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Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
Jamison said:
The mighty fisherwoman! Nice crappie! One of my fav's besides Blue Gills. Grow is looking great Annie! Red MoA's? Greg had a variant?
Thank you, Jamison; I love them! Yep: saw it in his glog as Ramon notes below, and he sent some seeds. But should they grow out not red but MoA's I'll be delighted but knowing Greg, it'll be a red MoA.
WalkGood said:
Yes he did, check his glog ... a MoA dat produced red pods \o/ ... btw Greg's a magician ;)
Magician speaks well of other magician? I like dat! :P
Have started harvesting by SFRB, lol. Got several but the first of the day; just one more day until my father can drive which frees me up some (but really gonna miss riding around talking with him).
From upper left clockwise, Aji Limon, Harold St. Barts, Black Cayman (which I won't grow again because every year, regardless of where plant them, they are 1. late and 2. beg for insects and too bad because great choc hab taste) but continuing, Yellow TSMBs, Yellow Bouquet, had to label but labels will probably come off, distinct taste from Aji Limon, either good in yellow sauce or powder blend, Bonda Ma Jacques, a few ripe and a few monster JA Habs via Ramon--the under-ripe biguns I put in brown paper bag to complete ripening to add to JA Red Hab ferment--and in middle Inca Red Drop.

Got another SFRB going out with some yellow brains, yellow 7's, a couple Jamie's 7 Pod Brown x Naga, and another similar one with a few Douglah, Orange Thai, Datil as difference. Might try a small scale Datil and Bonda Ma J with Aji Limon sauce or larger scale powder blend. Yellow 7 and Yellow bouquet powder blend for sure. But gotta go rescue some red poblano to add to 7 Pod Red x Naga smoked, for that Tex MeXXX sauce that's already "brewed" in 1/2 gallon jar. Already harvested some pasilla bajio for it. And more Tabs for the Tab ferment that has many miles to go. When the Hades am I gonna get to grocery store for myself?
Gonna check some glogs from my phone wandering through g-store later. Ramon, how those little peach bhut seedlings doing--still in the huevo? But I could just check glog unless they croaked. More later . . . thanks for looking.
Jamison said:
Oh man, I have got to get my greedy little hands on some of those red MoA's! Awesome harvest BTW!
I would were I you. Look delicious and not red mushroom. Greg got 'em. Or you could wait until next year for me to grow them out :rofl: Just kiddin' Jamison, just kiddin.'
Oh, I been a-pod pluckin' since early this morning with headlamp :shocked: . Sending some stuff out. At some point gotta hit the sauce processing. Whew :violin: :rofl: .
Jamison said:
Oh man, I have got to get my greedy little hands on some of those red MoA's! Awesome harvest BTW!
annie57 said:
I would were I you. Look delicious and not red mushroom. Greg got 'em. Or you could wait until next year for me to grow them out :rofl: Just kiddin' Jamison, just kiddin.'
Oh, I been a-pod pluckin' since early this morning with headlamp :shocked: . Sending some stuff out. At some point gotta hit the sauce processing. Whew :violin: :rofl: .
Sounds like dis is da start of a new MoA seed distribution and I think a ledge is born ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Ras mi gotta get mi gready little hands on some :D
I saw Greg's red MoA, very interesting. I wonder how they taste compared to the yellow?
Hahha, out there with a headlamp, need more hours in the day do ya?
Have you noticed the "ramp" in time as you get older? Just as we should really be toning things down a bit, we're running faster and harder than ever. So what the heck? Why does time pass by so much quicker than 20 years ago?
I guess we're in a time accelerated environment (for lack of words) , OK fill in the blanks you're the English Guru ;)
Have a great week!
WalkGood said:
Sounds like dis is da start of a new MoA seed distribution and I think a ledge is born ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Ras mi gotta get mi gready little hands on some :D
Yah, mi bredren. Word. :party:
Devv said:
I saw Greg's red MoA, very interesting. I wonder how they taste compared to the yellow?
Hahha, out there with a headlamp, need more hours in the day do ya?
Have you noticed the "ramp" in time as you get older? Just as we should really be toning things down a bit, we're running faster and harder than ever. So what the heck? Why does time pass by so much quicker than 20 years ago?
I guess we're in a time accelerated environment (for lack of words) , OK fill in the blanks you're the English Guru ;)
Have a great week!
If true MoA, gotta be good. Looked good on Greg's plant! I imagine they if true MoA, are just tad hotter and possibly sweeter. Wishful thinking on sweeter.
Yes, Scotty, mon. But it'll slow back down ROFLMAO, since de earth's axis is true north now again. Riiiiiiight. My runs should feel shorter then? Back pain should not be so bad because if (you could come teach for me, as "accelerated environment" works so well for me!) time is speeding up, takes less time to be in garden. Riiiiiiiight. Hell, naw: had proff--I took this seminar in grad school because the proff was from Guatemala--in real meaning of Mayan Revolution. Consciousness raising and all the forces that work against mindfulness, meditation moments/meditation life. Nothing "new age" about it: common sense. Just tipico Arawak and Taino Indian common sense! Which ain't so common.
Bodeen said:
Very great harvest!!!  Red MoA sounds pretty awesome.
I bet it is, Jeff. :party: We'll see!
Be watching for mail on Thursday, okiedokie? Also, if you don't want to save seeds from JA Hab sent, kinda on small side, have a bunch already dried of gigantic JA Red Hab that were hotter--don't know if makes a difference. Also, don't know why that long in transit; asked woman at PO just now. She looked at me with narrowed eyes, like "Hell, I just work here, beotch." She's a big gal too; I thanked her and left. Quickly.
romy6 said:
 Nice harvest Annie. Time to get your sauce on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hotsauce:  :hotsauce:  :hotsauce:
Interesting that you mention that sweet Jamie. Good friend, since h.s. Rastaman drummer called Saturday. Said he'd bring over some chicken quarters, he'd make everything else if I'd fix some jerk chicken and he had the Bob Marley DVD filmed at Harvard. I told him I needed to recook my jerk paste because it was too thyme-heavy (and I do) but B.P. was, "A.P. ya doin' it again on me here. I'll be fine, woman!"
So slapped a little jerk paste as is, with Mojo in with chicken to marinate (and wondered why he brought a full bag of quarters, thighs, legs, but heck) overnight. A lot of chicken. This took 2 cooks:
Chicken with some Island Jerk Paste and Mojo on grill little while:

Then after in some Island Sauce Jerk with X-vigin olive oil just a little while, 30 minutes:

Repeated 1X (put in tin foil in cooler to stay warm) while B.P, L.P, another bassist, and dear friend from h.s., living in Colorado now, in for visit, came over. Had made some killer rice with coconut--B.P. snagged some bonnets from garden, to add to rice, with onions, garlic, peas. L.P. came in with container of tostones in some warmer thing that caterers use--I want one!--and Cyn had other stuff that I didn't partake of. We pigged out and cried during the DVD. Everybody mentioning the Dortmund/Uprising DVD, so I ordered it this morning. Peace!
Tasty, tasty chicken.  I'm with JJJ, I'm hungry again.  Gotta go to the store here shortly, too; may have to look at the chicken.  (Scratch that, refrigerator isn't back on-line yet.)
My take on time is that our individual, subjective experience of the duration of a particular interval of time (day, year, second, whatever) is determined, in part, and other considerations being equal, by a subconscious mental comparison of that particular interval to the duration of the sum total of all equal intervals experienced in our life.  So for a day-old infant, a day is the entirety of its post-natal life experience, so seems like a very long time.  For an octogenarian, a day is only ~1/29,220th of the total and so doesn't seem like much at all.  Of course, current state(s) of mind can also weigh heavily in the formula.
Speaking of Dortmund, I like this:  Dreaming in Dortmund
JJJessee said:
Makes my mouth water and I just ate.
Yeah, ats right, Common Sense is the least common.
Chix were good but I still imagined too much thyme: fixing that paste tomorrow after I get free of that thang they call a university. Have already cancelled on a faculty meeting. Looks like they'd fire me: I hardly ever go to them. Hmm. Even they know it's theatre?
Truly vis a vis common sense, JJJ/Carl; be watching your mail around Wed. I mean, don't . . . never mind, same PO lady told me Wed. on yours. If ticking, probably a bug trapped in box :cool:
Sawyer said:
Tasty, tasty chicken.  I'm with JJJ, I'm hungry again.  Gotta go to the store here shortly, too; may have to look at the chicken.  (Scratch that, refrigerator isn't back on-line yet.)
My take on time is that our individual, subjective experience of the duration of a particular interval of time (day, year, second, whatever) is determined, in part, and other considerations being equal, by a subconscious mental comparison of that particular interval to the duration of the sum total of all equal intervals experienced in our life.  So for a day-old infant, a day is the entirety of its post-natal life experience, so seems like a very long time.  For an octogenarian, a day is only ~1/29,220th of the total and so doesn't seem like much at all.  Of course, current state(s) of mind can also weigh heavily in the formula.
Speaking of Dortmund, I like this:  Dreaming in Dortmund
+ 1 on Dobson. He does a live cover of Lindsey Buckingham's solo from "Go Your Own Way" (quite a brilliant solo) since Buckingham always finger-picks electric.
Yes; I try to explain to people about kids and time. An hour to a 2 year old is a large part of that human's life.
Then again, I've experienced what Wilson Harris calls "multiplicity of reality in time, suspended, stretched, compressed:" that is to say, only 100 miles left reads road sign to destination; but either driver/passenger/both need to have an important, detailed conversation. The speedometer can be pinging 65 mph steady but if look at clock, that 100 miles at 65 can take 15 minutes or can take 3 hours or can be close to 1.5 hours. It depends on conversation and perception of change within it. In short, I know it took 1.5 hours to go 100 to destination @ 65 mph, but I also know it took 3 hours. Or 15 minutes. Kate Bush: "We raise our hats to the strange phenomena." Which really aren't that "strange."
"(Scratch that, refrigerator isn't back on-line yet.)" I love this! Is your last name, Ashbery, John? I love John Ashbery's poetry: he makes Helen Vendler throw up her hands, pull out her hair, cry that she doesn't get the point. Which is . . . the point. But, I think Your Name Here, as a collection, is . . . sweet, kind: Plato, I ain't goin' back in ya cave, son.
Nuf dis. ;)
annie57 said:
Then again, I've experienced what Wilson Harris calls "multiplicity of reality in time, suspended, stretched, compressed:" that is to say, only 100 miles left reads road sign to destination; but either driver/passenger/both need to have an important, detailed conversation. The speedometer can be pinging 65 mph steady but if look at clock, that 100 miles at 65 can take 15 minutes or can take 3 hours or can be close to 1.5 hours. It depends on conversation and perception of change within it. In short, I know it took 1.5 hours to go 100 to destination @ 65 mph, but I also know it took 3 hours. Or 15 minutes. Kate Bush: "We raise our hats to the strange phenomena." Which really aren't that "strange."
S'truth, and backed up by observation... the older you get, the faster time flies. My home health clients tell me this all the time. ;)
"(Scratch that, refrigerator isn't back on-line yet.)" I love this! Is your last name, Ashbery, John? I love John Ashbery's poetry: he makes Helen Vendler throw up her hands, pull out her hair, cry that she doesn't get the point. Which is . . . the point. But, I think Your Name Here, as a collection, is . . . sweet, kind: Plato, I ain't goin' back in ya cave, son.
Harry Nilsson taught me a long time ago... you don't hafta have a point to have a point... you dig?
Pulls are still looking good down NC way... things must still be chugging along. Jerk Chicken had me drooling too... good on ya Miz Annie!
Great looking harvest/pods, Annie! Also thank you for posting those food pictures, now I'm hungry :lol: Love me some Jerk Chicken :D Also wanna ask if you did manage to harvest some seeds of those Black Cayman pods? It's a variety I've been looking for over 2 year now  :whistle:
stickman said:
Harry Nilsson taught me a long time ago... you don't hafta have a point to have a point... you dig?
Right on, Oblio! "'Point' taken, but not necessary"--Arrow ;)
Devv said:
See I'm not crazy :crazy:
Had to come back and edit, those pics didn't display earlier...YUM!
Thanks, Scotty!
meatfreak said:
Great looking harvest/pods, Annie! Also thank you for posting those food pictures, now I'm hungry :lol: Love me some Jerk Chicken :D Also wanna ask if you did manage to harvest some seeds of those Black Cayman pods? It's a variety I've been looking for over 2 year now  :whistle:
I have two more pepper "sets" of seeds to dry and can do those for ya. PM and remind me, okay?
WalkGood said:
Muchacha dat yard bird looks awesome and you've got me hungry all over again. I just finished eatting bistec, platanos maduro y frijoles negros and now I wana try your yard bird ... awesome looking job!!!
Today’s mail \o/
Annie what can I say … hats off muchacha \o_
Platanos dulces, *slurp* :party: (And bistec, f-negros, sound amazing!) I think you'll really like that pepper, Ramon! I did. (Yeah, this grow keeps getting mas flaco, lol.)
Jerk bird, tostones, rice and the music video were off da chain! Am still gonna remake j-paste, hopefully tomorrow evening. Got most ingredients ready to go: lots more scallions. We need to meet up, have a cook-a-grill-athon and Marley live DVD viewing marathon. A lotta fun with dear friends shouldn't be sheltered from dear new friends. ;) Much peace mi hermano and everybody have a great week!
stc3248 said:
Mmmmm...that chicken looks fanfreakintastic! Everything else sounded great too!!! Spreading the BOC love around to boot! This is such an awesome site, and you're an awesome grower lady!
Aww . . . you so sweet: that just got you some woozies of sauce and jar of jerk paste, honey-pie Shane! That is, when I finish processing everything.
annie57 said:
"(Scratch that, refrigerator isn't back on-line yet.)" I love this! Is your last name, Ashbery, John? I love John Ashbery's poetry: he makes Helen Vendler throw up her hands, pull out her hair, cry that she doesn't get the point. Which is . . . the point. But, I think Your Name Here, as a collection, is . . . sweet, kind: Plato, I ain't goin' back in ya cave, son.
Lol, no, but thanks for the high praise.