• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
Wow! Nice! I didn't have time to check my box for my father checking his this morning--long story--but on way home, swung by PO. Annnnnd:
From Greg (PIC 1): the "Jamaican Collection:" Scotch Bonnet Long, Bahamian Goat, Red MoA, FDA Scotch Bonnet, and yellow 7's from THSC that he planted out this year, and White Fatalii. :dance: Man got every seed under sun but I do have some going out to him tomorrow that he doesn't have, thanks to Jason (GA Growhead). Man, this community: I love y'all!

And I couldn't resist. Anybody can make a sauce that's just hot. Not hard to do. But with flavor and some heat. That's different matter. So, I had to try out some Todd Warosh's (tmudder) stuff. Have to say there's not as much in the Scorched "Steak" Sauce as there was but, all are wonderful! (Shrink bands not gone by accident.) Mojo is absolutely astounding. Dude is inspirational if one makes sauces. Toasted Ghost, The Blaze, Mojo Madness, Scorched "Steak" (but would go on anything meat) Sauces:

I admire that Scorched! Who'd have thunk a 7 Pod Brown could be this excellent? Wow. More on these later. Mojo is my fav but bless my mother's heart for calling me to say she'd "done something" with the 6 thick rib-eye we had left over from my father's attempted grillathon on pain killers? NOT. (He doesn't do anything in small way.) So we went over; my mom and I killed that Scorched bottle. Now, I gotta figure how to make some knock-off. 7 Pod Browns?? Yes! I figure that ferment I got in frig might come faintly close with some 7 Pod Brown x Naga. I love the way Todd doesn't necessary food mill out all seeds but leaves enough in to make it look and taste . . . oh yeah! Peace, and everybody have a great FRIDAY!
Excellent looking care package you got there.  A white fatalii eh.  I think I am intrigued enough to google that sucker lol.

Yeah, just seen a pic of a white fatalii and if they all run true white like the picture I seen I will be giving it a go next season!!!!  Would make a great white salmon sauce.
Bodeen said:
Excellent looking care package you got there.  A white fatalii eh.  I think I am intrigued enough to google that sucker lol.

Yeah, just seen a pic of a white fatalii and if they all run true white like the picture I seen I will be giving it a go next season!!!!  Would make a great white salmon sauce.
Jeff, is a salmon fishing expedition included in that sauce-making? I can make like a grizzly bear. :D
Devv said:
Congrats on your score(s) Annie!
The people here @THP are fantastic, and you're included in that statement!
Have a great weekend!
THP folks are the best, indeed, Scott! Since Señor Ramon wanted to scale down his grow I sent him something this morning in mail to mess up that idea.
Hit some areas--Round-Up--yeah, such a killer am I this afternoon; but doing something about perimeter: pigweed. Neighbor with bag on mower gonna fix rest of it. Then it's boiling water and vinegar to roots of that evil mess, already tried a patch--not the pepper plant area--and nearly pure ACV, boiling, does kill it.
Meanwhile, just tested pH on ferments with strips and meter. Really nice 3.6 on the one want to make over weekend--kind of a mojo but really a bonnet/Jamaican/Cuban/DR sauce, while I recook/remake the JA Jerk paste--glad got more woozys ordered but those not gifting will just put in pint and half pint jars, pressure can, as it's easier. (Mrs. Claus is making her THP list.) Would really like to remake last year's Fatalii-Apple Butter pork glaze, but not telling anybody locally that I did it. I wouldn't care at all but folks who can drive to pick it up could drive back to return jars--ole-timey canning etiquette--"these young people today." :rofl:
I'm glad Todd sent some sauces, because near end of the season, have eaten so many raw peppers, my tolerance goes up and what I think is not hot, is, in "normal" reality. Besides, the point of a sauce is flavor and heat, imo.
Yes, let's all have a productive, but laid back weekend! :shocked:
Annie, great looking seeds Greg provided you and I think you’re right streamlining your grow is out da window, lol. I just have to cause time is so limited now :/
I have little sprouts dying to get out of their eggs and they all had to wait till today … still dark outside but I still have limited time, even Saturday :/
That tmudder sauce looks awesome and you’re description sounds great, can’t wait to see what you end up doing with your ferments …
I’d wish you a happy Friday back at ya but it’s Saturday already, so have a wonderful Saturday and Sunday muchacha \o/
Devv said:
Great minds, Scotty. ;)
Bodeen said:
I could arrange a trip on Lake Michigan for some Salmon action if you'd like?
Nice fish! But some pic out of a mag is hardly . . .  evidence, Jeff! Yes, the bigger the pond the larger the fish and the smaller the pond:

A crappie or sac au lait (down here) is . . . hell, bait for that salmon :rofl: Got a deal, Jeff!
WalkGood said:
Annie, great looking seeds Greg provided you and I think you’re right streamlining your grow is out da window, lol. I just have to cause time is so limited now :/
I have little sprouts dying to get out of their eggs and they all had to wait till today … still dark outside but I still have limited time, even Saturday :/
That tmudder sauce looks awesome and you’re description sounds great, can’t wait to see what you end up doing with your ferments …
I’d wish you a happy Friday back at ya but it’s Saturday already, so have a wonderful Saturday and Sunday muchacha \o/
I'd wish you a Happy Thursday in advance querido but let's really not go there, no! HAPPY SABADO!
You too? Little sprouts middle of night and playing in dirt to get them in bigger pots under big light? I'm sorry you're having to work so much mi hermano, but is what is, until it's something else. Be looking in the mail for an envelope :D  about martes.
Todd's sauces are good excellent! Can tell he's a chef because he eats peppers raw but evidently scales that back or does something to get reality check. I can taste the numbing feel of the Szechuan or  Sichuan peppers in one sauce and am thinking he either has access to the real ones before ban lifted or doubles amount.
(Yes: I actually ground Sichuan last night and detailed how much had to taste until my mouth went numb. After I got slack and slapped a DiGiorno in oven. Spent far more time grinding and tasting those than did fixing meal but been cooking all week for mis padres. "What's this stuff?" I told my father, it was "chickenfettuccineAlfredojusteatplease.") Whew, Monday he's medically cleared to drive  :dance:  :party:  and he can go to store and buy damned Spam or whatever, but I ain't fixin' that mess! I should be more kind/grateful and am, really: C or K rations, entire big crates, couldn't get to his unit for over a week in Korea. Man came home with ulcers. Speaking of "my guy" gonna go drive him to PO now. Just called and itchin' to get out. Hasta el lunes :shocked: HAVE A GREAT FIN DE SEMANA y te extraño!
Sawyer said:
Crappie is one of my favorite fish to eat.  Nice and flaky, excellent flavor.
ArksawJohn, I commend your excellent taste! Crappie are fresh water snook, imo. Not that I'm knocking fresh catch salmon! (AT ALL.) But crappie nuggets in some good Butch T or Tab/Dorset Naga sweet-hot sauce works, "ramped wing sauce" with a little horseradish, white pepper, Steen's cane v.? And Jeff has great idea on that white sauce with white fatalii and a Big Bob Gibson White Q (but not) knock-off white sauce. Actually, white bhut is so mild make a great source of capsaicin with a little anise for that. Can use mayo if pressure can. Then again, I can eat them just out of frier, necked: yep, deep fried crappie slightly seasoned breaded nuggets, with Sweet Betsy homemade hushpuppies, eastern NC cole slaw: whew, made me hungry.  :drooling:  Dang, I need to get on water for fall crappie stalk! But when?
Then again, I think I could persuade/lie Eng. Dept. chair that my students need an experiential visit to Hemingway's literary works . . . rent some boats down at marina, take mine out; be funny seeing those poor, deprived "children" trying to pull a little 6 HP Johnson (on jon boats) to start and even funnier, steering.  Uni would spring for that: they like to waste money so . . . gotta jet and hit garden, so maybe will have time to get crappie stalks in. Have a good one, hon!
annie57 said:
Nice fish! But some pic out of a mag is hardly . . .  evidence, Jeff! Yes, the bigger the pond the larger the fish and the smaller the pond:
That picture actually is from a mag....but that doesn't change the fact that its me holding the fish ;)

I for one do not care for crappie.  I have not been able to cook it where the meat is not soft.  I have tried crappie from all different times of the years, from many different bodies of water, and using multiple cooking styles.  I have come to the conclusion that crappie is just not firm enough for my taste.
Walleye, perch, bluegills are the top of the list for me.  Of course there is nothing wrong with catfish, bass, and stripers, but when I have a freezer full of walleye, I can't see keeping something that will be passed over for walleye.
Interesting how we all like different seafood, for me it’s in dis order:
  • Snook
  • Dolphin (Mahi-Mahi)
  • Yellow Fin
  • Roosterfish
  • Grouper
  • Swordfish
  • Red Snapper
  • Yellow Tail
  • And da list can go on and on, mainly fish I grew up catching but these days I rarely get out fishing other than my back yard which I catch and release ...
A preference for crappie could be southern thing.  My favorite fish, for taste alone is bream, bluegill or redear, but they're usually kind of small.  Being land-locked, I don't have enough experience with salt-water fish to have an opinion on specific species, but those all sound pretty good to me.  For fresh-water, you'll never catch me buying catfish.  If I catch a blue, channel, or especially flathead, I'll keep it, but I'll never buy it, either in a restaurant or at the grocery.  I lived across the road from a catfish farm for a short while in my teens.  We were sort of unofficial night watchmen for the owner, since he lived a few miles away.  Amazing how many people would try to sneak up there at night to steal fish.  We'd go run them off.  Anyway, when they harvested a pond, there were always a few fish that would slip by the nets, only to get caught eventually in a subsequent harvest.  These fish were far too big for the processing plant to handle, so they would give them to us.  I've eaten enough catfish to last a lifetime. 
Not a lot of saltwater in Indiana.  If there was, my preference would be different as well.  I too never buy fish.  If my walleye fishing ever falls short, I can always keep other kinds here.  15 bucks a pound for walleye in the stores.  I'll sell them mine for 10 a pound and quit work lol.
But from my days in the restaurant business I can tell you snapper is one fine eating fish!!!  I also had a mahi-mahi reuben sandwich before that rocked!!!

I would kill to hit the brackish waters somewhere and catch a mess of mangrove snapper.  That and fishing a wreck is on my bucket list lol
Bodeen said:
That picture actually is from a mag....but that doesn't change the fact that its me holding the fish ;)  Nice . . . fish! ;) You and I have similar humility extents, and congrats! I have pics of me in mags, rags, but--Lord no--too old/possibly intellignet for silliness now--music mags, rags, V-Voice, Spin, American Songwriter . . . bla, bla, etc. Mepps' Sassy Shad is excellent; make some good in-line spinners, Worden’s r-tails, but I prefer live bait.
I for one do not care for crappie.  I have not been able to cook it where the meat is not soft.  I have tried crappie from all different times of the years, from many different bodies of water, and using multiple cooking styles.  I have come to the conclusion that crappie is just not firm enough for my taste. Ya ain't had my crappie nuggets. :cool:
Walleye, perch, bluegills are the top of the list for me.  Of course there is nothing wrong with catfish, bass, and stripers, but when I have a freezer full of walleye, I can't see keeping something that will be passed over for walleye. I think local walleye are some distant relative of sauger. I've caught what passes for walleye on Lake James, but they aren't real walleye, which suppose I've never had--these taste way to muddy to be walleye and flesh is not pink: they do have big eyes, but Marty Feldman did too. True, can't beat a mess, and do mean a mess, of b-bill or bream. Now, shellcracker takes less of but . . . heck, I fillet a bream. Love smallies, channel cat at around 2 lbs. Best cats ever caught/ate came out of cold mnt. streams. Smaller but great  tasting fish--nearly black to blend with color of rocks. Grimpers are great bait: don't care for rainbow trout. Can't figure what takes like: water? Browns are just better. Lakes too, but rainbow just . . . a thing? But to each his/her own. Pawpaw caught a carp once and told Mama--she was maybe 15--to clean it, fry it. Damn, my grandmother was so po'ed at him. The smell. Lingering smell.
BTW, is your signature a reference to Jim Tom? Just hit me. I via, my grandfather--the one telling his daughter to, as a joke, fry a carp--took me on a little ride once (or twice). Met Popcorn Sutton. I didn't know! Just a bunch of winding mountain roads, lotta dirt roads, some hiking  through woods. My mother was almost livid but it was her father so . . . I had a cool grandfather! Moonshiner, fisherman. At least he had fun the short while he was here!
WalkGood said:
Interesting how we all like different seafood, for me it’s in dis order:
  • Snook
  • Dolphin (Mahi-Mahi)
  • Yellow Fin
  • Roosterfish
  • Grouper
  • Swordfish
  • Red Snapper
  • Yellow Tail
  • And da list can go on and on, mainly fish I grew up catching but these days I rarely get out fishing other than my back yard which I catch and release ...
Had me at my fav fish, Ramon: snook. How you resist that temptation at night in summer is beyond me, "catch and release"  spawning snook? Yes, it's illegal but . . . and yes, have hooked, fought, sadly released, but not worth the enormous fine for keeping one in spawn. Now, were it my backyard . . . just being honest. Nice group of fish! Rooster? Where did you catch and eat? Eat? Roosterfish. Thought they were inedible. More info? No reds? No redfish? Red drum? Pretty good fish, but see, everybody has an opinion and taste in fish. (Roosterfish?! Do tell! Really never heard of anybody eating them.) Mangrove snapper are wow in bays, SW FL!! Just as name implies, gotta keep 'em out of roots or uh . . . :tear: But anybody don't like snook, I wonder; but bet some folks don't. Bay guides might be the first on that list of those who do not, as everybody down there wants to catch snook.
Sawyer said:
For fresh-water, you'll never catch me buying catfish.  If I catch a blue, channel, or especially flathead, I'll keep it, but I'll never buy it, either in a restaurant or at the grocery. [ . . . ] I've eaten enough catfish to last a lifetime. 
Ditto, not me, no way do I buy any fish in any g-store, anywhere. Never have, with exception of shark steak in Austin, which is pretty "landlocked" and got that at seafood market I trust. They pass off vermillion snapper as red snapper and what's the deal with Vietnamese catfish? Really?
I discovered a delicacy in Valencia and Barcelona: scallop roe. Positively decadent! Never found it in States but are in scallops. Were I diving for scallops, the roe is gonna happen with the white meat. John, ya gotta plan a trip to some coast for fishing, man!
I don't know if crappie is a Southern thing. If they aren't prepared well, they literally do fall apart. It doesn't take long at all--seconds--to deep fry the nuggets. Or they will fall apart. Heck, they'll "cook" in lime juice and water in <2 hours! Wanna recipe for "Redneck Landlocked Sushi?" When casting for shad, don't kick/toss/wash off those decayed fallen leaves, kudzu leaves are best, aka "fresh water seaweed" outta the boat. Nooooo. Save them. Wash well, and dry them in sun, then layer to where they plaster themselves together. Let that plaster sun dry or dry in oven. Cut to size. Nori roller. Few garden maters, onion, jalapeño, pickled hot okra, cilantro, little lime juice left over from the "crappie cook" in frig, with olive oil, or whatever to make a sauce, some rice, add crappie, and if ya work fast, can roll up that cleaned, dried, bottom muck that's been crapped on by fish, spawned upon, and use instead of nori; actually is good. Whip up some wasabi paste, some soy. I know it's easier to buy nori but . . . :crazy: lol.
Bodeen said:
Not a lot of saltwater in Indiana.  If there was, my preference would be different as well.  I too never buy fish.  If my walleye fishing ever falls short, I can always keep other kinds here.  15 bucks a pound for walleye in the stores.  I'll sell them mine for 10 a pound and quit work lol.
But from my days in the restaurant business I can tell you snapper is one fine eating fish!!!  I also had a mahi-mahi reuben sandwich before that rocked!!!

I would kill to hit the brackish waters somewhere and catch a mess of mangrove snapper.  That and fishing a wreck is on my bucket list lol
Woah: I thought there were only two weird ones who'd had this. Colleague, another GTA at NCSU, went to West Point for undergrad, Italian heritage; people thought we were mad at each other, when just being passionately opinionated, which I respect, called me one afternoon around 5am; we were both grading freakin' freshman essays :shocked: , says, "Wanna go to Sam and Omie's because am dying for softshell crab sandwich." I thought for a second, it's a 4 hour drive but after a hundred bad essays, "Sure." We drove to OBX. Sam and Omie's will come up with weird sh**t late at night with what they have left. Breaded Mahi-Mahi Reuben? With pastrami? Idea was so strange, we had to go for it. I plucked pastrami out of it and wow. Not run into many other folks ever had one. Can't say that I know it was good initially because was starving, but we ordered two more for the drive back to Raleigh and sure enough, pretty great!
"I would kill . . ." I know a place in a back cove in Lemon Bay, SW FL Gulf, Manasota Key, where ya can hook up in those mangrove snapper. You show me salmon, L. Michigan, I take you to m-snapper. (Sans the killing part.) Been going to same spot since 1990 and got lost, came upon by accident; current swirls around mangrove, nicely spaced out, because of re-routed road long time ago, about 3-4 hours before high tide. Excellent fishing in relatively skinny water. Cast net and got, pin fish and shrimp. They can't help but hit a live shrimp. Ditto on that bucket list. I've been deep sea, but no good wrecks. Some great wreck locations off Boca Grande and south to Keys.
Everybody have good night!
Walleye and Sauger are cousins, and they can cross creating the Saugeye hybrid.  Neither one has pink meat though.
Most of my fishing is jig and half a crawler, unless I am hitting the gills and ears, then its crickets.  Before May 1st it is minnows.  Unless I am hitting the rive for sauger, then its always minnows.
Ya ain't had my crappie nuggets.  :cool: <---  I will consider that an invite :D
Carp prepared correctly is pretty good, and I prefer my cats under 3 pounds.
And yes you are correct on my sig line!!!
annie57 said:
Had me at my fav fish, Ramon: snook. How you resist that temptation at night in summer is beyond me, "catch and release"  spawning snook? Yes, it's illegal but . . . and yes, have hooked, fought, sadly released, but not worth the enormous fine for keeping one in spawn. Now, were it my backyard . . . just being honest.Nice group of fish!
Tanks, these and a few others plus many crustaceans are what I grew up catching and eating. I too have rarely bought fish but will occasionally from some of my fishing buds that captain boats and get some rare varieties to me at good prices. Not long ago my cousin and I bought some pink tuna fresh off da boat for $9.00 a pound, dam best tasting sushi Ive ever had and I cant get more :/
annie57 said:
Rooster? Where did you catch and eat?
My bad, I meant Hogfish but wrote similar :/ AFAIK Roosters are only in CL and parts of Mexico (baja), a pacific fish that locals eat but most view as a game fish and dont eat because of the similarity to amberjack (we catche amberjacks here and you can marinate, grill them and theyre tasty but the larger ones have the sea variety of sea nematodes in the meat, gross lol and yea Ive eaten the smaller ones). Back to the Hogfish, its up there with Snook, one of the best tasting fish youll ever eat. Ive heard you can catch them on rod & real but I never have, Ive only caught them spear fishing and theyre a lay downs. They run a little and they give up easily while turning some wow colors till you pop dem. The meat is super white, firm but buttery meat at the same time and great in any recipe. Sorry for my mistake muchacha was thinking about the similarity of their spines along the dorsal fin (rooster looking).
annie57 said:
No reds? No redfish? Red drum? Pretty good fish, but see, everybody has an opinion and taste in fish.
Yes Ive eaten but not along my favorite variety, blacken seasoning was invented to be able to eat reds, lol. I ate a few without it and didnt like that much. While living in Tampa I fished for them a lot and eventually would either gift them or catch & release. Drums are much better and fall into the category of others I enjoy
annie57 said:
(Roosterfish?! Do tell! Really never heard of anybody eating them.) Mangrove snapper are u]wow[/u] in bays, SW FL!! Just as name implies, gotta keep 'em out of roots or uh . . . :tear: But anybody don't like snook, I wonder; but bet some folks don't. Bay guides might be the first on that list of those who do not, as everybody down there wants to catch snook.
I love all the snappers, Mangroves are awesome unfortunately these days I dont get off shore as much as I use to, sold da boat a few years back and between family, friends and home chores I fish most in da back yard. That said I still go when I can ...  have a great day muchacha!
Bodeen said:
Walleye and Sauger are cousins, and they can cross creating the Saugeye hybrid.  Neither one has pink meat though.
Most of my fishing is jig and half a crawler, unless I am hitting the gills and ears, then its crickets.  Before May 1st it is minnows.  Unless I am hitting the rive for sauger, then its always minnows.
Ya ain't had my crappie nuggets.  :cool: <---  I will consider that an invite :D
Carp prepared correctly is pretty good, and I prefer my cats under 3 pounds.
And yes you are correct on my sig line!!!
Then, we have the Marty Felman fish, henceforth known as the "MFer." Used to sell the "MFer" "jig and crawler" around here for outsiders, few little gold spinners, few feathers, red beads, on leader with long shank hook for the crawler. Not too hard to tell one could make one's own. But why? Dead shad and crawlers catch cats. Shiners catch cats, crawlers catch cats, trout chow and butterscotch flavoring chum and necked hooks catch; naw. I don't count on that. Ditto on right size cats. "I caught a 10 lb. channel on a shiner." Me thinking, "Hope ya tossed it back." Now, a blue over 3 might be acceptable. Eh, crickets. Well, bluegill and shellcraker, yeah but bream are such thieves. Crawdads and grimpers--actually, I'd rather have grimpers--hellgrammites--rather than any live bait, if caught out of same body fishing. Once pierced with hook they exude some "come hither" pheromone, but not too thrilled having a 5 gallon bucket full of them on lake at night. Heck, they attack crawdads in same bucket and poor crawdad. (Must be confined space.)
Yes, carp can be "dressed out" (yes, almost a deer event) to be entirely edible, fat etc. out, lateral lines, like striper, but a 15 year old kid don know 'at. Which is what he was counting on: messing with my grandmother. Didn't live long but knew he'd been here. He also told my mother and grandmother to chew on poison oak twigs to make themselves immune to it. :rolleyes: Good thing they had a cow for the milk consumed on that one.
I don't extend invitations without utmost sincerity :D . And with that said, "Marvin" Jim Tom Hedrick's no exception. Finally met him at Graham Country Heritage Fest. in Robbinsville. He didn't know my grandfather but those other ole timers did; contact is relay system only. Also, since I play guitar and know every trad Appalachian song, like "Five Nights Drunk," "Wild Boar," "House Carpenter" (which nobody did better than Doc, RIP), a GUITar get ya anywhere with these guys. Here's a dear old friend, storyteller mostly, Jerry (the clean version). Gotta hit that garden again, more pod plucking. Have a good one. :party: