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ANTI - news

i usually don't watch the news at night or read a newspaper. if i need the news i just use the internet. I am starting to become anti-news now. there is NEVER any good news. it's depressing to read the news anymore. lets see the headlines today: man throws baby out moving car, gruesome photos of dead teen surface on net, wildfires scorch CA, etc, etc, etc. seriously anyone else get this way - no news is better than this crap.

I get most of my news from the "alternative" news site, Rense.com, you kinda have to weed through some bs, but really good stuff for the most part.

I never watch "Faux News" or any of that other stuff they call "news".
I usually only see what pops up on comcast.net before I skip to THP. If nothing grabs my attention I just move along.

"It's not news, its fark!"

I go there for the awesome headlines and snarky commentary in the threads. Also where i get most of my ridiculous web images to post in threads. Even plop down the $5/month for totalfark :)
Txclosetgrower said:

"It's not news, its fark!"

I go there for the awesome headlines and snarky commentary in the threads. Also where i get most of my ridiculous web images to post in threads. Even plop down the $5/month for totalfark :)

Yeah, Fark is the shizznit. They seem to have a particularly wonderful distaste of Florida too.
THE NEWS: fear (flu), be afraid (war), more fear (crime), some loathing (I just hate them), more fear (whatever), and now the weather. AND HOW ABOUT THOSE LAKERS!!!
i will agree main stream media can be stupid. look at the whole swine flu thing - the way the media made it sound it was the end of the world, the next black plague, everyone lock yourself in your house till the threat is over and it's contained. blown way out of proportion. i was saying from the beginning it wasn't as bad as the media made it sound. 100 ppl in the US have it - ahhhhhhhhhh. i'd hate to see what ppl / media would do if it really was serious.
Agreed with the swine flu coverage.

The freaking media is a bunch of fear mongering dumb ass anti-Christ's that would sell their own babies to get a story. As long as it has death and misery in it. The swine.
lets all join hands and walk in to the lake.

SAY I LOVE YOU TO YOUR LOVED ONES NOW, U aint gunna get the chance otherwise.
DaveReed, I agree with you, entirely.

Progression(??) of news:

How much of the so called news is actually just re-hashed press releases, with no inquiry?
Talk Radio for me, TB is right print is dead. I heard yesterday that John Kerry want to introduce language to bail out the newspapers. (tax payer bailout that is)

On another note, it rained its balls off last night. It was raining so hard i had to stay in the bar until closing...