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Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
Devv said:
Well if you didn't already get the printer working send me a PM, it's not hard to setup...can't be any harder than making ferments :liar:
Burns are no fun, I learned not to wear a watch or rings in '78 when I shorted my watch between a battery and fender of an old Ford. It turned a pretty color but hurt.....
Scotty, got a guy coming from Onsite Solutions this morning. Says he can get the new PC and old laptop to print, sayin' how "hard" it is to set up Workgroup, bla, bla. Not even set up new printer yet--HP e wireless--well unpacked, put in the gazillion cartridges and selected lang. But if he doesn't set up a freaking network, thing won't scan or copy from new PC. If I have to PM you, gonna get my money back! I need it to print, scan and copy which ain't gonna happen unless on Workgroup. smdh
Burns = bummer. I'm sorry, Scott. But that'd do it. Right ring, no jewelry, thank God--worse thing with burns are clothes and watches or . . . friend, man with 20 lives, was putzing with old starter, battery, and was boosting carb with gas--gasoline on his hands, arms, etc. He always keeps beard to hide the scars. He's sober now too; we laugh about our stupid-days but this guy, for all my stupid, or anybody's goof moments, should be in Guinness Book. He holds record on "I should be dead."
stc3248 said:
Haha...that head'll be just fine with me...as long as it doesn't have any fleas. Good to see your smart ass hasn't been injured with this bug you got!
But bubonic fleas were the condition, darlin.' :cool:  Heck yeah, back! I also teach "Advanced Smartassery" for special ones like you ;) Now, that, my friend, is luuuuuv!
Daddy had a bad spell yesterday afternoon. Scared me to death; on two phones talking with Mama and this "Onsite Solutions" dude. Hope his surgeon schedules other carotid, tomorrow, ASAP. I mean, trying to listen and remain calm? I said "Gee!" to Mama and the dude on other line said, "No! It won't be a grand!" Really? :rofl:
stc3248 said:
Hope daddy is good lady...you've had 'nuff tragedy for a while. :pray:
edit...never type in the dark so early!
Aw, ya bein' nice so I gotta cancel the bubonic horse head.
New computer seems to be working. Just got through driving Mr. Daisy around but he swears gonna drive his truck home from bro's shop. Men--my bros--pretty dingbat: they came and got his truck yesterday. My father livid. I laughed and thought, "He'll just go get it tomorrow." And, he is. lol "Nuff is nuff." Thank you, Shane. ;)
Scotty, got a guy coming from Onsite Solutions this morning. Says he can get the new PC and old laptop to print, sayin' how "hard" it is to set up Workgroup, bla, bla. Not even set up new printer yet--HP e wireless--well unpacked, put in the gazillion cartridges and selected lang. But if he doesn't set up a freaking network, thing won't scan or copy from new PC. If I have to PM you, gonna get my money back! I need it to print, scan and copy which ain't gonna happen unless on Workgroup. smdh
Burns = bummer. I'm sorry, Scott. But that'd do it. Right ring, no jewelry, thank God--worse thing with burns are clothes and watches or . . . friend, man with 20 lives, was putzing with old starter, battery, and was boosting carb with gas--gasoline on his hands, arms, etc. He always keeps beard to hide the scars. He's sober now too; we laugh about our stupid-days but this guy, for all my stupid, or anybody's goof moments, should be in Guinness Book. He holds record on "I should be dead."
If the guy can't make that work.....well he's in the IQ group you mentioned earlier...you know the double digit one :D
And if I do get involved I'll do a screen shot tutorial in a word doc, or a webpage. If you can do a click here and do that with a pretty pic to show you where you're at, it will be easy. I would have a few questions to ask first.
Maybe that guy has earned a Darwin award?
Thanks, Scotty! But for what he/they charged, and how little time it took for something that "hard," I got HAD! But s'okay: they emailed invoice so something else to take off txes. Called li'l bro, Systems Analyst last night and asked if IT guys, commercially were the new car mechanics of old. My brother says, "You got off good: I don't leave the house for under a grand." (Of course he doesn't but then he's "in charge" of telephone systems server communication for half of NC.) Nowadays, mechanics shoot high, charge low. Of course it's a psychological trick. "Hard?" This dude had it all up, wired connection, wireless, shared, new printer installed, new everything in 10 minutes including cc swipe.  
Sad thing is, you and I could've done it as I'm winner of that Darwin, evidently. :rolleyes: But it works. (At some expense. But no way was I asking IT dept. from school--students/seniors--to come do me a freebie for cost of case of beer. They keep bringing dead desktops to my office and trying to fix 'em, sitting in office floor.)
I do have question but will PM you about it over weekend unless later this evening would be best.  I woulda asked my bro but he'd laughed or asked me if I had my cc ready. (Yes; he laughed at me paying that much, when after fact, he says he could have done it remotely. Riiiiight.) Again, thank you and we could've done it.   :mope: :rofl:  
Annie, as with anything... once you know it's easy. But don't feel bad for paying, you have to look at the time versus money thing. Lately it seems my time is flying by...but we discussed that a while back.
You know I learned my second career from Google? I was interested, I wanted to do it, and the information was there. I just thank the good Lord for the ability, AND for the great teachers that taught me how to read and encouraged me to think.
Yes we could have done it, it would have taken a bit longer though.
Glad to hear your brothers getting paid well, hah! Wish I was. I designed/implemented their phone system, networks, and server farms....but no real complaints, I don't catch fire in this job, it's in AC and has a retirement ;)
You know I don't do side work, but if a teacher I like has a problem I fix them up, what goes round comes round.
Enjoy the weekend! And send me that PM!
Devv said:
Annie, as with anything... once you know it's easy. But don't feel bad for paying, you have to look at the time versus money thing. Lately it seems my time is flying by...but we discussed that a while back.
Enjoy the weekend! And send me that PM!
True on the time issue and sent PM. Weekend hopefully processing the Habapiña sauce and could probably sell'n just send some peppers IF I had somebody picking or processing but can't do both! And just got GREAT SFRB from Pia so want to send at least one out to her! Pics coming soon as cats' needs are met (demanding).
Thank you Pia: and the labels are so neat and attached!
Upper from left: Black Naga (3), Mystery (3), Yellow fatalii x Red Savina (2), Yellow Bhut x Primo (2). 
Middle from left: Hurrikan (think this has to be a cross with hab white bullet but will have fun with it! 3), a not something that looks freaking hot (2), JA Hot Chocs (3), West Indies Hab (2 and pretty!).
Bottom from left:  Bubblegum!! YAY!, 3 Naga Morich, Fatalii x Red Savina, some chiltepin variety that's got a nice snack punch!
Thank you, Pia!!
Bodeen said:
Nice box of peppers!!!
Indeed, sweetie! How are your temps holding?
Devv said:
Nice haul from Pia!
Looks like some pain there!
Not gonna be too bad except for those crosses from Melissa--can smell that pain.
Made chicken fettuccine alfredo last night, after saving seeds from one yellow bhut, whacked into sauce, and whacked some the little Lolitas after saving seeds into sauce. Set them out like jelly beans in candy dish and my dear old friend, drummer backed me when this human who's known me for 30 years asked me if Lolita's were hot. Or were they candy. I said, "New breed of candy peppers." B.P. backed me: "Not. at. all. hot." :cool:
WalkGood said:
One of my all time favs "fettuccine alfredo," where's da pics ... me wana drool, lol. I hope you have an awesome weekend muchacha ^_^
Thank you, querido and a ti, lo mismo. LP has a pic on his phone as he just had to come over early and sample. His idea to stick the yellow bhut in there. Good thing he got pic then as most of us know he's an eating machine. No kidding. My manager and I bought 10 lbs. falafel in Village once--some store having sale--LP was in band, always hungry. (Dude's still skinny too, hmm.) But we were obviously younger which was what we attributed LP's gigantic HONGER/metabolsim back then. But not so! Anyhow, that's a lot of falafel, btw. What to do with it? Oh heck: the band! Fixed falafel meatballs, meatloaf, grilled, smoked a fatty once, just to feed LP. Got to point neighbors (and drummer) coming over and would leave at dinner when said, "LP's coming over too." Heck: they knew FALFEL was "the menu." After he got married I asked his wife how she fed him. She said, "I make him eat out first at MickieD's dollar deal."   
annie57 said:
Indeed, sweetie! How are your temps holding?
Going to hit 34 tonight by the looks of things.  I would continue to cover and fight the good fight to get those peaches ripened on the vine, but it isn't showing signs of improvement the next week and we are almost to November.  Had a good run, and since I froze last year on the 6th, I am happy with this late of run.
Cutting back all the plants I am wanting to save for OW and might try a couple ones I wasn't thinking about saving as a pure dormant test run.  Going to pick the remainder of my pods.  I did have three dozen ripen overnight that I had previously picked off greenish/part ripe.  Going to make for a large smoked medley for the end of the season.
Before I pick these to send out, who's interested, if anybody, in what. Some pics.
1. 7 Pod Brown x Naga:

2. Black Cayman (only ripe, not overripe, ones will be sent; also have choc hab etc. ):

3. Bonda Ma Jacques:

4. Datil

5. Douglah

6. Jamaican Red Hab:

7. Naga Morich (4 plants, help)

8. Orange Thai

9. Scotch Bonnet

10. Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend Yellow

Bodeen said:
Going to hit 34 tonight by the looks of things.  I would continue to cover and fight the good fight to get those peaches ripened on the vine, but it isn't showing signs of improvement the next week and we are almost to November.  Had a good run, and since I froze last year on the 6th, I am happy with this late of run.
Cutting back all the plants I am wanting to save for OW and might try a couple ones I wasn't thinking about saving as a pure dormant test run.  Going to pick the remainder of my pods.  I did have three dozen ripen overnight that I had previously picked off greenish/part ripe.  Going to make for a large smoked medley for the end of the season.
Sounds like a viable, doable plan, Jeff. Glad the weather has held out there longer than last year. They do ripen onight fast if they've started to turn. Still OWing a peach bhut? :rolleyes:  
Bump somebody?
GA Growhead said:
Your trin scorp moruga yellow look just like mine. Huge right?
Yep! Nothing lacking in pod size dept. from all the rain, earlier, Jason! Thanks for bump!
Yellow 7:

Yellow Bouquet (btw rock powdered with Y7)

Yellow Brain: (plant is above eye-level to me and am 5'5" so)

Yellow CARDI:

Yellow Fatalii: (have lots of red, too)

Also have Inca Red Drop, Aji Limon, lots of other stuff including some poddage that seems to be turning slowly on Red Rocoto but . . . also have the red TSMB, other annuums, taking forever for poblano to turn . . . paper bag coming to them, if they don't behave. Thanks for looking and anybody interested let me know, please! Only choc habs seem to be suffering and have Harolds St. Barts, didn't take pics of. Just fine pod-wise (a lot of 'em), just rushing through garden. Have great one and thanks for looking!
Hoo, that's a lotta pods Miz Annie... I guess the "flood's" cresting, eh? I made some hot oil for cooking with a dozen dried Bhut pods split lengthwise, together with the similarly treated dried Naga pods I got from Matt. Put the pods in the bottom of a Grolsch-type swing bottle and poured in enough hot vegetable oil to fill the bottle to the bottom of the neck. Left the bottle on a sunny windowsill for a week and shook the bottle up a couple times a day. The infused oil has a nice pepper flavor and a decent, but not overpowering burn. When I run out of oil, I'll just add more to the bottle. So it doesn't get stale, I'll replace the bottle next season. Just a thought... There are so many pods coming in right now that it's a chore to figure what to do with them all. Cheers!