• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
Penny said:
Now that would be some great popcorn! :dance:
It was, Penny!
Jeff H said:
Did someone say spicy popcorn???? I'll be right over Annie. :D
Come on over, Jeff! Glad to share!
Devv said:
Very nice score Annie!
So when's the show?
Show as mean, movie-night (Crimes of the Heart), or show as in pic of invisible salts disappearing in butter? Also, I was too zoned, pigging out, to take pic. Ooops!
PaulG said:
+1 Penny - Hot popcorn sounds super!
It was good, Paul! Had 4 bowls set out drizzled in butter, testing eating each salt!! A little popcorn with salt?
maximumcapsicum said:
Hot popcorn does indeed sound super.
It is excellent, Adam--(I mean if one can do salt in diet and so far bp is low but maybe not after all these pepper powders and popcorn this month  :rofl: --- have gone popcorn with lots of powders have received as gifts.) Had smidgeon of porcini mushroom powder left and that rocked with infused salt too!
Thanks everybody for stopping in and commenting!
Show as mean, movie-night (Crimes of the Heart), or show as in pic of invisible salts disappearing in butter? Also, I was too zoned, pigging out, to take pic. Ooops!
Popcorn and movies just go together ;)
Great pepper lovin gift \o/
Me love popcorn too, I make mine with pepper infused oil sometimes and others with the infusted salt, way to go muchacha.
I'd love to wish you and da family a super Christmas and sensational New Year, hab a great weekend :)
Man, y'all Greg/PIC1 sent me killer package and tore into bonnet!! Thanks sooooooooooooo much, Greg!!

That Blackthorn might have to be next but am LOVIN' the Bonnie!

Devv said:
Popcorn and movies just go together ;)
Ain't that the truth. Be fun to actually go see a movie and take some salts and powders . . . I know one can get kicked out of a theatre for taking in a fifth of rum. Yeah, boyfriend knocks the damn bottle over during quiet moment in previews and these guys do come down with flashlights, take the rum, show ya out. Hmm. No reason not to take in some hot powders, salts and offer to fellow movie-goers. But, be more serious risk than losing rum and money wasted on tickets; so will keep them to self when go see August: Osage Co. with dear friend when it comes out. :lol:
WalkGood said:
Great pepper lovin gift \o/
Me love popcorn too, I make mine with pepper infused oil sometimes and others with the infusted salt, way to go muchacha.
I'd love to wish you and da family a super Christmas and sensational New Year, hab a great weekend :)
Yep, mi hermano, I can make meals off popcorn and it's actually good for one!
You and your family have a WONDERFUL holiday season as well!!!! :party:
Nice looking Christmas presents Annie. Nice job Greg. This is the second package I've seen. I have to check out your glog and see where those recipes are hiding. Have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year Annie.
That is a most impressive array of sauces from Greg, Annie.
The Bonnet sauce was the first one I opened, too  ;)  Really good stuff.
Guess what!?  Your package came today!   :dance:
:woohoo: I'm so stoked.  
Thank you very much, friend!
Scarecrw said:
Nice looking Christmas presents Annie. Nice job Greg. This is the second package I've seen. I have to check out your glog and see where those recipes are hiding. Have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year Annie.
Thanks Jeff! You have a fun and safe holiday season this year! Yes; folks here are immensely generous.  :party:  I can probably locate my recipes in this glog and want to post them in Hot Sauce Making so I know where they are as well! (Aside from hard drives. :rolleyes: )
PaulG said:
That is a most impressive array of sauces from Greg, Annie.
The Bonnet sauce was the first one I opened, too  ;)  Really good stuff.
Guess what!?  Your package came today!   :dance:
:woohoo: I'm so stoked.  
Thank you very much, friend!
You're welcome, Paul! And yes, "Mo Bonnet!" (I hope to be sick of saying that next year since am seriously investing seed space for MoAs, which sometimes becomes plants, which becomes garden/pot etc. space, come next year . . .) Have a good one, dear man! ;)
maximumcapsicum said:
Amazing! For the garlic and onion powder, do you make that by simply dehydrating garlic and onions?
Adam, however did you know there were garlic and onion powders in there? Yes: garlic dries fast if cut very thin as does any type of onion. Just slice thin, dehydrate and grind to power or flake wanted. Ginger is the one that's kicked my butt for flavor as no comparison to store-bought.
But if you mean Kevin's/Wayrights infusions, that's top secret :rofl: . Aka, I had to ask him. :shh: ;)
Hi Annie!
OKies, copy pasted the recipes into a Word doc, Thanks for posting!
Good on Greg for sending the sauces, enjoy them!
Have a Merry Christmas and a a Happy New Year!
Devv said:
Hi Annie!
OKies, copy pasted the recipes into a Word doc, Thanks for posting!
Good on Greg for sending the sauces, enjoy them!
Have a Merry Christmas and a a Happy New Year!
Thanks, Scotty! Improve on 'em and if ya do, just share, if you don't mind!
I am enjoying Greg's sauces and you have a lovely Christmas and New Year as well!
This is my "Kevin/Wayright made me do it" moment on infused salts. Somehow one thought leads to another. And I was thinking since we ferment peppers for sauce, this is Jack Keller's recipe for Jalapeño Wine. And of course my mind went off to Scotch Bonnets to Yellow 7's and Honey Orange Mead, perhaps back sweetened with some mango juice, if ferment is killed. (Possibilities are endless based off this recipe below and here!)
  • "16 large jalapenos (for less heat, use 8 jalapenos)
  • 1 lb golden raisins chopped or minced
  • 2 lbs finely granulated sugar
  • 1 1/2 tsp acid blend
  • 1/2 tsp pectic enzyme
  • Water to one gallon
  • 1 crushed Campden tablet
  • 3/4 tsp yeast nutrient
  • Pasteur Champagne Yeast
1. Wearing rubber gloves, wash jalapeno peppers and cut off stems.
2. Slice length-ways and remove seeds for mild heat, leave them in for very hot wine.
3. Place peppers in blender or food chopper with 2 cups water and chop coarsely.
4. Separately, chop or mince raisins.
5. Put raisins in nylon straining bag and, over primary, pour chopped jalapenos in with raisins.
6. Tie bag and leave in primary.
7. Add remaining ingredients except for pectic enzyme and yeast.
8. Stir well to dissolve sugar.
9. Cover primary and set aside 12 hours.
10. Add pectic enzyme, recover and set aside another 12 hours.
11. Add yeast and recover.
12. Stir daily for 7 days.
13. Wearing rubber gloves, squeeze nylon bag.
14. Transfer mash/must to secondary and fit airlock.
15. Ferment to absolute dryness (45-60 days).
16. Rack into clean secondary and refit airlock.
17. Rack twice more, 30 days apart.
18. Wait final 30 days and rack into bottles.
19. Can use or drink immediately, but will age if you add 1/8 tsp of tannin to ingredients. [Author's own recipe]"
That'd be just one way of doing it but is a simple base idea for a gallon of hot wine which could be used with infused salts. (Again, just thinking.) Because his wife talks about only cooking with it, I assume it's dry even with 2 lbs. sugar. Other sugars could be used instead as with honey for mead. Longer process but . . . just kicking ideas around in my head THANKS TO KEVIN! :rofl:
Thanks for looking! Peace. Annie