flavor, lots of oil, juice--burned at back of throat and lips. Odd. Third bite, more like a ripe peach/apricot, fruity warmth. Last bite really wanted back of throat but stem ends do. No bitterness. Make a killer medium heat sauce with some fresh peaches, I think. Began to clear head so I could actually taste the yellow and peach bhuts.Yellow bhut in early am, so stopped up, couldn't taste it well.
Yellow bhut:
Flavor: floral bhut-taste, smell, tad warmer than others sent this year and on par with ybhuts I grew last year and powdered. Think it would go well with yellow 7 ferment. OR powder with y7s and yellow bouquet, aji limon to bring out citrus.
Heat: all over mouth but with a little back of throat, like red bhut.
Summary: saving seeds, as more intense, better bhut flavor, better heat than any yellow bhut had this year.
Peach bhut: Surprise, Surprise!
THIS is by far the best tasting bhut of any kind that I've ever eaten! Ate the entire pod. Sexy looking, perfect ripeness, gorgeous anise aftertaste--like the white bhut--floral, but some citrus flavor and maybe because ate stem end first off this, but lit me up! Best heat of any peach ever had! Rest was wonderful mellow warmth with citrus that tasted orange? Just amazing. Sounds crazy but this would work so well with some MoA in an ajo mojo sauce with bitter orange. Saving every seed I can possibly get from these peach: very special pepper. Hint for stomach: do not eat stem end with glob of placenta, first, with these. Pepto.
Thank you so much for sharing these, Jeff! That 7 Pod Burgundy will be savored as well! Thanks for looking, y'all!
Looks like my peach bhut will get the OW treatment this year.  The plant is LOADED with unripe pods ATM and I am hoping I don't have to brown bag em.
I am trying to think where I pulled that Red scorp from as I am not sure I have a red scorp growing here lol.  Time to go look in the garden to see if I can remember where I pulled it from.
So glad you liked the yellow bhut.  I put one in a half gallon of pickles and it is taking me some time to eat those pickles...it has some bite.  Your pods came from the west plant (in the mystery row) so if I OW any, that will be the plant.
Really hope you enjoy the burgundy and the TS Yellow.  I think those burgundy pods look really sexy hanging from the plant.
Great reviews!!!!
Bodeen said:
Looks like my peach bhut will get the OW treatment this year.  The plant is LOADED with unripe pods ATM and I am hoping I don't have to brown bag em. You better! But I think more will ripen but then, we're having a really warm fall, here. What are night lows, Jeff?
I am trying to think where I pulled that Red scorp from as I am not sure I have a red scorp growing here lol.  Time to go look in the garden to see if I can remember where I pulled it from. That'd be appreciated as it's delicious!
So glad you liked the yellow bhut.  I put one in a half gallon of pickles and it is taking me some time to eat those pickles...it has some bite.  Your pods came from the west plant (in the mystery row) so if I OW any, that will be the plant. I bet on pickles. I made salsa last year with ybhuts and fatalii. Dang! Friend coming over later. Wants me to make her mojitos with some hot pepper. Welp, 1/4th 1/2 yellow bhut. I don't drink anymore but used to be bartender. Am sure mint will clam the bhut (not). Have called her, told her to have her husband on standby. And de poor woman is happy 'bout this! lol
West is best! Great bhuts!
Really hope you enjoy the burgundy and the TS Yellow.  I think those burgundy pods look really sexy hanging from the plant. Jeff, 'tween you and Jason (and Jamie if he remembers my/his Madballz :pray:), not scaling down next year's grow a bit. lol But, 'at's okay! Am sure will love them! Gonna be toss up (riiiiight) between your YTS and Jamie's YPrimo. Both. Can't wait for burgundy but want to really enjoy. Most this year have been tad too bitter. P.S. What did you think of yellow moruga sent you? Getting mellow but were more lemony earlier.
Great reviews!!!! Thank you, darlin'!
annie57 said:
Looks like my peach bhut will get the OW treatment this year.  The plant is LOADED with unripe pods ATM and I am hoping I don't have to brown bag em. You better! But I think more will ripen but then, we're having a really warm fall, here. What are night lows, Jeff?  Running in the 60s but a one day front is suppose to knock it down to the 50s.  Have hit some 40s, but I think it is a warming trend, which I hope continues.  October 6th last year was the first frost, which was a freeze.
I am trying to think where I pulled that Red scorp from as I am not sure I have a red scorp growing here lol.  Time to go look in the garden to see if I can remember where I pulled it from. That'd be appreciated as it's delicious!  I am really thinking it was a burgundy.  Smooth skin is why I am thinking that.  If you grow it out next year we will know if it was a burgundy.  I got a gallon of them in the freezer right now, so I just stuck a tray of them in the dehydrator to make some powder and give it a go.
So glad you liked the yellow bhut.  I put one in a half gallon of pickles and it is taking me some time to eat those pickles...it has some bite.  Your pods came from the west plant (in the mystery row) so if I OW any, that will be the plant. I bet on pickles. I made salsa last year with ybhuts and fatalii. Dang! Friend coming over later. Wants me to make her mojitos with some hot pepper. Welp, 1/4th 1/2 yellow bhut. I don't drink anymore but used to be bartender. Am sure mint will clam the bhut (not). Have called her, told her to have her husband on standby. And de poor woman is happy 'bout this! lol
West is best! Great bhuts!
Really hope you enjoy the burgundy and the TS Yellow.  I think those burgundy pods look really sexy hanging from the plant. Jeff, 'tween you and Jason (and Jamie if he remembers my/his Madballz :pray:), not scaling down next year's grow a bit. lol But, 'at's okay! Am sure will love them! Gonna be toss up (riiiiight) between your YTS and Jamie's YPrimo. Both. Can't wait for burgundy but want to really enjoy. Most this year have been tad too bitter. P.S. What did you think of yellow moruga sent you? Getting mellow but were more lemony earlier.  Trying Bart tonight.  Trying to think of a way to use it too.  I wish I knew sauces better.  Even if I don't know the ph and all that jazz, I could make some immediate use sauce with it.  Haven't tried the yellow moruga yet.  Not a lot of aroma coming from them.  Don't forget to try the powder.  It isn't from a super, but I like the flavor.
Great reviews!!!! Thank you, darlin'!
Bodeen said:

Looks like my peach bhut will get the OW treatment this year.  The plant is LOADED with unripe pods ATM and I am hoping I don't have to brown bag em. You better! But I think more will ripen but then, we're having a really warm fall, here. What are night lows, Jeff?  Running in the 60s but a one day front is suppose to knock it down to the 50s.  Have hit some 40s, but I think it is a warming trend, which I hope continues.  October 6th last year was the first frost, which was a freeze. 60's are perfect!
I am trying to think where I pulled that Red scorp from as I am not sure I have a red scorp growing here lol.  Time to go look in the garden to see if I can remember where I pulled it from. That'd be appreciated as it's delicious!  I am really thinking it was a burgundy.  Smooth skin is why I am thinking that.  If you grow it out next year we will know if it was a burgundy.  I got a gallon of them in the freezer right now, so I just stuck a tray of them in the dehydrator to make some powder and give it a go. Okay, then!
So glad you liked the yellow bhut.  I put one in a half gallon of pickles and it is taking me some time to eat those pickles...it has some bite.  Your pods came from the west plant (in the mystery row) so if I OW any, that will be the plant. I bet on pickles. I made salsa last year with ybhuts and fatalii. Dang! Friend coming over later. Wants me to make her mojitos with some hot pepper. Welp, 1/4th 1/2 yellow bhut. I don't drink anymore but used to be bartender. Am sure mint will clam the bhut (not). Have called her, told her to have her husband on standby. And de poor woman is happy 'bout this! lol
West is best! Great bhuts!
Really hope you enjoy the burgundy and the TS Yellow.  I think those burgundy pods look really sexy hanging from the plant. Jeff, 'tween you and Jason (and Jamie if he remembers my/his Madballz :pray:), not scaling down next year's grow a bit. lol But, 'at's okay! Am sure will love them! Gonna be toss up (riiiiight) between your YTS and Jamie's YPrimo. Both. Can't wait for burgundy but want to really enjoy. Most this year have been tad too bitter. P.S. What did you think of yellow moruga sent you? Getting mellow but were more lemony earlier.  Trying Bart tonight.  Trying to think of a way to use it too.  I wish I knew sauces better.  Even if I don't know the ph and all that jazz, I could make some immediate use sauce with it.  Haven't tried the yellow moruga yet.  Not a lot of aroma coming from them.  Don't forget to try the powder.  It isn't from a super, but I like the flavor. A little garlic--clove or 2; onion, 1/4th medium (or one scallion with green),1/2 carrot to sweeten, tablespoon or <lime juice,  salt to taste. Heat up, puree, taste, and probably done. You're a great cook: you could go nuts on it but  simple works!
And I look forward to powder. Don't need face-melt to be good! In fact, I love powders and sauces with flavor over heat!
Great reviews!!!! Thank you, darlin'!
Bodeen said:
I can hook you up if you'd like.  I got three or four plants of these and they are kicking the pods out.  I prefer to ship before Thursday to ensure delivery before Saturday.
Thanks for the offer, I think from this point on I'll be dealing with seeds, I still have a lot of peppers ripening on my patio... that peach bhut sounds interesting, I think I'll add that to my 2014 to-grow list.