• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
stickman said:
Hoo, that's a lotta pods Miz Annie... I guess the "flood's" cresting, eh? I made some hot oil for cooking with out of a dozen dried Bhut pods split lengthwise, together with the Naga pods I got from Matt, treated likewise. Put the pods in the bottom of a Grolsch-type swing bottle and poured in enough hot vegetable oil to fill the bottle to the bottom of the neck. Left the bottle on a sunny windowsill for a week and shook the bottle up a couple times a day. The infused oil has a nice pepper flavor and a decent, but not overpowering burn. When I run out of oil, I'll just add more to the bottle. So it doesn't get stale, I'll replace the bottle next season. Just a thought... There are so many pods coming in right now that it's a chore to figure what to do with them all. Cheers!
Great idea on infused oil, Rick! Flood done crested in July; hence pods and heat. Figuring what to do with them all . . . you forget I have your address! :rofl:
WalkGood said:
All dem pods look great and that bonnet has a perfect shape, great job Annie :)
Thanks Ramon! It's only 4 lobed, querido but next year is bonnet and bhut "heaven"--gotta have yellow 7's, yellow fatalii--won't mess with red again--hope to review Pia's West Indies and get on stick to review that perfect BG7 she sent, to taste and save seeds. How are seeds I sent you germing? New technique for saving seeds; would like to know how working. Man, narrowing down 2014 grow is getting harder! :rofl: Was going to process Habapiña today but my father had another dizzy spell; doc said Thurs. to expect that until next surgery is done. So, drove him around some this morning. S'okay. Honored to do it/grateful.
M'parents are hilarious. Got them up mnt. to card-vasc surgeon for appt. in his office last week. Dude says can do the other carotid any time. They both just sat there. I said, getting out my phone as doc got out his phone; between doc and I we scheduled next one for Nov. 8th. Coulda done Nov. 1 but doc outta town, so . . . but seriously: THIS IS YOUR CUE PARENTAL UNIT! They said nothing. :rofl:Personally, I'd been, "How about tomorrow?" But see, they wanted me to make that decision, thus should it snow up there = my fault. And it's also, people don't give older folks OPTIONS. Sad; but if ever taken an elderly person to doc, they don't offer options. But also, should it snow, it'll be my fault. So, I had this plan . . .
I took them to super-cool restaurant downtown for lunch. A-ville is the funky, quirky, cool, weird town in NC. I lived there. My way conservative parents LOVED it. My mother got in a civilized and intelligent discussion with former colleague, uber-liberal proff who ate with us, and they had a great time. :mope: See, gonna get a little "even" for them making me choose date of next surgery, and they loved it! My mother has always had a capacity to be a immense magnet for gay men. Always. (For one thing, she's drop-dead gorgeous still, has some sort of movie-star classy thang, dang.) So these guys came up admiring her necklace--mokume--I had it made/hand-crafted in Austin by a friend. My father? I expect him to blow a gasket over these guys, young men talking to my mother, gushing over her, and he just says, "We watch 'Modern Family.'" :shocked: So I make a spectacle of myself by yelling, "WHAT?!!" Not that I care, but shocked that they do! However, waiter thought I cared; didn't get a tea refill. No more service for me. (And I got the check.) On way outta town, Daddy says, "Pull through drive-thru at Bojangles and I'll get ya a tea, kiddo." My mother was howling, laughing. They played me. :tear:
Glad you showed us the garden, looks great!
Beautiful in fact!
Love the parental unit stories, both of mine live way too far away, one east, one west.
Enjoy the weekend!
GA Growhead said:
Well... atleast you did get some sweet tea in the end. :)
Yeah, there's that, Jason! :lol:
Bodeen said:
Peach bhut is currently soaking up the last sun it will get for a few months!!!  Along with 10 of his friends!!!
Only one peach bhut, Jeff?? :shocked:  :pray: lol, just kiddin.'
Devv said:
Glad you showed us the garden, looks great!
Beautiful in fact!
Love the parental unit stories, both of mine live way too far away, one east, one west.
Enjoy the weekend!
Garden feels like a wreck but gonna have to hang there until I get some boxes off to send, few more pods to dry/powder, actually, probably going to let frost have them! Last year, one frost didn't make a dent. That is, didn't kill them. Got dry after that and had to dig some plants outta ground, tree rootesque; only ones that tend to hate cold are those chocolates.
Most of my life have lived far away, Scott; now's a good time to . . . was gonna say "help them" but yes; that. Still can't believe they got me! :rofl: You have fun rest of weekend and try to lay off the yards and yards of heavy lifting? You won't but . . . I can try!   
annie57 said:
Great idea on infused oil, Rick! Flood done crested in July; hence pods and heat. Figuring what to do with them all . . . you forget I have your address! :rofl:
Oh please Miz Annie... Don't  throw me in that thar' Briar patch...  :shocked: 
M'parents are hilarious. Got them up mnt. to card-vasc surgeon for appt. in his office last week. Dude says can do the other carotid any time. They both just sat there. I said, getting out my phone as doc got out his phone; between doc and I we scheduled next one for Nov. 8th. Coulda done Nov. 1 but doc outta town, so . . . but seriously: THIS IS YOUR CUE PARENTAL UNIT! They said nothing. :rofl:Personally, I'd been, "How about tomorrow?" But see, they wanted me to make that decision, thus should it snow up there = my fault. And it's also, people don't give older folks OPTIONS. Sad; but if ever taken an elderly person to doc, they don't offer options.
I think that must be a generational thing... People from that time actually had enough liquid assets after the war to finally be able to afford doctors, and were inclined to assume the degree meant they must know what they were doing.  Those of us younger folks who grew up to take low-cost (for the times) health insurance like Blue Cross for granted have been exposed to enough Diploma Mill quacks to be quite a bit more cautious and ask more questions...
I took them to super-cool restaurant downtown for lunch. A-ville is the funky, quirky, cool, weird town in NC. I lived there. My way conservative parents LOVED it. My mother got in a civilized and intelligent discussion with former colleague, uber-liberal proff who ate with us, and they had a great time. :mope: See, gonna get a little "even" for them making me choose date of next surgery, and they loved it! My mother has always had a capacity to be a immense magnet for gay men. Always. (For one thing, she's drop-dead gorgeous still, has some sort of movie-star classy thang, dang.) So these guys came up admiring her necklace--mokume--I had it made/hand-crafted in Austin by a friend. My father? I expect him to blow a gasket over these guys, young men talking to my mother, gushing over her, and he just says, "We watch 'Modern Family.'" :shocked: So I make a spectacle of myself by yelling, "WHAT?!!" Not that I care, but shocked that they do! However, waiter thought I cared; didn't get a tea refill. No more service for me. (And I got the check.) On way outta town, Daddy says, "Pull through drive-thru at Bojangles and I'll get ya a tea, kiddo." My mother was howling, laughing. They played me. :tear:
Heh-heh... and that's why old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm... ;)
stickman said:
Oh please Miz Annie... Don't  throw me in that thar' Briar patch...  :shocked:  You feel like . . . Orange Thai.
I think that must be a generational thing... People from that time actually had enough liquid assets after the war to finally be able to afford doctors, and were inclined to assume the degree meant they must know what they were doing.  Those of us younger folks who grew up to take low-cost (for the times) health insurance like Blue Cross for granted have been exposed to enough Diploma Mill quacks to be quite a bit more cautious and ask more questions... True: they trusted and still do as we have to co-manage our health or get royally screwed. However, to my father's credit, he will argue and get a med bill corrected with NC Blue Cross (for death) in a heartbeat. But we get the cues. Which is what docs do. "Well you need to have a ___ scheduled." Me: "I got this and this open. So, if it's well with everybody, I'd prefer this date, time, etc. " I taught a class on co-managing health-care to recovering addicts. Kept it simple. Negotiate with a doc on when is good for you or they'll select it for ya, once you miss the option cue. "It's like if your dealer said he had skank and skunk, says so; just depends on whether you want heroin or weed." (I put it in terms to which they can relate.)
Heh-heh... and that's why old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm... ;)  True. Mama invented that brier patch and Tom Sawyer's paint brush.
But, upshot is, I feel renewed on my quest to return to my punk/funk. Besides, been wanting pair of purple high tops with yellow laces. Need some new Chuck T. lows so I can roll down socks and cuff jeans. Helping a friend funk-out pair of leather hikers she bought last year. Strange: they do not want me to teach in this type stuff.
Got pair leather Doc Martins with "Ann Richards" branded into hide. Looks cool with desert camos--hard to find small, small sizes but my buddy got me hooked into some. With my army green Harley camisole and Daddy's old fatigue cap. Brown Scuba to make it respectable. Yep! "It followed me to school one day" on my bod. Most liked look; dean and chair dept did notShould have changed before going into restaurant with the 'rents. Looked like some yuppie in the "pro" garb. Then, my stupid, "WHAT?!" comment . . .
But as my buddy, John Conquest (former editor of NME) once put it, mostly drunk, sitting on his Harley with bells, whistles, new cycle jacket that he loathed, "Let's face it. However hard we efffing tried, we're fading from red to pink even on the yuppie scale. Our punk is fu* ked." Then, just to try to get it back, we rode downtown Austin, busted his Shiner bottles in parking lot of cop station. Then . . . we swept up glass. (Had to borrow brooms and pans from cops. :rolleyes: ) I said, as we were sweeping, "This is just sad."
Bodeen said:
I only grew one this year.  I have three burgundy plants I am OW though.
Oh yeah; I forgot! My tasty yummy gastro destroyer. Dang, that burgundy has such a good taste! Thanks Jeff! :dance:  :party:
Hi Annie-
You wanna know something funny , every morning (whether it be a "midnight morning", a,noon "morning", or an actual morning), there is that glaring notification that
my THP time is glaringly lacking:"Reply to Annie 57....".LOL. I'm afraid , it has become my selfish way to have an automatic "THP Alarm clock"-its been a very busy year...Why is it as years go , they are always at extremes-insanely crazy busy, or hmmm, uh ,oh ,something better happen quick.....and never just right?Actually , I need a "hmmmm year break " LOL.Anyway you get the point.My glog this year may have , I'm guessing, wait for it...... 7 entries!I did at least manage to make that garden grow, despite my others half's(halves'???) unintentional subconscious efforts to thwart the grow!!!Yang to last years Yin , so maybe....I'll have the time to Yin again next year.So this morning, before the "to do's" started to hyperdrive the rock in roll....I swiftly obeyed the calling ;) !All work and no play,.....might drive Jack completely sane, and THAT, just would not do!
1) Now, I do get the chance to "hit and run", on here, and quite often, not much time for replies. I do always enjoy stopping in.Gardening fix via long distance :shh: !
2) Doctors are the new auto mechanics, or shady plumbers more accurately.WHO you get, is more important then what you have. The main motivation for many, is the cash! That comes with little to ZERO, real live "I give a f*ck"....pardon my not really french, but that is the only verbal way to convey the "from the GUT,driven need to do everything mentally and physically possible for each patient everytime" quality that so few individuals really possess.Gut:just distal to the soul, and proximal to the heart, as in heart and soul, and having nothing to due with actual organs. So ride em hard, and don't skip a beat to fire one or 2,or however many it takes to get a REAL one. When you thought "how about tomorrow", vs "next week", you thought right- can't emphasize that enough.I'll STFU now on this, but it is
a fearsomely strong soap box(understatement ) subject with me. That guy that you say should get the"I should be dead..."? I've been dead, though only for a few 
brief moments :rolleyes: ....but as a rather silly man, in a rather awesomely silly movie once said:"Well,.... I got better!".42 days of morphine drip later...and What doesn't kill you makes you more strong... :woohoo: I walked out. Give  no quarter, I didn't,and that's why I can even type this now.PREVAIL.
3) Somewhere I read about a wheel barrow/barrel, buying new one these days, that won't self destruct with a year of heavy use, is a virtual crap shoot. If you see an old one at a flea market, or anywhere else for that matter.Take no prisoners  and get it!!!!!!
4) I lost all semblance of framed replies when I saw the 7-Pot Brown x Naga cross, and your dilemma of what to do with them :party: .....shall I grovel?...or :mope: ....or
PM you?
Thanks for the "alarm clock"-
Have a good one,
annie57 said:
… Thanks Ramon! It's only 4 lobed, querido but next year is bonnet and bhut "heaven"--gotta have yellow 7's, yellow fatalii--won't mess with red again--hope to review Pia's West Indies and get on stick to review that perfect BG7 she sent, to taste and save seeds.
4 lobes are the best \o/ Pia’s pods should be cool, can’t wait to read your review ^_^
annie57 said:
… How are seeds I sent you germing?
You may have missed the picture I posed 6 seedlings born over a week ago, today I just transplanted to their first set of shoes from the eggs dat sprouted dem. Can’t wait to taste da BOC, thanks again :)
annie57 said:
…Man, narrowing down 2014 grow is getting harder!
Agreed, I have less time these days so I’ll probably get some losses, hahaha. Of the 6 BOCs I planted 6 popped but of the 6 Jigsaws I plants only 4, so that should help on cut back, lol. I will cut back, either from lack of involvement due to too much work or gifting more plants.
Your parents are too much, I haven’t even seen one episode of Modern Family but have seen the promos so I get it, lols.
Hope you have an awesome week!
gnslngr said:
Hi Annie-
You wanna know something funny , every morning (whether it be a "midnight morning", a,noon "morning", or an actual morning), there is that glaring notification that
my THP time is glaringly lacking:"Reply to Annie 57....".LOL. I'm afraid , it has become my selfish way to have an automatic "THP Alarm clock"-its been a very busy year...Why is it as years go , they are always at extremes-insanely crazy busy, or hmmm, uh ,oh ,something better happen quick.....and never just right?Actually , I need a "hmmmm year break " LOL.Anyway you get the point.My glog this year may have , I'm guessing, wait for it...... 7 entries!I did at least manage to make that garden grow, despite my others half's(halves'???) unintentional subconscious efforts to thwart the grow!!!Yang to last years Yin , so maybe....I'll have the time to Yin again next year.So this morning, before the "to do's" started to hyperdrive the rock in roll....I swiftly obeyed the calling ;) !All work and no play,.....might drive Jack completely sane, and THAT, just would not do! But it would redefine "Jumpin' Jack Flash" . . .
1) Now, I do get the chance to "hit and run", on here, and quite often, not much time for replies. I do always enjoy stopping in.Gardening fix via long distance :shh: !
2) Doctors are the new auto mechanics, or shady plumbers more accurately.WHO you get, is more important then what you have. The main motivation for many, is the cash! That comes with little to ZERO, real live "I give a f*ck"....pardon my not really french, but that is the only verbal way to convey the "from the GUT,driven need to do everything mentally and physically possible for each patient everytime" quality that so few individuals really possess.Gut:just distal to the soul, and proximal to the heart (+1), as in heart and soul (+12), and having nothing to due with actual organs. (+13) So ride em hard, and don't skip a beat to fire one or 2,or however many it takes to get a REAL one. When you thought "how about tomorrow", vs "next week", you thought right- can't emphasize that enough.I'll STFU now on this, but it is
a fearsomely strong soap box(understatement ) subject with me. That guy that you say should get the"I should be dead..."? I've been dead, though only for a few 
brief moments :rolleyes: ....but as a rather silly man, in a rather awesomely silly movie (+14) once said:"Well,.... I got better!".42 days of morphine drip later...and What doesn't kill you makes you more strong... :woohoo: I walked out. Give  no quarter, I didn't,and that's why I can even type this now.PREVAIL. Enchantée, Chev!
3) Somewhere I read about a wheel barrow/barrel, buying new one these days, that won't self destruct with a year of heavy use, is a virtual crap shoot. If you see an old one at a flea market, or anywhere else for that matter.Take no prisoners  and get it!!!!!!
4) I lost all semblance of framed replies when I saw the 7-Pot Brown x Naga cross, and your dilemma of what to do with them :party: .....shall I grovel?...or :mope: ....or
PM you? Given that I understood every symbol per concept that you wrote, DJ, please do. Might be end of morning of week before can get some out to you.
Thanks for the "alarm clock"- (strawberry)
Have a good one,
DJ (This was really raro on a rush from Pia's Bubblegum 7! But, fun! Annie)
WalkGood said:
4 lobes are the best \o/ Pia’s pods should be cool, can’t wait to read your review ^_^
You may have missed the picture I posed 6 seedlings born over a week ago, today I just transplanted to their first set of shoes from the eggs dat sprouted dem. Can’t wait to taste da BOC, thanks again :)
Agreed, I have less time these days so I’ll probably get some losses, hahaha. Of the 6 BOCs I planted 6 popped but of the 6 Jigsaws I plants only 4, so that should help on cut back, lol. I will cut back, either from lack of involvement due to too much work or gifting more plants.
Your parents are too much, I haven’t even seen one episode of Modern Family but have seen the promos so I get it, lols.
Hope you have an awesome week!
Hope to get by your glog and others' later this week, play super-catch-up but glad to hear, want to see, that the seed-saving technique works. Currently high, serious endorphin experience from half of Pia's Bubblegum 7. Problem with it getting cooler, after sweating = cold. lol
I've never seen show either because I don't do much t.v. but know the gist of it. Just shocked that my parents . . .
You know that a job will not diminish your grow! I have to come up with something viable (believable to me) to scale this back but then was gonna take it easy today; best laid plans . . . guess process another sauce tomorrow, or today by time you read, as nearly have grow-areas set up, cleaned and ready. See? Total compulsion.
Review of Pia/Sanarda's Bubblegum 7 Pod
I am NOT showing off this keyboard that Dell had the nerve to include with a new puter. Nope: have a new one ordered.
This is was a beautiful BG!

Brings to mind an old Alice Cooper song. "Only women . . . " (and if ya missed that, ya way too young or lived in cave). Pia just mentioned the West Indies Hab--that thing is killer--does taste like a really warm apple--but more on that later. My endorphin ADD has to stay on point.
Failed glam shot: (on paper plate with eyes)

Seriously pretty pepper, nice and firm.
Cut this thing and the 7 smell was powerful! Trin-i-dad! And loaded with seeds, and "juice"/oil:

So, the idea was to save every possible seed while keeping as much placenta as possible:

And that worked. Whew, the smell of this thing scared me worse than Shane's BG7 did. A lot of Moruga smell but the Yellow 7 was coming through as false comfort. Took a bite and chewed, and chewed a lot--fleshy pod, not dry at all:

Smell: smells heavy 7, not a light 7 like a pure yellow would. Potent odor.
Taste: sweet, nice and sweet with yellow 7 taste but that won't hang long until :onfire:
Heat: bam! Immediate. Chewed on one side to get those teeth numb (bubblegums make my teeth go numb; go figure or don't) and switched to other side to numb other set of back molars. Basically got my mouth lathered up with this juicy thing and then took another bite, finished the half and after that, couldn't see to take pics. Drool, sweat, snot, tears, while the heat decided to roam around but it stayed on tongue good while before going at upper throat, which was nice of it.
Taste again: could really taste the Y7 after it peaked (and I stopped spitting in cup so didn't slobber--numb teeth, too much saliva--needed dental suction dowiggy for this).
Heat again: man, got ya fire time with this one! Long lasting heat that hangs like moruga but chills out to some extent to experience aftertaste of Y7: pineapple coals?
Summary: gorgeous, firm pepper, honest pepper, with heat that hits automatically, terrific yellow 7 taste and heat that might be as potent (or definitely is) as the TSMB reds am growing. Much less back of throat pain than TSMB red, but has the lifespan of that pepper's heat. Astounding tasting pepper! Yep. "Scaling back 2014 grow" (lol) and saving these seeds as I type. Definitely going to grow several so can ferment a sauce and do a powder blend next year.
Thank you so much for allowing me to enjoy this, Pia! Worked a$$ off all day, cleaning up grow areas, flats, checking to see what need, going at garden some to get cleaned up, and fall clean-up downstairs in living/extra bedrooms. The pain's subsided in carpel tunnel. Definitely to grow :party: .