• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
Happy Mother's Day Annie Those babies are looking ready for the ground. They look great. You planting out this week??

Thanks Pia! That's the plant-out plan. As soon as this next cool cold front passes tomorrow night. Windy today, so should dry up garden more. This cold front, so graciously gifted from ONFREAKIN--no offense anybody there-TARIO, should come and go. Of course, regardless of the forecast, when crap stuff like this comes on suddenly, I expect instability in weather EVEN if they aren't calling for it. Or I have PTSD from recent weather and just am apprehensive. :rofl: Where about in NJ you live as I watched your last video, plants in ground?? Wow! Good on ya and I sure hope this front misses you!
Happy Mothers Day Annie.

Plants look great!

Camera's focusing on the larger items, mine does the same thing when trying to shoot flowers. I use manual mode. I don't have a macro, wish I did, I would have to buy a lens. But if yours does have a macro mode, that's the ticket.

Hope it dries up for you!
Wow, everything looks great, can't wait to see you plant every last one in da dirt, have a great day muchacha!!! PS don't forget to hug up and dale un beso a mami ^_^
Thanks Pia! That's the plant-out plan. As soon as this next cool cold front passes tomorrow night. Windy today, so should dry up garden more. This cold front, so graciously gifted from ONFREAKIN--no offense anybody there-TARIO, should come and go. Of course, regardless of the forecast, when crap stuff like this comes on suddenly, I expect instability in weather EVEN if they aren't calling for it. Or I have PTSD from recent weather and just am apprehensive. :rofl: Where about in NJ you live as I watched your last video, plants in ground?? Wow! Good on ya and I sure hope this front misses you!

Im in Plainfield NJ, 20 mins west of Newark. Yeah its sink or swim. I have a large tarp if it gets too cold. Should hover around 39 for the low. fingers crossed its sink or swim. I think they are definitely swimmers or they would all be dead. :rofl: :rofl:
annie57 said:
Bloom on Scotch Bonnet red--letting it stay since it seems persistent to bloom, regardless. And near plant out. Recall the red fatalii, I cut WAY back in early March because it looked weird. Still looks weird but . . .


Rebounded and looks less like a holly tree.

My SB yellow looks,and did kinda the same thing. It was an OW I didn't kill,nor did the rodent who found his/her way inside to help me prune it back :)
Update sans pics:
Planted out Pintung Long eggplant, Listada di Gandia EP, Black Beauty EP, 5 Viva Italia toms, 3 San Marzano Gigante 3 toms, and 3 Super Sauce toms today. Used a supersoil charger fert: compost, some Black Kow, 15 lbs. worm castings, 1.5 cups blood meal, 2 cups steamed bone meal, 2 cups colloidial rock phosphate, 2 cups JA bat guano (high phosphorous), 1 cup greensand, 2 cups kelp meal, 1 lb. mycorrhizae, 4 cups Epsom salt, 2 gallons worth powdered milk, 3 lbs Epsom salts. 1/2th cup added to hole. Added to each hole, 1 tablespoon dolomite lime, because pH is about right, and for cal/mag (as if BER can be stopped with paste toms early on but given weather, might not be bad year for it to happen, as temps will likely not fluctuate as they normally do), a little mycorr, wet holes with Actinovate and Biotamax in sprayer, wet around hole, hit it with Neptunes harvest and mixed with molasses, carbs for the nutes, filled and top dressed with compost, a little more NH w/molasses. Plant labels in ground but made some out of plastic knifes as well. Unrolled water hoses to garden, small issue with a sprayer but fixed it--clogged with dirt--no leaks in hoses! Yay! Have one hose I can cut to run drip and t-tape off Y with valves to beds and to garden.
Got late start--uncle came by this morning on his way to buy other uncle's boat--gave him some toms, an Orange Thai; he wanted a Trini Scorp Moruga Blend, so lol, gave him one those and a H. St. Barts. Thank GAWD he wanted heirloom toms.
Neighbors' daughter and her partner came over and relieved me of a few Brandy Boy--love those--hybrid, yes, but produce for me better than Celebrity, which has never done well here, but too much of a good thing, some other heirloom toms, some cuke plants, thank GAWD again, Lemon and Genoa Basil and 3 varieties eggplants. They gave me 10 bucks. Sweet. Can have handle replaced on one shovel. Keeping the handle: Shane teaches well! "Use those shovel handles!" And the guy who said he would, mowed around garden, so he called and is picking up some toms tomorrow. He wants Better Boys: HA! Take them! Again, praise the Lawd. For the toms, he mows around garden all summer: trades are good deal.
But between unk and the plant-out, ran errand for my mother, went by Lowe's and got el cheapo 42" tomato cages for cukes or may use old cages, upside down for those, garden staples to hold them down or tent stakes, and some el cheapo tomato stakes--not the good stuff--for paste toms. The bigger toms get bigger cages and real stakes or t-posts. Staking up pepper plants this year, maybe caging some. Those runs cost me time. Just getting organized was well, getting organized. Glad ran the tiller over the lower three rows/beds yesterday, opening up, let a lot of moisture out, after taking wheelbarrow after wheel barrow load of compost to it, tilling in, added perlite too--drainage--running the tomatoes closer together this year. Still respectable distance but plan on pruning for a while, then stopping--they'll do what they'll do, because need space for peppers. Peppers get extra special treatment--just more worm castings and bat guano to the mix. Using FFarms 5-5-5 organic. We shall see.
Getting out there early in morning, after drop-off shovel--want this done by Friday. So can mulch to prevent splash ups in the event of thunderstorms. Went out by headlamp and toms looking stressed, in pots, already looking happier. Will probably save some partial shade--the evil black walnut--but its roots are deep at that those spots, hopefully no harm, for the manzanos because can already tell they want it, and they want it cooler. Pics when it's all done--nicely surprised that have no weeds in there! Should be by now but proof the manure and 6 inches+ deep wheat straw as mulch and turned under in fall works well. Also, never seen this many worms in the garden: LOADED :dance: . Gonna help them out as soon as its done by going down road for pond water near spawning areas, since the pond is NOT close by, but close enough, making 15 gallons AACTea, cut it with pond water and molasses, as a first foliar/soil drench feeding to help ward off bugs and to help kick them in, since late start. Not concerned so much about nons as am peppers, getting late start. Anything to help them without ODing them.
Hope everybody in "the temperate" zones--that have not been--are getting plants to dirt! Any/all suggestions welcome on what I'm doing, aka, trying to avoid containers. Peace. Annie
Nice looking goodies, Annie. Never, thought about inverted tom-cage for cukes. I may go with that instead of rigging something.
I like your super soil mix, mines a little bland by comparison :)
Thanks for reminding me about the about the AACT. I gotta get a brew going.
annie57 said:
Yep, Shane! Waste no wood, want no wood!
I think this is subtle for your pics suck tea-kettles, but hey: JUST KIDDIN! ;)  I could've gone trash-mind with the wood discussion, well, and written it, but I was so damned tired . . . but today is all better :rofl: Just in some pain, but it'll pass.
WalkGood said:
Details, details, details but where's our pictures ;) :D  Great job and I hope you know I'm kidding, I do like to read your details but again, where's the pics ;) hahahaha!
Ramon, Ramon . . . Ramon, mi hermano, querido . . . I was going to say something in Spanish but my mind just went, "Sunburn on back on heating pad . . . jodido, jodido . . . jajajaja . . . there will be pics. With any luck, bumming my SIL's great digital "motion piture" cam, be a video, as that'd just be mo/lo mas facil. :P Besides, I can code-switch with my voice that way and sound like some alien. Besos!
DesertChris said:
Plants hitting the dirt!!
:dance:  :dance:  :dance:
Dang right, Chris. Thought I was going to join them in "short rows" this afternoon. Eating Naproxin like candy, lol. Other half: you're gonna kill your stomach. I'm limping around, as if I care about my stomach! smh
Devv said:
+1 on 531!

Glad you got to get your hands dirty!
Hands, feet, legs, face, back, front, and we won't go into fright-scale, sitting on straw bale, mixing up/blending more of the supersoil fert: earwig, short-super-short worn out jean shorts. Hmm. But I nabbed him, squished. At that point, there's no icky, fear, just "kill." Sunburn feels good! And they say folks who're Cherokee don't burn? No biggie: so nice to feel the sun beating down in 90F!!!!! Ah!!!!!!!
JJJessee said:
Nice looking goodies, Annie. Never, thought about inverted tom-cage for cukes. I may go with that instead of rigging something.
I like your super soil mix, mines a little bland by comparison :)
Thanks for reminding me about the about the AACT. I gotta get a brew going.
Hiya, Carl! You got how many in dirt now? I HATE tomatoes. I swear I hate planting leggy toms! But it's done now and I just adore it. Ya know how that goes. Ferts won't kill anything, don't reckon. Bland is good! My worm castings were little wet still but what the heck. Beats an oops moment, when I let them dry in sun for couple days (or longer) last spring. Had to put in contractor's garbage bag and pound them into friablity with 2 lb. mallet. They're at the compost tea "staging area" in paint strainer, bubbling away. Life's good. Now, if I can tote that tea to garden tomorrow . . . . "toter's" about toted-out. Had I been thinking, would have been much easier to run a drop-c to the pond water in buckets @ garden, rather than just kerplunking 3 5 gals pond water outside basement door. But it's all grand, long as I can get out of bed tomorrow. Or get somebody, ahmm, to roll me out. I done been duly "fussed at." I don't understand if he thinks "[I'm] gonna kill [myself]" why the heck he don't go dig some holes? LOL! But that's cool too. We all have our passions and dirt, growing, gardening, isn't for some folks.
The upside down old cages aren't good for much of anything else, so rather than go t-posts, cattle panel, worked out pretty well last year. I started messing with a couple like that at Christmas and thought hubby was gonna stroke out! Peace hon. What all you got going on in that I bet not "bland" regime?
I've been remiss on keeping up with glogs but am determined to get sweet and hot peppers in tomorrow. Then, I have some catching up to do with everybody. LOVING this weather! Hope it's wonderful and hot for everybody! Thanks!
I know, I can't believe how hard a puck of worm casting can get. Protein? Elmer should investigate. 
I've put in about 120 plant's toms, peppers and a few herbs in the past two days. If I could repeat that today and tomorrow, I could say "C'est fini", but I'll probably have to work up some ground first. I've started a 4x10 and 4x14 plus the winter spinach bed (about 4x10) is ready to pull. There is a little bed space available now, but cukes, squash, and I just gotta plant a gourd or two, or three. The row garden has about 140' left plus a  row I'm determined to keep in cover until next spring except for a little sweet tater patch. If I don't run out of serotonin,  I am gonna container grow a few chiluns even if I don't run out of space.
5:48, chompin' at the bit,
JJJessee said:
I know, I can't believe how hard a puck of worm casting can get. Protein? Elmer should investigate. 
I've put in about 120 plant's toms, peppers and a few herbs in the past two days. If I could repeat that today and tomorrow, I could say "C'est fini", but I'll probably have to work up some ground first. I've started a 4x10 and 4x14 plus the winter spinach bed (about 4x10) is ready to pull. There is a little bed space available now, but cukes, squash, and I just gotta plant a gourd or two, or three. The row garden has about 140' left plus a  row I'm determined to keep in cover until next spring except for a little sweet tater patch. If I don't run out of serotonin,  I am gonna container grow a few chiluns even if I don't run out of space.
5:48, chompin' at the bit,
7:13 sore . . . doc wanted me to work upper body more for neck. (Dun't think this what he meant. Oh whale.) YOU MADE MY MORNING! "If I don't run out of serotonin . . ."
Lord, child, gourds . . . I should've sent you some neck pumpkin, or as my grandmother called them, Japanese Sweet Tater, seeds. They look like gourds but are a winter squash. (Shucks, you just reminded me of luffa seed. Geez. That might not happen as I could make sponges for 2 counties now.)
Japanese sweet taters run and run and . . . run. Gump finally quit: "I'm purdy tarred. I think I'll go home now." Heck, no. Just gotta stay on them and pinch flowers after they set what ya want. Great tasting winter squash!
Just maters and herbs here. Too damn many toms. At least looking forward to Pink Berk Tie-Dye and Red Boar. For some reason Black Krim does better here than Cherk P. But then, watch these couple fool me this year. Cheated and grew Brandy Boy. I know it's a hybrid but I get more tasty crop and less disease issues w/them than Brandywine SS. Got most of the holes dug for the peppers, which as we know on dry, rocky, "sloping" ground, is just hell on feet in boots. I wish the local jerk squirrels could be trained to dig those since they dig up every other bulb I got. But nice thing is, sinking that shovel in, sadly killed a few, but worms for ages. More worms than that garden's ever known. I bet you have those too, with the work you've put into soil. Wanna cover crop it next year, but dang, hot peppers just keep giving until end of October. What cover crop will set after first frost?
Going by the feet left in garden, huh? Carl, get outta whatever else ya may do and farm.
  Farmers only ones who speak in terms of feet or acres.
I'm at 100+ as well, but if I can, physically, gonna try to get in about 80 pepper plants today. Peppers are just easier than toms--less of a grave to dig. Since I want to make powders/sauces combining, aside from bell varieties, planting out some Sweet Apple, which is, theoretically supposed to make sweet paprika, Aconcagua, etc. 32 sweet or mild and 48 hots and superhots. Probably have to dig the pubs up, OW, maybe. However, yellow looks like it wants to pod. Have room left for summer/winter squash. Okra frozen still from last year: not battling that stuff again. Supposed to have been Crimson spineless but had to pick with step ladder. Getting it out in fall was a day adventure in wet soil. Heck, I'll buy some at f-market if I want some for hot pickled. Just don't have the room. And not planting that "brand" again without cherry picker and bobcat :P.
Also might container plant a few peppers--no toms--just as experiment--fun, fun, mixing soil. Then again, if I can get all these peppers in garden, might wash off roots, stick in mix, in container to OW, as saved some Promix, pine mulch might have decomped good deal over summer--with the help of some blood, bone, kelp meal. If so, will bag whatever's left to maybe use next year. At this point, just want stomach to cease from Naproxin. Or maybe if I go dig more holes, everything else will pale in comparison. Planting peppers close. "They need air circulation." Uh, I call that "wind."
Ya never said what your "bland" hole mix was. Inquiring minds. ;) Off to hit'n git it. Have a good one!
Annie, Shane might just have the right of it, your update are just chock full of great information. Last year i might have had to look up a few things to make sure I was understanding right but I'm on top of it too. Oh and I love the tid bits of country humor and charm you throw in too. 
Hope your muscles relax a bit for ya and you get to feeling better, heck it's Friday Eve :)
Cool, glad you're finally out there having fun :dance:
Yeah, I know it's a lot of work, but soothes the brain type. Dang 96 here today, forecast was 82, but you know how that goes...
Don't over do! (said the pot to the kettle)
Hmmm, never heard of a neck pumpkin other than cushaw.
Yeah Okra. Pickled is best. Better than a pickle to me. I just can't stand around waiting to nab it before it gets too big.Blink and you missed it. I lacto-ed some last fall - 'tweren't bad. Thaw that stuff, sausage, shrimp, peppers to taste, and make some gumbo. I finally figured out what  filé is and the stuff grows all over the top of me but hasn't leafed out yet.
I can't believe I've set out 120 plants plus 30 today. I should do a recount and make a map while I'm at it.
I'm swearing off toms for a few days, and focus on my little Capsicum counterirritating chinense friends.

Oh, yeah, "bland" is VeryOldDressagePooh, mini-nuggets, mountain sand, dolamite, and azomite